VN - Ren'Py - A Father's Sins [Ch. 37+38] [Pixieblink]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is something else than you expect first. And it's not bad. Some girls really look very well, the story is ok the technical side also no problem. I think the best way to describe the game is like you are waiting for a new movie and then you go to the cinema and the movie is 4 hours long and after the movie is done you think like.. if the movie would be just 2 hours and a bit in this case a bit more sex it would turn out so much better.
    I was not even expecting much XXX scenes but still got dissapointed.
    And the Art is good.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I wasn't going to review this game but there are a few things I felt that I had to address for future updates and future players. First of all, there needs to be a Kinetic Story tag. There are almost no meaningful choices and although the story IMHO was good enough for this to not bother me so much, the tag should still be there.

    If you are looking for porn, it's just not here. I kept waiting for it, thinking "oh, here's another cutey being introduced to the MC... more potential for an LI..." nope. You're left disappointed like getting a massive bag of hot fresh popcorn with no salt or butter on it.

    I don't understand introducing so many potential LIs and then being pigeonholed into the childhood friend route. If this were the case, why not have warrior priests then? Why have the cast 95% female Nuns with a heterosexual MC, then getting a cold shower and let down repeatedly as the story progresses? I think this issue is a possible quick fix, and not with an additional separate expansion. For example, (trying not to drop too much as a spoiler) when you travel to see the mentor and the time gets screwed up, you skip 26 days in the bunker. That's a lot of potential time wasted snoozing instead of making your rounds to get some actions from the ladies. Just saying.

    Overall, I enjoyed the game. I kept coming back for more as the story progressed and I learned more of the MC's past. The gameplay could definitely be streamlined however. There were numerous times where the renders were superfluous and not at all necessary. I shouldn't have to click so many times just to have MC go to another room for example. Also, some of the dialog could have been shortened and better written so that some of the conversations didn't drag on so much. "They used us, both of us!" yes, we get it, move on. When it comes to dialog, more is not necessarily better.

    The magic is pretty cool, although I felt a lot of is being wasted. You get this cool ring and are learning how to use it but then it's use just kind of peters out. Also, some of the flashbacks, again, could have been streamlined as well. I don't have to see the same scene of being protected from bullying over and over for the point to hit home. I know she's is my friend, I already know she protected me, I know she was there in my life (even when I wasn't aware) and I don't need to see the same renders and cutscenes to be reminded so much.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the ending is going to let me down, hard. :cautious: I really hope not. I think if the dev takes the time to implement a few side LIs and streamline the game a little, this has the potential to be a great game, one of the best in fact. My fingers are crossed and I am holding my breath in anticipation.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, I'm kinda disappointed in this game, I was expecting a bit more.
    The story is ok, I mean there is nothing else to enjoy really, there is practically no lewd content besides 1 handjob, 1 boobjob and a lesbian animation slideshow.

    So since there is barely any erotic content, the story and the renders has to carry the game to be considered a good game worth playing in my book.

    The renders are mostly fine, but it has so many unnecessary renders and animations that could've been spent on something more meaningful... It just got me frustrated.
    For example:
    - MC walking through a corridor to see someone: slideshow of 8 renders with MC walking through a corridor
    - fighting scenes has a lot of unnecessary renders of different angles and minor movements
    - most of the animations are either badly executed or felt unnecessary, why waste dev time on these?
    - lot of slideshows with no dialogue, just renders after renders (mostly in fighting scenes, but not exclusively)
    - there are probably more instances but these are the ones that stuck with me after playing

    About the LIs(???), it feels like MC will be paired with the childhood friend, I can't see any other way how the story could end.
    There are 2 girls who seem to be in somewhat of a relationship (they have a lesbian scene and later on they sleep together), the doctor who has the 2 H scenes mentioned earlier, but she is not close to the MC.
    Other than the childhood friend, none of the female characters are close to the MC where I could see the MC ending up in relationship with them so consider this a single LI game.
    If this is not a single LI game then the dev made a poor job of depicting that, not sure about who is an LI and who is not, I didn't search the thread since even if this is not a single LI game it feels like one.

