Hello All
In short please continue sharing your ideas, we will do our best to listen. We are even considering to add load / save option to an external file, even tho it won't contain all information only because of this forum discussion. Plus we don't mind unlocking everything content for you or even collaborate on making an incest patch possible.
I suggest not to waste time trying to extract .appdata from windows folder, I tried, it's a mess and game would miss many story parts as they would become unreachable using random skips I also don't mind adding special extra character skills, but we plan to redesign them in a way to not feel grindy plus during training you will experience sex scenes, example: you train strength in a way you are lifting weights while receiving blowjob, or do push ups while girl is having sex with you, etc. And despite this is currently not in the game, having all stats maxed out would later result in skipping this content. We are open to all reasonable ideas.
Regarding mom Judy, Jess and Katy they will receive new sex scenes in upcoming 2 months, at least one for each. Meanwhile you may take a look on the following changes coming:
If I may have one open question for everyone - How much would you prefer to have a ''guide which would lead you always - eg. for players who don't like to go through locations on their own in open world' - it would simply work like we have a tasklist - individual objects would light up and game would follow you through the story in a sequential order A->B->C->D' - this would of course be compeltely optional and turned on/off. (There is a huge discussion between continual vs open world way how to experience the story, so this is just an idea how to make the best of both worlds by player choosing, what do you think? Or provide any other ideas, open to talk.)
First peak to new upcoming locations.
During the following months we will release more locations that will be used for later, but they will be available even earlier. We have worked on these locations in the past year and have most of them designed, just take a look what will soon be part of the World of Sisters game. (+To explore family taboo situations in detail this will make stories more realistic and believable. Which was our plan all along for 4 years of working on the game.)
Updated and expanded locations - School will have new halls and entrance to new places like psychology and crown jewel - sexual education making it more complete.
Mall expanded - Namely ''Left mall'' section unlocked (as a preparation for reputation system to make rapport with game characters easier with possible boosting for those you want to explore quicker). Maybe even right mall with sex shop. (But maybe we will put it into downtown city tile on the map, not 100% sure atm.)
Services map tile unlocked - Eg. in the ''Mall'' you are buying stuff, and there will be new location called ''Services'' which will be more about a place to spend time with the girls, like in beauty salon, nails or cosmetics and even possibility to work there for money (implications to series like IT crowd / The Office or Frasier - simply said place to earn money following prepared storyline and having fun doing it so it won't feel grindy) First we will unlock this location and story will be added later. So we can start using it here and there.
Museum - Something to explore from ancient times to middle age up to a modern art with some mini games, puzzles and a little bit of mystery following Ted Bear's questline.
And some extra sub-locations to visit - picnic = grill place / open air cinema etc..
Sub locations will become accessible at certain player level and shown on the top next to map GUI icon. (Don't worry we tested it and it's not confusing, it's usable)
Jokes included - We won't forget about the humor part too - and each location will have something to do there. With more items even in existing locations. Just not right from the release day as mentioned in previous patreon post, but step by step.
These will involve multiple locations, type of the day / afternoon / evening cycles.
Fun overhearing sets of joke talks through multiple locations (completely optional) - in the end counting up to 300.
So all locations will have at least some reason to visit them, at least for good laugh.
As well as other 5 beach locations:
All in variety of times through the day:
And also the new map tile location - Downtown
Where you will be able to meet Gary and his friends will meet up in
Pub-Bar with unique dating tales - basically How I met your mother, but more perverse crazy stories.
There will also be a bartender telling unique stories too. And you can bruise deeper into the the night
downtown city streets covered with colorfull lights
Notice on the right side - there will also be a red-light district with alley of prostitutes

Which will have influence based on your decision to be friend with Gary as your wingman if the date goes wrong there will still be someone to have sex with you.
Our idea is to unlock more locations and fill them up over time
with sexual explicit content and stuff you can do, no matter if it will be just hiring a prostitute or going with your date on a picnic in the park, or a quickie in the bushes, it will all be possible with more places to go so we can tell the story that will feel unique - it wouldn't make sense to do sex only at home or in the school, fucking girl at her place at home with parents in, or more variety can create more tension and risky situations (sometimes unexpected, or even on purpose - exhibition sex)
As you can see we have many things planned and in the works. We will unlock new locations continually within smaller updates and ideally we want to always include location specific sex scene that comes with bigger ones.
Thank you for supporting our project, we know it's not about items or locations, our primary focus will be about taboo content, and for that we need to create story situations believable and different places are needed for variety of girl game characters with different interests (and it will be up to you to figure out which girl prefers what, no matter if it's a schoolmate, sister, teacher or even your mother. CHEERS!