VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Witch Hunter Trainer [2023-08-07] [Team Borsch]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is the only thing that gives this more than one star. The English is broken at best and full of typos and nonsensical sentences at worst. Cupid is annoying as hell, the game itself is a slog and grind, even after cheating in a ton of money. Can't catch a fuckin' fish no matter what, and you can easily get locked out of the story.

    What a waste of potential. Whoever does the art for this, leave this shit team and find someone who can write and plan a good game, please.

    Edit: actually, nvm, one star because there's still hardly any nudity/H-scenes. what a waste
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    LMAOOOOOO, people waited on the devs for a year and some change, to deliver no more than 30 minutes of dialogue, and a sex scene where the female protagonist gets fucked by not the main protagonist, but some sewer fish man. Couldn't be me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I don'T understand why this game is so low rated.
    Story is nicely written
    Art is well drawn and with a big variety
    Grind is low
    It's a good trainer game with a unique Story.
    If u don't like this style of game stay away but the game is good.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    three years, barely any-content
    three years, and it's only now that we have an actual sex-scene with the female-lead (you know, the "witch-hunter" in "witch-hunter trainer"?) and it's not even with the MC
    the grinding is also pretty tedious

    this is just another excuse of a "game" to milk patreons,
    don't even play this game for free
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    For over three years of work, it falls very short on quality and content for that time scale. Also the main person you are trying to train gets taken by someone else before you ever got too do anything with her in a very short recent update if you can call it that.

    You do a lot of tasks for very little rewards. Someone else seems to be doing the training with the main woman you are trying to have sex with and by that I mean they are the one having sex.

    So the game is kind of wanting to be a trainer game but doing everything possible to make it unrewarding on that path within the game. Seems to be delaying development for whatever reason you want to think of yourself. But the last update was not satisfying and hardly fills me full of confidence for its future.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not a game.It's a simple swindle to make as much money as possible.Developers only provide enough content to just keep interest. It's no problem that they look stupid to their patrons,but it's sad to undermine confidence in fair developer games.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible update schedule by the developer who need 7 month for 1 scene and 1 quest.
    Bad facial animation on the new CGs.
    They intruced ntr and lied about the content of the update on patreon.
    For me this game is dead now and the developer and there methods are more alike to a certain darth Star wars game developer . Keep your hands off this game
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    i will add more stars if new wholesome scenes will be added, i dont like the idea of werewolf being just a vampire illussion, would prefferred it to be real fictional character in the game, scenes with girls in the forest was ok nothing crazy tho, what i liked the most was training and baths and i hope scenes with mushrooms will be awesome, and hope for scene with dog and zombies in cementary too, gotta check latest update for zobies, the sound effects are just masterpiece guys, simple morning breakfast was sounding amazing to ears and i added 1 star for interesting gameplay and story, add awesome scenes that with mushrooms and bdsm like in gulliver and molesting by them on the ground and u have 4/5 easily

    so i checked new images added... its all cockblocking with jack, no spicy scenes beside werewolf and perhaps "merman", no new stuff with mushrooms, no new stuff with dwarf, no new stuff with zombies, i thought clowns will go after jack but ok... there was some scenes in the garden but i found those as cockblocking softcore, brothel scenes arent to my liking, after 4 years i think i can finally say i am dissapointed perhaps my expectations were too high about where this is going, if this is just beginning of the game that leads to more spicy stuffs with jack then i dont know what to say when after 4 years this is just beginning... i have to lower score to 2/5
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I had avoided this game for a while because it didn't seem very fleshed out. I had several hours to kill today and said "what the hell, let's check it out" . After playing I can certainly say this game has a lot of promise however what it has in promise it certainly... and I mean it... most certainly lacks in content. I've seen from other users that this game has been in development for 3 years and after reading that I just laughed. There's one sex scene in which you get cucked and the other scenes are certainly sexy but can't hold the game up by themselves. Additionally, there seems to be a progression ending bug - or rather just a placeholder questline where you have to send Jack to mop the cemetery but it is not progress-able by opinion. A similar situation can be said with the book questline. I can manage to get a book for Jack but never give it to her. If that's the end of progress I really wish the developers made an in game note of it (Similar to how four elements trainer lets you know you've reached the end of a questline). This brings up another point the game really needs a better quest-tracker.

