That awkward moment, when 5686 £/month is not enough to even try to put your shit together, eh?
So now you make an AI excuses? Cool.
For those who missed half their classes during school, I'll explain:
Dude trying to convince us, that processors 85°C is so hot, that it emanates enough heat so the whole case is like a stove. Cool story, bro. Problem is - for significant part of modern processors 85 is somewhat above average working temperature. If by any means it is not for that particular model(which colud be in case of malfunction) - just how big your processor is exaclty to warm up ENTIRE ROOM? a cube with a side of 2 feet? Then coolers should be 3 to 5 feet diameter is suppose with hard drive in the size of bed.
And - yeah, computer diagnostics can be free if you use google sometimes. And clean dust regularly.
"Being next to such a hot processor was not particularly comfortable" then use insulation izolone maybe? Or a fan? Or both?
Can't shake the feeling the whole thing was written by poorly trained AI.