Has BD even shown up in discord or is he once again MIA?
honestly, he's been enabled too much
as harsh as the comments are in here, and his discord, nobody has ever really done anything
you had that asian chick last year that got pretty far, but the F95 mods deleted her out of existence
and you had that one mod (not the pregnant dude) who was posting screenies with the asian chick, but he's been MIA for months (coincidence there?
i think not)
his patreon front page is pretty clean, not even 10% of the shit he says in his discord is public, so the majority of his fans probably don't know that he is a pathological liar skipping dates, probably think he's some top-tier savant that needs time
the patreon T.O.S. page *does* have forms for banning content creators who do stuff like this, so sick and tired of people coming in here and saying that patreon is some "free money giveaway site", it isn't
creators are always afraid of getting shut down by patreon,
ESPECIALLY porn creators, this dude is not untouchable, go on twitter where the real OGs hang out, and they always talking about how they dodge getting detected by patreon and keeping their porn going, for instance:
"well, you know i can't have incest in my game, patreon would ban me, and all my income is there" etc etc etc excuses