Okay, it seems that I'm lacking information here, but I think I have figured it out. I'm not playing TG Shauna, so that determines that Penelope is not TG either? Not that I mind because I'm not interested in that, but I feel the TG way makes more sense in a way that Penny identifies with Shauna over this "special situation" instead of identifying over bullying - which is a bit more common.
This is one minor gripe I have with the game (days being packed too full as mentioned before being the other, but that should be remedied soon): Once you agree to a girl there is no way to back out. Wanting Penelope to feel better during the streaking and getting her a little feeling of self-worth was the sensible thing to do, but I am not really into her and wouldn't be interested in sleeping with her. Alas, the game made me go through with it.
Other than that it seems that Willow is off the table (changing your name from one tree to another, creative

), the first client may have a rich back story (I suppose it's still Tali, but I may be confusing names), the two main girls still haven't signed off on Zoey and we still have some meet-ups to go before we finish the week. Looking forward to Thursday when I will likely get a feeling how big regular-sized updates are.