RPGM - Completed - Yorna: Monster Girl's Secret [v1.5] [Yeehaw Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Im leaving this quick review for posteritys sake. Played this game a while ago and all i can say is that this is a very well made game with good amount of content on all fronts. Whether it may be gameplay, story or sexual scenes, you will find plenty of stuff to enjoy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you love the idea of girls loving monster girls? Then this is probably the best game you'll play.

    The gameplay isn't the most complicated, but it's well made and there are puzzles which require some thought. I didn't need to check a guide at any point, but there is a (SFW) one on youtube if you need it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    An okay game that maybe deserves 3.5 instead of 4.

    It's a pretty good game, from a technical aspect.
    Combat is good and progression is decent.
    CGs are nice but lack novalty and it's kinda running in cirle.

    In overall it's worth your money, but don't expect too much.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    one of the very first things you do in this game is become a prostitute, you need money badly so you do it pretty willingly . normally i would drop the game here bc thats a sign of no gradual progression and poor writing but i was bored and the gameplay was fun enough

    ive played for a few hours and cleared a ton of spots on the map. aside from the prostitution scenes, literally the only other scenes ive come across were from losing to enemies. each dungeon area has a mob and a monster girl boss. each with their own scene when you lose. theres a couple towns but none have any scenes that ive found

    if you are coming to play this for the sex aspect then i prob would skip it. if you are bored and want to do a tiny bit of grinding with a couple scenes here and there then give it a play
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Rose emp

    Let's get to it! This is reviewed of the game completed and a classic.

    The pros:
    Hentai scenes are really erotic and the amount of them is quite frequent! Game over scenes and story scenes will give you hentai scenes! Especially winning against enemies!
    The game isn't that grindy to progress through.
    The game also has a lot of clothes, time to get into fashion!

    The cons:
    Decent plot, the story doesn't keep me engaging most of the time but you may be interested in it.
    Going through the game's story can be confusing, I suggest using the walkthrough as your guide since playing blind will waste more time.
    Having hentai scenes on everything is good, but the more you see it, the more annoyed you may get (like me).
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall an OK game. Character art is fine, though the same style is used for everything. Not a well polished game. Scenes can be annoying to get with no real direction. Combat system is not good. Scene quality varies between different scenes, not good. 6.6/10
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this is a decent game, it's basically Melty's Quest with Monster Girls and a lot more Yuri.

    The combat and progression is fairly standard, but I like the range of CGs available and the costume levelling system to obtain skills makes it more interesting than just gaining them on level up. There is quite a bit of content here too, more than I was initially expecting looking at the island.

    The addition of puzzles in most levels was pretty welcome since for the most part they are completely optional and only reward additional loot and materials. I also liked the treasure map idea, there was some care put into the game to make sure the progression flow wasn't just killing enemies over and over.

    Worth keeping in mind though that there is a heavy focus on lesbian so you might not find it as appealing if that is not a fetish you have. The scenes are also pretty tame for the most part, at best you get tentacles and spanking but they put warnings in front of the "hardcore" scenes if you want to skip them.

    Ada is pretty charming and the Monster Girls returning to your castle and watching them interact with eachother when you returned back every so often was really nice to see, so have to give credit to that.

    While I respect the game has some flaws (some puzzles can be frustrating to figure out, and since combat is very standard it can become boring just using the same skills over and over) I still enjoyed my 18 hour playthrough.

    TL;DR I like Monster Girls
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I Really Love this Kind Of game, A Female Protagonist Going up against Monster Girls and can Get Dominated by defeat, Or Dominated them if your lust meter is high enough to seduce them.

    Love the Variety in the Scenes (Resisting, Lustful, and Femdom) , even the regular monster enemies.

    The Only Problem I have (Only Minor) is that decreasing the Lust meter is very Slow or not low enough to get a resisting scene.

    Love every aspect of this RPGM game, And it even gives you a tentacle warning.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty boring game.

    The good:
    *Art is good.
    *Lots of clothes options.
    *Monster girls.

    The bad:
    Pretty much everything else.
    Story is boring, grind is boring, combat is boring, scenes-on-loss suck and are boring, puzzles are annoying, other sex scenes are rather boring except the very tiny amount of bdsm attempts to view which they even prompt you with a pop-up warning you about the presence of this content. :FacePalm:

    Well, you get the idea.