    The story is mostly fine, lot of secrets around the MC and no one is straightforward explaining what happened in the past.
    Often times the story follows side characters, like Jehannes or the Cardinal but I wasn't really interested in those stories and the dev spends a lot of time on side characters, not sure why, I don't find it necessary to go this deep in their story and all that time could've been spent on the MC or the sisters close to the MC if they are LIs.

    All in all I was expecting more of this 4 star (as of writing this review) game.
    Worth a read, but nothing special.

    Sidenote: not sure why the companion game was created, I'll never understand wasting dev time on what-ifs.
    Sidenote 2: this game is prime example how not to monetize a game, the constant reminders that I'm playing an inferior version of the game only got me frustrated and believe it or not didn't occur to me go to the patreon page and subscribe, this method never works.
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    The answer to give this a try is simple: Do you want to see sex? If so, don't ever touch this.
    A game closing in to be three years old with not even one penetration sex scene, it just ain't it. This is clearly an erotic game that needs such a warning, not a porn one. The plot is alright, better than a lot of stuff here, still pretty niché with the battling nuns and all, but gets old rather fast given the lack of change in the narrative topic. Let's also add the fact that the characters are not the sharpest tools in the shed, which isn't helping at all.
    And while I'm not against the idea of the companion game, I believe it should not be a thing to begin with. While there's no need to bombard the game with porn scenes, there is the clear possibility of a middle ground.

    All in all, I liked the game for the first part, but I can't help but think it just shot itself in the proverbial foot with what I stated above.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Renders: Good
    Plot: Good, then you'll have to try to understand the un-understandable
    Girls: Seen Better (The Ones I did see away) The Blonde was cute thought.

    Pros: Didn't need to go to Chruch.
    Cons: No Murder with tires and gasoline.

    I've gotten no idea how the individual that wrote, our proofread sees this as passable English. Maybe better at cherry picking what's written. Thier's tech for this isn't it, you know for transition our hired ghostwriter.

    Tried and done with this creator, maybe the auto book will be better. (y)
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    got ring can let you see true women cloth.. and after a hour or so. of mouse click I get bj from....That's it. And the plot is not that intriguing. Overall this game is just mediocre, average.
    Click click game and with 2 choice dialogue. (Feels like) The characters I didn't like any of them. But that's just me though

    recommendation no.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    In all honesty, I can't give this VN a bad rating. It definitely requires a different mindset. When the dev says "there will only be sex scenes when they're called for", that's a 100% serious statement. A game that is completely story-driven and won't just give you fan service in lieu of a coherent plot where things happen when they're supposed to happen.

    So if you view it from that angle, it's like a 4.5 out of 5 but I'll go ahead and give it a 5. The story is gripping, the characters are likeable and look great, the MC didn't seem like he's a little bitch boi.

    Half a point off for the grammar that's kind of off at times. Could use a proofreader.

    - Does it need sex scenes? Nah, not really.
    - Would it be better with them? Yea of course, fucking idiot. I just told you all the characters are likeable and most of them are hot.

    But I believe in a dev's right to choose how to tell a story/develop a game. If the dev wants to do something that's truly just story-driven and is upfront about it, I really can't give the game a lower rating just because of that. It's like reviewing a game about MILFs poorly just because you don't like MILFs. That's dumb.

    (Although, ngl I haven't played in a while because I've been waiting for when we'd get to do stuff with the other nuns and not just the one with fucked-up teeth. I just don't think the other reviews are very objective/fair.)

