RPGM - Completed - Yarimon Master: Using Cheats to Fuck 'em All! [v2.15+DLC] [Bosom Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot


    I cant believe that the very first Pokemon-esque type of game i have ever played is this. For someone who played Pokemon game, i could imagine that this could be somewhat boring, considering how simple the gameplay is. Plus, it doesnt help that you can effectively cheat your way to the end. Besides that, the gameplay was fun and engaging to me, plus it didnt overstay its welcome. it only took me around 6~ hours to finish it.

    Besides that, the story is very engaging and has some hook to it. The characters are a bit flat, but they do have personality. One of my biggest mixed feelings was the art. It is gorgeous with well made animations. Its sad that i find x-ray vision of the intercourse a big turnoff and considering more than half of the sexual scenes have it, it destroyed my little soldiers enjoyment of more than half of what the game offered. If you cant get past that, then you have a LARGE variety of both girls to fuck and in ways to fuck em.

    Overall a great game, if only it didnt have x-ray.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Living the fiction of actually interacting with trainer in Pokemon world!

    There's a lot going on here, like the Story, Gameplay, Character, and Theme.
    • The Back Story is certainly not something to be written home about, in the foreseeable future, human greed robed the land from most of it's resource (But not to the point of dystopian, apparently) as there is a sprinkle of lore to make sense of it but there is a lot of plot hole and Deus Ex Machina for it to work.

    • Now skipping to the Main Story that take place where everything is abundance; food, necessity, and other thing that made up this utopia. So it's the picture of heaven right? I mean none of the character seem to have any problem living in it, so it's really jarring to put a b-plot of prejudice and poverty in a world where you can catch companion in a well feed world.
    • The Gameplay is certainly fun. The main character and I have the same idea that, "using this cheat move is dirty" so to the old grind we go. That's when I realize that there isn't a lot of synergy to be done on your team and it's a lot of puzzle solving than raising your Yarimon to progress the story.
    • Not until in the middle of the story that I realize how unfair the other trainer are as the game tells you how stupid you are for actually playing Rpg in H-game, though for that part it's really my bad.
    • On side note; you can't "Release" your Yarimon before the update, so be careful catching two of the same kind that will get stuck in your inventory.
      (Thanks to someone for pointing that out)
    • The main way to describe them is hot. To gave an actual context to their personality is props for the author writing. Only that if you follow the author work, you'll know they ware subject to a way grosser scenario rather than the light hearted tone one in the game.
    • I do like the main character, the way he tries to console some of the women and not openly dissmiss their kink is a lot ballsy than what I could be in that age, only that his stitch of "I'm not good enough" really get old fast.
    • Lastly the theme of what is called cheating, I do agree on some principle that "cheat tackle" is a tool rather than win all be all game. Nothing is inherently wrong to use every aspect you have to win or get anywhere with life. Heck, no super boss is beatable without a potion and revive. But it really hurt when you win without one and still be called a cheater.
    • Though the effect after you won the game could be considered unfair which is a definition of an action that benefit himself with zero repercussion.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is absolutely boring and underdeveloped, as the author simply copied it from some Pokémon games. The graphics are even worse than in the author's manga. I remember in some illustrations, the artist was too lazy to draw proper legs and just used squares - I even laughed. The only thing I liked was the main storyline, but to complete it, you have to grind through several hours of useless dialogues and battles. After finishing the game, I was left with the feeling that I had just read a short manga by the same author... but for several hours.

    So, to sum up my subjective opinion, I can say that this is not a H game but just a Pokémon game that could have been better even in its current state. Most of the effort went into the number of Pokémon and scenes rather than the quality of the game itself or everything else.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is So genuinely bad I cannot get past it. Characters faces are often on the side of their head. Their proportions are comically bad and not in the usual "tits as big s their heads" way but in the way that one foot will be so much larger than the other you would assume it is deliberately trying to make them look inhuman. Add that the poorly masked ** and the fact this looks so deeply AI it's not funny.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Making some reviews on old games I've played here so I don't forget which ones I have or have no played, lol- lovely art style on this one! Though it gets a little repetitive with all of the battles sorta going the same way. I know it's to emulate gen 1/2 Pokemon, but after being addicted to the newer ones for so long, it's hard to get used to the old way of things where each team comp has 1-2 strategies to it total
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Tarnished Saber

    This is a damn solid game. The gameplay is surprisingly fun (maybe because I've never played Pokemon, idk) so much so that I actually got hooked on the battles and collecting Yarimons, completely ignoring the sex stuff for a while. The plot exists, does its job, nothing crazy but it works.
    Now, the real downside - scenes aren’t animated, just flickers between two states, which was kind of a letdown. On top of that, most characters only have one scene, which feels like wasted potential. But, and it’s a big but, the character designs? Holy shit, they’re insanely hot. Easily some of the best I’ve seen in this type of game.
    Overall, even after sinking a ton of time into it, I’m giving it a 4/5—mostly because of the limited scene variety and crude animation. If I could, I’d rate it 4.5/5, but hey, site rules amiright
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Yoo, this game is enough to make a cry man. The protagonist boy is ugly; indeed, you look like some side villain character who only appears in the tutorial mode and his lore is sad as fuck. Everyone sees you as a weakling cause of your looks. Despite all those criticisms, you are still a kind-hearted person. Even though you can just manipulate them however you like. Well, I liked the ending. 10 out of 10.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Loved the game, it satisfied you once you managed to get all characters. Pretty challenging because you need to have good combinations of Yarimons to defeat certain characters. I myself didn't really target to get all of the Yarimons, but I definitely managed to defeat all of the girls. The story itself is cool, the "scientist/old society creating a certain strong Yarimon" thing is not really my favorite plot, but I understood it.
    It took times to get to the higher "enemies", you have to upgrade your Yarimons before try to fight another enemy with higher level, but it's all worth it in the end.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautifully done! Awesome SG and gameplay. I haven`t played pokemon games before, but even so i somehow feel nostalgia while playing this game. Same author, some style as always. I had 0 bugs throughout whole story, DLS`s are also stable.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality stuff finished in one go. Only thing i would have liked is an evolution(soul up) meter to know at which stage they are like a 1/3 for first evolution ones.

