Thanks. So the classic one missing IF-string again...this patch is on discord that seems to be working
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Thanks. So the classic one missing IF-string again...this patch is on discord that seems to be working
The events should have the author's name in them.good job, thank you very much,
but my little suggestion, you can change the events for 20 or 30 sec videos???
and these folders have errors
The label Whitney_Westgate_event_talk is defined twice, at File "game/girls/125Whitney_Westgate/events/Whitney_Westgate_event_1/Whitney_Westgate_event_1.rpy", line 98:
label Whitney_Westgate_event_talk:
and File "game/girls/140Bailey_Brooke/events/Bailey_Brooke_event_1/Bailey_Brooke_event_1.rpy", line 86:
label Whitney_Westgate_event_talk:
Maybe you can compress your mod for get less size?my modpack V2.7 is out now it adds 5 more models to the gameYou must be registered to see the links. please come join my discord if you would like to help with it or want models addedYou must be registered to see the links
most of the files have been compressed its just the sheer number of files and any video files are always gunna be big. you can download my mod singulay if you prefer thats the reason i uplaoded them single files. but when i get to 100 models im going to go back through and try to compress more but i dnt think im gunna save that much room per model. but thanks for the tip manMaybe you can compress your mod for get less size?
0.22 version,interestingHappy Holidays everyone.
Please check out the mod spreadsheet if you would like updated modpacks.
Don't be afraid to mix and match different girls from different modpacks. I recommend giving the work that Jordan, Dreadknot, Yup and D.stu have done a try as well.
As always, in regards to my modpack at least, the video scenes in exams events may not necessarily match the setting or action label EXACTLY. This is done just to provide as much visual aid as possible for the specific girl in the modpack (as some have requested heavily).
I would encourage giving the 'README (photoshoots)" .txt file a quick read for important context for my modpacks photoshoots. Also making use of Jordan's additional sponsors may not be a bad idea for some of the photoshoots I have made.
1. Download and extract modpack. (also the mod-script if more exam-actions are desired)
2. Place your preferred model(s) in the main game's "girls" folder.
3. (optional) Place Gdiggers_mod.rpy in "scripts_mods". Place the videos alongside into the main game's "vids" folder.
As always, if you have any questions, concerns or requests, don't feel afraid to check out the discord for quicker responses.
You must be registered to see the links
If you'd like a run down of the planned future features, I highly recommend the discord. Lots of info there and a fast-replying community.An interesting approach for modders to this game is to add a bunch of everything while not expanding the gameplay one iota, it’s certainly good +100500 of that, these are events, but there will be expansions of the gameplay or it’s just the author’s wait for the same: Gym (Physical Education class), first-aid post, canteen, art room, swimming room and so on down the list?
I'm confused with your point..I was in Discord in addition to being disappointed that nothing will appear in the game for the next year, I didn't see anything else, and there were 100,500 girls' mods, but how to play it when the gameplay is a photo session, which is as unnecessary as possible, as well as sponsorship, to clean the game for the sake of cleaning it.
Without the development of the gameplay, playing it is just as boring as all renpai, so even if 2000 girls add mods, it doesn't make the game more interesting.
Knowed issue, can't be fixed.Ninoss, I got a crash during a save.
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New game with 0.22a, I was able to go through the first evening and the first exam day without any issues, after the second night I can no longer save the game.
EDIT: after reloading a previous save of the same playthrough, I can no longer reproduce the crash.
I would argue the issue is definitely fixable. But first, why are you even saving scaled down images? They can be recreated when needed, and in fact should be recreated if the file on disk changes.Knowed issue, can't be fixed.
Reloading the game fixs it ^^