    I really do want to emphasize that the strongest point of this game is certainly the art and Jack. I found myself rolling my eyes and wishing the character Cupid hadn't been included.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    So, 7 months for 30 min update with 1 scene... i really want to like this game hell characters like Jack are my fave the whole girl pretending to be a dude but man the grinding not to mention not to mention the fact this game has been out for a while and yet so little content really sad
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    need a really hard work but the game have much "potencial", the story is very very poor, but the characters have charisma, the girl of the Jack she is sexy, but not exist a gallery in the game and need save if you want see scene of Jack.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Played this one about 2 days.
    The idea is very good, mechanics are good too.
    - Character design is very good.
    - Story seems to be interesting.
    - Some events will surprise you.

    - Poorly worked events following system (you will get stuck or locked with no clues on what to do at all).
    - Poorly design tips for important ingredients.
    - Minigame Fishing is a graphic mess.

    The game and ideas has great potential, but it will not work unless the devs put some effort on tips, reminders and events following.
    3 Stars.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art and sometimes fun themes placed behind a rough game experience.
    It's a 4 or 5 by the art but only a 1 or 2 by the game play.
    Since for an adult game the game play is kind of what sets it above an adult comic, going to rate on the low end.
    Maybe if there was a good walkthrough or game play mod it would help.
    As it is though, it's not a 'bad' game it just... has a supbar game experience, and slow updates, and other issues which place it below where it has the potential to be.
    That art though... nice.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 522652

    I feel so conflicted:

    The good:
    + amazing 2D artwork, with a nice industrial atmosphere
    + awesome animations
    + great soundtrack
    + original story, with nice main (and side ) characters
    + trainer / corruption

    the bad:
    - extreme rare updates, story not progressing
    - bad English translation (almost comical)
    - confusing gameplay (to leave town when you are in the bar, you need to go back to your room, first)
    - no hint system

    All things considered, I would not recommend this game to a friend at this point. Most likely outcome, you will be hooked and sad to see so much great potential and talent wasted.

    2 fast & major updates with real story progression / corruption and better English, we would all give the game 5 stars. But, sadly, that won't happen.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Very little content worth spending your time on, I've been keeping an eye on this one for a while because the art style is quite pleasing, but the amount of content that has been added since then is pretty abysmal. Not even counting NSFW content, which is few and far between and often takes a helluva grind to get to. This might have been considered one of those "has potential" games a year ago, but since then it's proven itself to be a slog in terms of development progress.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Just to type esomething. So dissapointed with the contents. Used to support but stopped after realising, the devs are just milking for money.
    Little to nothing progress. Drawings are good, thats it...
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I have to type something to submit a rating but it's as others have said, sorry for the repeat.
    Garbage waste of time with little content. Looks like a patreon scam indeed. Don't bother.
    It's a shame as there is talent in the artist.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Great start, was excited about it, become a patron for some time - but the further it goes the worse it become - updates are small and rare, story almost not progressing, only art is good. Last promise about BIG update(developed for 3 month) ends in 2 min of dialogue and 5 pics, makes me laugh.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Sadly no main content after 3 years of development ...
    It has good art ,
    good story
    and if you like trainer games its looks fun at first , and it would be a great game, but after you see its developed for 3 years ...
    I suggest to find an oder game not this scam .
    And i am rly sad to say that .
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Awfully low amount of content, next to no scenes involving main girl apart from voyeurism. Don't waste your time, this trainer game is not worth the invesment in any way. I mean, the art is great, and the game is kind of fun, but only for like, an hour tops. (Note: An hour of enjoyable gameplay with a game that's been developed for 3+ years now. So don't expect an update.)