Mostly I'm a lurker here but I wanted to take a moment to thank Braindrop for the game. I'm at Day 4 so far (I think ? I lost count. When Katie is appointed to watch the Basketball team and report to Charles and some gay jokes about Damian are thrown) and I really have fun.
I would say my top5 girls are :
Jamie (she was like an instant crush. loved her from the start and I'm glad she was the first official gf).
Bailey (saw here and there she had a cult here. I won't be part of that but I admit she deserves one :'D)
Kimmy (we didn't see her much where I am right now and nothing sexual happened but I like her model)
Jasmine (nothing happened with her yet at Day 4 but looking forward to it)
and as a fifth... hmm... i don't know. I would say Penelope because the moments were kinda cute. the shy stolen kiss and run moment and all.
The only moments i disliked so far were maybe the threesome with Keyana and her wife, I don't know why (and i'm one of the few who actually had sex with the nurse... and I enjoyed it xD ... ... i'm not even sorry xD).
But most of all, the Jamie moment about the acceptance of other girlfriends (and Rachel deal and all).
On the one hand, it's normal in the end for plot reasons and it's kinda cute she is like that, but on the other hand my suspension of disbelief got shattered like a wrecking ball would shatter a paper-thin glass window.
I mean. MC had doubts and feared talking to her about it (which is a normal reaction). But then when he is going to do it, she is like "wait. I ABSOLUTELY don't know what you're going to say but Im talking first and it's totally ok if you want to have infinite girls. we're good ;D"
I was like "ooo... kay... that was easy..."
then 5min later. Jamie : "hey you should totally hit on Jasmine she is not okay right now

then later the rachel deal thing about babies.
I don't want it to turn into Jamie having moral issues and all, that wouldn't be fun at all, but I found it too much sometimes ^^"
Anyway, I'm writing more about what I disliked instead of what I liked while I really enjoy the game. enough to make me go out of my lurker nature. Great game and will continue to play it.