    Gameplay wise it is basically a pokemon game so no complains there.

    Graphics wise the "animation" could be smoother but it is good enough.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Actual peak fiction, on par with the best of what inspired it. The musics good, the main story is great, and the combat is better than the games closest comparisons. The porn covers a wide variety of fetishes, and the one fetish I've found that thoroughly disgusts me had an ingame option to look away that skips the scene.
    If I had to recommend one RPGM game out of all of them to play, it would be this one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Decent gameplay, good story, lots of animated h-scenes (probably nearly 100 total). Game pretty much has it all. A gallery that's with you at all times as well as an encyclopedia of the Yarimon makes it easy for completionists too.

    Best H-game I've ever played all around.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    where is pikachu? I played only for pikachu and didn't found them in this game, i mean yeah, cool, toons of sex and boobs, but where is pikachu and vaporeon? What's the point of the game if there is no pikachu and vaporeon? That's really made me sad, gonna go and cry right now i guess. :WaitWhat:
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is seriously a masterpiece. I literally just finished the game and had to leave the 5 stars while the credits rolled. It really is a beatiful story and it is of utmost quality through and throught, it can be a drag and a challenge, but that is if you wish it so.

    If anything it is a bit jarring to have such a rich experience within the story of the game while at the same time delievering such array of quality porn 50+ times.

    It really is a rollercoaster for both emotions and blood, and man, you´d be hard pressed to not see the art in this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    EDIT: after finishing it, fk it, the story made me cry multiple times, it was nice, complex enough, despite some dumb things early on by protagonist, everything came together, so despite having vanilla sex, it was a memorable game enough to warrant 5/5. plus the grind was fun too due to the amount of pokemons and skills. spent like 10h on it.

    version 2.15

    im gonna rate it as a porn game. so at best it's 3/5. all scenes are vanilla. if you defeat a girl you fuck her. the animation and art is fine. quality even. but boring as hell.

    the gameplay is a decent timewaster. no wonder pokemon is/was so popular, it's very addictive. but basically this is just a pokemon game with some sexual scenes. it has story as well. honestly it probably deserves higher rating since it's kinda fun. but if you are here to fap, you will not be able to unless you like very vanilla stuff. repeated. so imo as a porn game 3/5 is more than generous.

    but if you don't want to fap or wanna play something after a fap, then this game is nice. there are a lot of pokemons or "yarimons". if you never played a pokemon game before then it will be very interesting. it was for me.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This is basically a third gen pokemon ROM hack but with sex.
    The story does get better in the second half, but the majority of the game is just a boring "1.use cheat move 2. fuck the girls brains out 3. repeat." The game is not balanced at all for using non cheat pokemon and the game wont let you play without the instant kill cheat move pokemon in your party outside of the tournament mode in the postgame.

    as for dlc, if you aren't into NTR like im not, you will hate it. All the DLC does is add several new sex positions and an alternate bad end for the bad guy cult arc. At least the NTR crap is optional and out of the way. Same with the scat that is in this game apparently. The game also warns you about it. Frankly I dont want this garbage blighting my disk space. So I wish we could just remove these areas.

    The developer also believes that romancing a character and traveling with them and doing double battles is "extreme content" despite half of the other shit in this game. Sad to see the "handholding = lewd" meme is real in japan.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    90% of the females here look like the same girl with a different hair color and clothing
    The sex scenes are mostly vanilla sex, the mc looks like an ugly fat loser
    Every girl you meet you just instantly fuck with zero build up
    Great gameplay you meet a girl with purple hair, you win a match you fuck her. You meet a girl with blue hair, you win a match you fuck her. Repeat 1000 times
    i really wonder how did this game manage to have so high rating
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably, the best game gameplaywise in this platform.

    It's hard to express how good it was.
    First of all is basically a parody of pokemon, and the dev laughts at this fact the whole game. Gameplay is entertaining, animations are good, little gifs we could say but there are so many that it can be overlooked.

    What is even more incredible is that each woman in this game is clearly distinguisible from any other, different sprites, behaviour and objectives.

    I wasn't able to complete the whole pokedex to get some of the DLC content, which is the only grind that you'll ever had to do and as I said it's extra content. The main game has rich, funny and an incredibly well written story for an h game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect game! 10/10

    The game does a great job moving the plot along and scaling the difficulty and scale of the story accordingly. Great at keeping me immersed and entertained.
    Turn based familiar battles have managed to keep me entertained despite not having evolved much. Always great for breezing through small encounters and at times offers a challenge requiring some strategy. Yarimon throws in a nice cheat move which keeps fights short.
    Every (female) character feels unique and has so much personality. Encountering each one and their erotic scenes are great rewards that keep you invested. Can't get enough.
    Music and Sound
    The music does what's required of it and adds to the tone of settings and situations. It's used effectively and doesn't take away from any scene.
    Erotic Scenes
    So many beautiful characters with unique scenes and positions. Easily accessible gallery.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    brad thundercock

    a really fun game. seriously, its been well thought out. the story got me hooked as well. the art is... good? like the art itself is good, the fluids are not that good. dont look at the scat shit. its optional anyway. They tried to make almost all the girls unique, which is good i think. they did not feel same-y at all.

    10/10 . play it. only for half an hour if you want to. and then drop it if you dont like it.