    This game could not have been more vanilla even if it tried.
    Good luck!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, well...to my surprise this game despite having a certain amount of annoyance, it had me good a good amount of times: namely the design and gameplay, and how well it meshes together aside from certain...minor or annoying inconsistencies and certain puzzles, but I'll explain why its fairly decent(but not good enough)to solid game to try.

    The gameplay is your general turn based RPGMaker, expect with more definite balance towards getting better items than leveling, which is refreshing, because having another grindfest game #100+ is certainly going to break my patience and mind. And how you get better items, you might ask? Completing puzzles and getting treasures, which should give more than enough money, but more importantly, items you need to finish the game without much trouble - I ended up doing fairly well overall, with no loss - expect early on, to defeat the fairy and progress further, I had to level up a bit because you really need the ability to deal more damage to finish it off without losing, especially because it has a healing ability that, should it spam it, you'd better restart the battle.

    The boss fights in this game, instead of traditional bullet sponge ones, are more on side of - quick to kill but also quick to finish you off instead, which is fairly good, because it is a change of pace that results on more creative strategies and gameplay as a result. No phases, just forced spells when you deplete their health to a certain point, which makes you think of preparations before that happens instead.

    On topic of puzzles, they are fairly good as well for most part, some of them were annoying but doable, and one in particular, the one with multi-lane triggers that activate in line/cross-based 4x4 area is by far, the most annoying one to solve, and in case of treasure maps, annoying without pointing where exactly you should go expect by guessing from map view.

    Oh and amusing thing - you can buy chocolate cookies from bakery and sell it back to pastry shop in the village for a hefty profit - but money isn't really a problem in this game, which is both bad and good - on one hand you don't have to grind, but on other, due to lack of at very least solid items buyable with money, expect for cake, which is full restore with max health/mana boosts that...like many full restore items in games with low mana/health caps, don't really worth that much...

    Now the clearly bad parts, thankfully more on "annoying" scale than bad ones, but still:

    The artstyle, while clearly of Western origin, is well...not very consistent with arts - the early characters look similar to main character style wise, but then you encounter some clearly anime-styled characters, who'd better suit another game with their sleek styles and intentions - which would make anyone who looks for consistency rightfully upset at incompetence for quality.

    The writing, while generally fine and better yet, mostly consistent, its on the edge of dumb humor, that makes no sense at certain contexts, like "come to the dark side" or even better, doing the exceptionally annoying trial and error egg steal for kitsune quest, where after you do it, you start hearing Red Alert 3 - Soviet march music for some dumb reason...just as nonsensical as that one game that has "communist venom" joke as if it was funny but it's more of irritating, especially to actual Russians...because at that point, certain folk would add Rammstein and it would make just as much sense as being a complete psychopath with no logic, cohesion or synergy.

    And again, during at mid-late point of the game, you get teleported to a ruins of modern era dwelling, which is populated with fairies and is just behind the actual medieval ruins...nonsensical design, be consistent - either you make a proper fantasy world, a world which is explicitly shown as mix of sci-fi and fantasy, or a proper modern world. Not shoving either for no reason or explanation at all.

    The sexual elements of this game is fairly limited - you mostly get them as part of losing(which generally you don't), mansion, or certain minor events, and you'll unlock the gallery like after you defeat the dark fairy boss - which means you'll just do things on your own pace, without wasting time on surrender.

    Well, due to inability to precisely rate as "decent" rather than "mediocre", let my words tell how close to good it is; considering that the game takes 6-8 hours to complete from start to end on average, and overall points from earlier, I'd kind of recommend it - as long you can stomach the unfunny humor in writing that while making sense, you can't really sympathize with good vs evil, let alone making sense at certain points I mentioned earlier. I hope the developer learns their lesson at making proper, non-reference filled humor without looking out-worldly, and better art cohesion.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Tired Noir

    For a game based in Meltys Quest this one is really good, and the fact you can level up your clothes and get their skills permanently enables a virgin run until the last purity clothing, then go full slut to get the kinky ones for max potential, but i have my peeves about the sex scenes, scissoring is good but theres too little penetration, in MQ basically every mg was a futa or had tentacles which fulfils the need for penetration, while in here you need to go and get fucked by male monsters who are too animalistic and it goes too close to zoophilia.
    Other peeve i have with the scenes, but that's unavoidable for eroges is the apparent artist change in the scenes, the prostitution scenes with Ada and her hair down are hot and seductive as fuck, and seem to be where most of the comission money went to, because the monster girl ones don't seem as good in comparison and are "too cute" and "flat" with colours and shading.
    Overall a good game but not perfect
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game, 9 out of 10, can recommend to anyone who like s HRPGs.