    Regardless, 4.5 out of 5. Just don't come in with the wrong mindset or you'll walk away frustrated.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    ch. 28
    All tags seemed right. It started interesting - hot nuns, hot girls.
    Then all those churchy things without any lewd action were growing old pretty fast. No lewd scenes no penetrations just endless teasing and from time to time some nudes.
    Needless to say that as a porn entertainment this game fails miserably.
    I don't care about the dev latin knowledge or his laugheable efforts to present some halfbacked version of the "DaVinci Code".
    I didn't notice any "anal" either which in my book is a cardinal sin I cannot tolerate - so I wiped that sorry attempt from my rig.
    You have been warned - no need to spend more time on that lemon.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    What a marvel! In the "Superpowers" category this one's definitely the game where the stakes are the highest. The story is among the absolute best and the characters models, animations, their stories, personalities all are great. The VN is a roller-coaster of emotions, one moment I'm laughing my ass off from Danny and Tilly's silliness and the next I'm trying my absolute best and failing to stop the tears. Hell even Sandra the clothing store girl who appears for only a tiny bit is etched into my heart. Hopefully we get something regarding her someday cuz I'm way too uneasy being uncertain of her fate or at least her soul's fate. That little girl is gone way too soon! The very minimal amount of NSFW content is also absolutely perfect for my taste cuz I almost always skip those contents of the VNs/games which have great/serious stories. The only complain I have is a very tiny one which is the variety of enemies, hopefully we are gonna have more variants in the future.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Grumpy Old Aussie

    I enjoyed this one immensely. An innovative story with interesting characters, right up my alley. I'm not one for reviews. I want to encourage the dev in this case and took the time to give him a positive review. So far there is not much in the way of sex and I'm fine with that. As long as the story is good is all I care about. Great work.

    Story 4.5/5
    There are a few liberties taken here and there in the story but nothing game breaking. Its a great story and worth reading.

    Renders/music/etc 4.5/5
    Render quality etc is great.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The plot is intriguing, but the writing quality is mediocre, with characters acting implausibly. The graphics are ordinary, and there's a lack of sexual content, suggesting it was included to appeal to an erotic market. Overall, the game is perceived as mediocre and doesn't provide enough reasons to play unless one has a specific interest in the religious battle setting.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    To begin with, the story is indeed interesting but the writing is rather mediocre. Characters say and do things they wouldn't really do in situations. I also find the graphics pretty average and nothing special. On top of all this, there is so little sex content that it's obvious it's just there to try to sneak into the erotic games market for bigger sales because there is no way this would be popular outside of it. The writing and graphics and girls are just not that impressive. Speaking of the erotic games market, one of the scummiest things you can do is put huge letters all over the lewd scenes THIS IS THE PUBLIC VERSION BUY HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS MASSIVE TEXT BLOCKING EVERYTHING <-------------------------. Why would you do this. If you want people to actually buy your game and support your work, you should show off how impressive your game can be and what you are capable of, not trying to annoy somebody to the point they want to get rid of the massive text blocks over the scenes. The hell is the matter with you? Overall this game is just mediocre, average, there's nothing really here that would warrant somebody to go out of their way and play it unless you are REALLY interested in the whole religious battlenun type setting.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished through Chapter 20. Have some observations and advice for those wondering whether to play this.

    • You are looking for much sexual content, you will probably be disappointed. There's not a lot, and some of what was there feels a bit forced (fan service).
    • You are looking for a game, or a choice-dependent VN, you will probably be disappointed. To say that the game's a railroad simulator isn't completely fair, but isn't really wrong either.
    • You want to kick back and relax, you will be disappointed and also really tense.
    • If you can enjoy a linear story with pictures and animations,
    • Like to read dialogue and get to know characters, and
    • Want to watch a ripping tale
    You'll really enjoy this. I didn't give it five stars from pity, but from amazement that the story was as good as it was for as long as it was.

    Anything else I tell you about the game simply means you're wasting more time before downloading it and playing.


    To the developer:

    The sound design for the entire game is fantastic. Easily the best I've experienced here, and well into professional game studio territory.

