You know, I was nervous about starting these games, given my love for the source material, but seeing the rave reviews have convinced me - Gotta download and play both, obviously

And I can't WAIT for Kira! I mean, after seeing what a minx the Intendent was, who wasn't living vicariously through Odo for the last few seasons, right??
Oh, and if it matters for anything, I'd (quite possibly) literally *kill* to see Ezri Dax 'in action' at some point. I don't know what it is about her that powers up my warp core, but my dick pretty much goes to Warp 10 anytime I see her on screen

Though without the salamander sex, luckily

Let's see... Ezri, T'Pol, Ro Laren, Seven of Nine... hell, I'd be over Lake Armstrong seeing the Carol Marcus from the Kelvin timeline, just to get a crack at dem glorious sweater muffins of hers 'out of uniform'
And speaking of mammaries, if you find a way to integrate some (*modest, non-room-filling, etc*) breast expansion content in one of these games at some point... well, let's just say I won't be leaving my room for a while
Fuck, just the thought of that- Excuse me, I'll be in my bunk...