    Art: 9/10
    Beautiful and likeable, nothing much else to say.

    Plot: 7/10
    Pretty simple nothing too special.

    Gameplay: 9/10
    I enjoyed it a lot, there's quite a bit to explore and overall gameplay is not annoying.

    Overall: 9/10
    This is what good HRPG looks like without being completely insane in each department. Proof that great games can be made despite them being simple: make beautiful art, put it on top of gameplay that is not completely unfun, and you end up with an awesome title.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If only more h-games had the work put into them that YeeHaw put into Yorna. Please, just give it a solid go already, it's worth every minute. And you can dominate in this game instead of having to lose to see content!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I simply cannot give this game less than 5 stars. The great care that has been put into this game really shows. From the menus to several features to give the player a choice regarding reducing annoyance, it is clear that the creator is putting a lot of effort into making this some of the best that a RPGM game can be.
    That I didn't find it particular annoying is a great credit to the author since I usually hate RPGM game due to them usually having artificial time-waster mechanics.
    One thing I could wish for is some degrees of corruption and sexual acts. What I mean by this is that the MC goes from 0-100 when losing a battle... there is no degrees of sexual acts because it goes straight to the penetration and more extreme acts. This is a personal preference, so I didn't wish to punish the creator for that part.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1514239

    - Lots of content (story AND H-scenes)
    - Never crashed
    - Excellent English
    - Attractive graphics / characters
    - RPGM: Isn't abused for most of the game (see "Bad" below). You don't have to run across large tracts of open space and you don't have to grind for cash / resources.
    - Player friendly (you can hide text bar, auto-fight, and the "Help" substitutes as a quest list; has a gallery)
    - Not too grindy (see "Bad" below)
    - Lots of items, upgrades and spells. i'm not a big fan of combat games, but with this one you get to play around with trying to maximize your firepower/defenses and figure out what spells to use. Not terribly complex, but a nice feature.
    - I liked the hidden treasure (you either find or buy treasure maps). Haven't seen that in other games.

    - A bit of "what am I doing and why" going on with the story / transition.
    - No animation and the text during H-scenes went on and on (but at least you can fast forward holding down the Enter key).
    - A bit too much "you have to figure this out" for my taste., which might be a "Good" for other people. For example, it took reading the walkthrough and the forum to figure out the treasure map thing. Would be better if this were obvious within the game itself (perhaps I was having attention span issues - but I like games to be self-contained . . . not require an outside resource to enjoy). But then again, there is a lot of gameplay that doesn't require outside resources / hints - whereas some games are unplayable without them.

    - RPGM is abused in a few places, most notably the puzzles / mazes. I actually like puzzles . . . if they're intuitive and can be solved with a few moments of consideration. The early puzzles seemed too clever / pointless. For example, I used YouTube and the forum for the answers and still don't know the rationale - one dude posted that he spent five hours figuring one out. No thanks. Trial and error isn't fun. Unfortunately, as I got to later puzzles, which WERE kinda fun to figure out, I was burnt out and just assumed they were BS and searched for the answer. Too bad.
    - While the graphics were good and the H-scenes were plentiful, I just didn't find this game very erotic. You get the sex scene if you lose the battle - so just lose the battle to see the scene then come back and win the battle to progress the story. That is kinda backwards - it makes the H-scenes superfluous to the continuation of the story. I prefer porn games in which the sex scenes progress the story, not sidetrack it.

    TL;DR Summary: Well developed game with all of the bells and whistles. Better as a game than as a porn game. Better suited for someone with patience who enjoys figuring out the gameplay - rather than someone who wants a balance of gameplay / porn game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I am liking this. The artwork is nice and uncensored the scenes are plentiful and pretty hot. The game though is something I've played before,
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    I dare say more elements will be familiar as I play but still nice game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    -Nice interaction with monster girls
    -no repetitive quest
    - Very good CG art

    The game play is very straightforward no annoying repetitive task . I really love the castle upgrade element. There are also interaction between monster girls occasionally. Overall very good game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    As a lesbian, finding games that aren't simply vanilla VNs is incredibly tough. Yorna is the first game I'v found that fits what I'm looking for: there's compelling gameplay, a great cast of characters, and a ton of lesbian/lesbian-ish sex.

