So far I'm LOVING this game and recommend it to anyone who likes a good horror/mystery story! If you played Once in a Lifetime it reminds me of that. (and that's a GOOD thing!) I wrote a running commentary as I played....
Running commentary:
1) gong = going (spelling)
2) don't make a choice a non choice (unless I'm missing something further down the road) first "choice" accept or not has (so far) equal conclusions.
3) Maddy, so far, is great, love her snark!
4) Sadie is cute AF, nice! (but I always liked that stock model, you did good making her just slightly different from stock).
5) You have "current LEPOS with DANNY at 50" I assume this is supposed to be SADIE?
6) Danny is super cute, but watch out for model looking underage if she's going to be a LI (ESPECIALLY with the braces!)
7) Nice job on the intrigue, but (and this is just my opinion) maybe don't explain it. I'm specifically talking about Maddy reaching for her gun... you know what.. nevermind, a lot of people don't pay attention and click fast, you are correct to explain.
8) If it isn't horrendosuly difficult, consider putting in a notes section for things like the back of Maddy's card. I'm guessing I'll want to refer to the prophecy later and won't remember it due to the game being an ongoing progress.
9) think about making an aoptional stat revealer. I'm not a coder, but I'm guessing choices made perhaps define your character? Like first choice, if you take the money you're adverturous, if you don't you're cautious. at Right or left choice if you choose left again, you're cautious, if right, adventurous? Or I'm totally wrong and it's just fake choices (which are bad IMO).
10) Heh, I retract all my 1 path from above stuf with "I never really had a choice, did I?" Nicely done!
11) Don't fall into the trope of not talking to people as you trust them. This ring has tingled at least 3 times and you haven't thought to ask Maddy why? Don't do that (though I suppose it's forgivable with the Cardinal's "Trust noon", but then you couldn't trust the cardinal, so you SHOULD trust someone!
12) NICE rendering and video of Maddy! (also, of COURSE you're going to peek (and reload if you get caught, lol!

13) Heh, lol "I JUST turned 18 today!" lol, don't use "I'm not a teen anymore" since 18 is still a "teen" Maybe, "I'm finally legal! Then something like "To vote, you perv" or something like that. Ah, crap! NICE humor!
14) Heh, buying your way into Danny's pants with fake money, also nice work on the render with Sadie's buttons.
15) OK, dude, no WAY the render of Danny is 19.5 years old I'd (barely) buy that she turned 18 a month ago, but not 1.5 years ago.
16) Sigh... you've got it all worked out don't you... it's like you're reading my critique in advance and responding to it...
17) Well... Nicole is now number 1 unless her personality sucks.... Also "she likes to watch" Planned tag harem? Or at least a throuple?
18) No need to spell out "Maddy is afraid" you did a good render of her face, anyone with a soul knows she's afraid.
19) wonderfully done with the emotions! add a comma after "broken" in her contorted, broken, naked body.
20) and crap, damned onion ninjas, nice writing!
21) I spent 10 minutes google translating the last part and wouldn't even attempt the Greek and then you just gave it to me, you bastard!!!
22) Wendy go... Wendigo? Wendigo might fit......
23) Karina just moved up to number 2 spot, possibly number 1 depending on upcoming stuff with Ncole vs. Karina
24) MC best not be a full Fng Priest in a PORN game!!!!!
25) AH!!! So that's why Maddy looks older, used too much mana, did ya? Went a little Blood magic, did ya?
26) Nice to be proven correct on the Wendigo thing.
Nicely done, the action is good enough to keep me hooked despite no lewds (I like good writing/story over lewds anyway) the characters are interesting and you left me longing for the next update. Gonna copy/paste this into ratings with a 5 star.