    Character growth has been steady and meaningful. Keeping your eye on those wonderful characters and their growth individually and with each other is critical if the game is to end as well as it began. Karina's dialogue around the main character's weapon selection, for example, was perfect.

    In the end, however, you have a story to tell - a particular story, and in my mind a great one. Don't get distracted by the extra effects and gratuitous nudes you can throw in to placate people; continue to build something you're proud of.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    A good premise with decent characters and nice action when executed properly. A strained premise with one not characters and absolutely nothing happening when you hit chapters when they are stretching for time. It feels sometimes like a TV show where characters from varying backgrounds and attitudes echo what are probably the writers views even though on any planet no group would share the exact same views all the time. A lot of the latest chapters fell like they are either just dropping elements instead of wrapping them up or introducing new ideas or premises they didn't think to seamlessly add. Kinda like they have a planned beginning middle and end, and some chapters are just filler episodes. I'm hoping it picks up, but at this stage I'm at meh.

    It would probably feel less so if the game wasn't at its base structured like a harem game just forgoing the sex. All the different tropes, including a sister character that clearly wants to fuck you, then weirdly aging her up so she can fit the mom role as well. You don't want to write a fap game? That's awesome, but you're gonna have to add some dudes and you're gona have to write in some conflict because no one would just follow this brand new dude just because. Especially after you find out the person who groomed him is the bad guy.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Tbh, when this project started, I was sceptical.
    But now, since I played it, I am enthusiastic.
    Its one of the absolute top ones.
    Phantastic story, extemely thrilling (... oh my).
    Congrats, this is masterpiece ;) :)

    Little sex is totally ok for me, I love it for the story, the thrill.
    Could not stop until the end.
    Graphics, atmosphere, really touching and --- just beyond words.
    Thanks :)
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    TLDR: A somewhat decent if frustrating story, competently told, that has little to no smut.

    Across 19 Chapters, there are two semi sex scenes. Both are with the same character who you have little to no chemistry with, a magical nun nurse. She gives a handjob and a boobjob to relieve your stress. That's it.

    While the story was pretty entertaining at times, this is the 4th game by this guy that has a lot of buildup with a lot of dangling threads, and the previous three never concluded. I don't see this one being much different, especially now that the game is going to become two games with two stories. I already see issues with how things have kind of halted in the Bunker. Danny, Sadie, and Francine have more or less disappeared as characters, Maddy and the protag keep repeating "they've been using us this whole time. well let's follow their plans anyway to follow the Grey. Oh they've betrayed us! Well let's follow their plans anyway to answer the call of the Grey." Also the player hasn't made any choices in a long while, and there's never been a worthwhile use of the ring's powers since he got it at the start.

    Also it was annoying how often different characters would randomly bring up currently topical or political issues, and they all had the same exact opinion. You're telling me a Cajun nurse, a Mexican cop, and a spunky white teen girl all have the exact same views as a 40 year old white guy who watches too much cable news? I don't even strongly agree or disagree with any of the views, it's just uninteresting how everyone's clearly a carbon copy of the writer.

    On more positive notes, the Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) instrumental song is good and I laughed when I realized what it was. The action scenes are decent, which puts them far above most games that attempt any action besides sex. Letting the player be nice to charge up the ring and then be naughty with it as a reward is a fun gameplay loop on paper, even though it's never realized in a satisfying way. Think that's about it. Oh and the creator has gotten way better at making hot characters, even if they aren't ever in sexy situations with the player.

    EDIT: I see in the Dev Notes that he clarifies there is very little smut in this game. Adding a star to the review because I don't believe you should judge something for what it isn't. However I wish it was a little more clear, maybe in the intro to the game, that this wouldn't be like his other works. I still think people are overexaggerating the strengths of the story. It is certainly unique, but he's basically been spinning his wheels going nowhere during the back half of the game. Why make Sadie and her mother poor if you kill the mom and put the girl in a coma? Why establish the coffee shop girl and the hot clothing store girl and the girl who likes to watch and then do nothing with any of them? Idk. Maybe this game just wasn't for me.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A Father's Sins (CH.18) Review
    Came because I was genuinely intrigued by the name and description, stayed because of the plot and great writing.

