then of course it leads to a truck stop...
and you need to eat after a long drive, so blowing truckers from under a table...
and the cars need to get serviced (don't we all) and you have to pay the mechanics...
and if you are out hitchhiking late a night you are certain to be abducted by aliens and anally probed (or maybe it isn't aliens maybe it is just nerds doing cosplay...but they still need to probe you)
Unrelated to hitchhiking. A new option from home: CHECK THE FRONT DOOR. Most of the time could be nothing but could have random chance of things like pizza delivery boy, missionary, neighbor wants to borrow sugar, publisher clearinghouse and you won big prize, landshark, etc (okay not every option is a winner but...)
Oh and this family really feels like a hot tub family.
Looks like you have as wild imagination as I do

This is why my to do list is not shrinking even if I remove a lot from it.
I'll add everything to a future plan list

With the house visit so far I planned only a robbery, when you walk around at night. You can stop that robber from taking your stuff by offering something better (your ass of course).
Where are my construction workers? I am joking but seriously it could be added once you get the apartment. You could add the option to renovate and two hunky muscled and sweaty construction workers screw your brains out. Than you will also need a plumber. Some taxi drivers would be nice since we are on the topic of car head and car banging. Hmmm let's see how about a teacher or a principal(I know you added something) but how about a relationship system something to do with detention or tutoring. Also, we've got bbc we need some blc(big latin c..k) how about a cartel drug dealer that you meet at the gay bar who gives you an X-pill and you start servicing him on the dance floor then every time you go to the bar you meet him, build a relationship, get addicted and after a time you become his bitch who he shares with the rest of the cartel.
Some other ideas aside from kinks if you desire is turning this game into GGGB(good girl gone bad) where you could have corruption points and love points and make them work differently and have different scenes for each path( I know from experience, having started my own interactive story it's a lot of work and the amount of coding it would require would be insane. That's what I was planning on doing but, alas my writer brain is not made for it. every time I see a variable I feel like my synapses die)
You can find Mike after whoring yourself in Gay Bar few times. He will lead you to a construction side full of horny workers

I still have to redo that apartment in High Tai so having some sexy guys cumming... sorry coming to help would be a nice touch.
School is also on my to do list. I want to expand it more, add some checks in classes for Intelligence (new attribute) and a relation with a teacher (also depending on that attribute).
That cartel and drug dealer - love this idea. It could be one of the first bad endings in the game.
Love all your ideas

Regarding these corruption and love points... there was already something originally for brother where you had a corruption points with him and relation points. I had to choose one of them as a condition for new scenes, as it was getting really hard to follow which to use for each scene. For most of the new characters I have only one as well. I would love to have like romantic scenes with high relation and more hardcore scenes with high corruption but alas the amount of work needed for that is simply too much