Don't saying Emiko was beautiful but at least cute. The new version has a lack in both categories. post the new Emiko please, I'm curious af, don't wanna download it and play yet
fangirls for me, should be interesting story line.Basic or Playful or Fangirls? What you choose friends?
Sad thing is that is possibly the best picture of her. The rest are all with a cheek line that gets choppy and weird looking. Some images make her face look like shes not eaten anything for 7 months. He could make this look a lot better with some more tweaking but i think he should have waited before putting her in as is right now.
Someone post the new Emiko please, I'm curious af, don't wanna download it and play yet
Yeah surely the way Rachel is encouraging mc in this directioncan we fuck the mom?
Your probably one of many people to ask that question, but at the moment we can not, however we probably will decently soon.can we fuck the mom?
I didn't notice that until you pointed it out, but you're right! Lmao, I too personally like her more now then before in terms of appearance.old Emiko looked like stunted growth GF from A Mother's Love...and she werent cute(IMHO)..she is cute now(IMHO) thing is..i do not want to influence BD..i'm not a patron...and i dont want him to ever lose a patron cause he changed something for me but pissed off a boot him from my discord and talk behind his back so he'll never see my opinions againHAHAAAAAA......nawwwww....we adore BD in my discord..he's like the Prince of the server