    The content:
    -This game is one of the best horror adult VNs out there. The writing is amazing, the plot is complicated and mysterious, and it seems like the whole game relies mostly on the story, because the renders aren't the best ones.
    -I really like the characters and the way their development was written.
    -There is also some humor.

    The visuals:
    -I am not a fan of the visuals in the game, and there is a signficant lack of sexual content, but I stayed because of the amazing story.
    -The best female character (in terms of looks) is Karina. The other ones didn't interest me as much.
    -I like the animations, and the visual effects.

    The playability:
    -This game has a lot of content, which is very good. It's entertaining, mysterious, and extremely well-written.
    -However, there are little or no decisions, and they don't really determine anything. One way or the other, you are sucked into the whole Church-demons-evil conspiracy and you don't have any other choice.
    -The idea of ninja warrior nuns in latex suits is original, and I like it.
    -The sound effects are also nice, which makes the game more immersive.

    Even though I think the renders could be better, I am giving this game 5 stars. It is interesting, sucks you in really quick, and the dialogues are well-written and realistic.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed Ch.17]

    TL;DR - A fantastic supernatural horror-mystery story that overshadows completely the few lewd scenes that are in the game. Absolutely play this if you are not looking only for porn.

    A Father's Sins is a fantastic story that really draws you in. It is the definition of an Adult Visual Novel – if we lived in a world where that didn't mean porn games. The few lewd scenes are completely overshadowed by the mystery brewing in the story so far so that they feel a little out of place. It remains to be seen if this will mesh better in the future.

    The girls all seem interesting but there is nothing deeper yet with anyone. Graphically they are unique and quite good-looking. There are some weird shots in which the lighting and/or expression make them look like old crones (looking at you healer-nun) but overall the expressions work and really enhance the personalities of the LI's.

    The world and lore stand out here. The idea of ninja-nuns in tight latex and warrior nuns against demonic forces is fantastically pulp yet played completely straight faced. Also the moralities of the different factions are intriguing – we mainly play with the "gray" faction, and it seems there is something afoot with them vs their patron, a mysterious statue-lady who gave powers to the MC...

    You see, the game rewards you with mana you can use for your spells. However the rewards mainly come from being an absolute goody-two-shoes. Which is strange since you should be the ones in between the absolute good and the bad. It is expressed many times that the Misercordae (or w/e) are not good and there are even some ideological rifts between the MC and his friend, a high ranking ninja-nun.

    All of these small things together really build up the intrigue and made me fall in love with this world. The dialogue, small smatterings of humor and the exposition are all top notch.

    Overall 4.5/5
    This rating reflects the potential of the game if it improves the lewd scenes or maintains the story to the end. However, if the story does not pay out or the mystery falls completely flat there is not much here (currently) in terms of porn or fapping material. You can forgive a mediocre story if the lewds are hot, and the other way around too.

    I really hope Pixieblink the best of luck with this, one of the greatest AVN stories I've come across lately.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I find this game entertaining with intriguing characters, good renders, and a mysterious plot, but I found the the heavy-handedness of the dev's "encouragement" to donate to his Patreon annoying enough that I gave an unflattering review. I am now editing it after having learned from the dev that they post the uncensor patch a couple weeks after releasing the public version. I'm looking forward to applying the patch and continuing to enjoy the game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    the characters' facial expressions aren't that smooth... it seems kind of forced... like I don't know... sometimes it's even scary but with the horror tag 'it's worth it then, but in terms of history, wow, it's very perfect ... and that's exactly why I'm putting this game on my list of favorite games, I really love these mystery and horror stories, and it's very engaging, I hope it stays that way, and some girls are pretty cute, but in terms visuals, could be better.