    I really like the amount of love and care put into this game. There are crafting systems, ways to unlock scenes even if you're past the point where they would normally unlock, optional puzzles and treasure hunts, and frequent updates with both porn and non-porn elements. I hope to find more games as engaging as this in the future!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is not particularly original in function, but does it ever feel different. At its most elemental level Yorna is a classic RPGM game with leveling and spells and all that with a focus on the erotic adventures of a sorceress who is on a quest to rescue her sister from a rapey big bad. If so far this all sounds like that shitty Japanese VN masquerading as an actual game that keeps getting remade every few months, then, happily, that is where the similarities end.

    The first difference is that, where losing a battle in the cookie-cutter erotic JRP"G" results in you either reloading the game after the cutscene or missing out on some grand achievement to be had at the end of the game, losing a battle in Yorna is of no great consequence. You can lose a fight (or just surrender), watch the porn sequence, get dropped off outside, and then just walk right back to where you were and have another go at it. You don't lose out on some "pure path" nor do you have to tediously fight through a horde of underlings to get back to you opponent.

    Also unlike most entries into the genre, you actually have to earn the things that you want. Instead of just, by way of doing what you do (fighting and fucking), winding up with enough money to buy what you need when you need it, you either have to solve some genuinely challenging puzzle, defeat a monster girl, or shift dat ass at the brothel--all of which are fun in their own respective ways.

    You know that bubbly, naïve magical girl ERPG heroine in the silly costume who starts off all shy before learning to be a turbo-slut? Ada, the MC of this game, ain't her. Ada is frank and keenly aware of the motivations of the other characters that she runs into. She does not have a booby-giggling super move with a name that she has to shout every time she delivers it. Instead, she dishes out magical punishment quietly until it is time for a more fun kind of punishment. Ada acts like someone who knows that she is going to have to spank some asses one way or another.

    The other characters are just as refreshingly different as Ada. The monster girls themselves are in various measures mischievous, adorable, and funny. They are less archetypal than they are women with certain distinguishable personality traits. Best of all, although they mostly come to live in your big castle, they never really become the unlikely harem that you win in other such games. They may occasionally want to fuck you/Ada, but they are not your loving, selfless servants nor are you their senpai.

    Best of all, the world of the game, as fantastical as it is, fuctions according to a consistent logic. Nobody has any absurd, narrative-breaking final form. The baddies have motivations that make sense. There are no silly all-powerful macguffins that let you gib the otherwise invincible end boss. There are narrative reasons for everyone and everything being just the way that they are presented. And, goddamn, is that a breath of fresh air.

    I would be remiss without mentioning the porn itself. While not "vanilla," if such a concept could even be said to make sense, the sex in Yorna never really strays too far into the fantastical. Sure, there are interdimensional monster girls with shadowy magic and watery tarts with amusingly named be-tentacled pets, but there are no shitting dick nipples, no gaping orifices with the physics-beaking ability to accommodate objects that are wider than its host's hips, no space alien anal pregnancies. The sex is conspicuoulsy believable. Speaking personally, that makes it a lot easier to get into.

    Ultimately, Yorna is the ERPG that avoids the charactaristic failings of the genre. While that may not be the most innovative concept, it is precisely what certain players like myself have been wishing for. It is a game that you can enjoy without completely shutting your brain off, and it is one that you may be tempted to come back to just to spend some more time in a light--hearted but consistent universe.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I just realized I never gave this a rating despite really enjoying it. The art is great (exactly what you see by the screenshots) though definitely inconsistent, some scenes have her with a bust probably2-3x her normal size (though it's never really a huge issue, never really took me out of a scene). There are puzzles, but the only difficult ones just have some extra goodies in chests, it's definitely not necessary to get them. There might be a bit of a grind at the end as the final boss is a bit of a step up from previous bosses, but it shouldn't be a huge issue as gaining xp doesn't take too long.

    If you're having trouble with this, there's an armor that raises your mp pool, just combine that with the spell that increases damage dealt with your mp pool and you can one shot most enemies. Alternatively, you can grind crystals in one of the areas by leaving the area and coming back (there's a spawn point right beside the entrance to that section of the map so it's like 2 seconds to get a crystal). Sell the crystals and buy the mp dessert in the initial area to raise your mp pool relatively quickly. That method is rather boring, but gives money very quickly as each crystal is worth 500. Once you get some extra points in mp, you can kill the final boss much quicker too.