4 power supplies later I'm back in business.
It's the fucking weirdest thing ever. I hooked up a 2,000w power supply to my new render box with 4x 3090's and that sucker flew. But it ran hot. I mean... really hot. After a 40 minutes or so the power supply explodes. Snap, crackle, pop and POOF!
Bad PSU, right? That will teach me to buy bargain basement cheap crap off of e-bay. So I get a new 1800w PSU (Corsair, gold 80+ rated). According to 3 different websites, the hillbilly next door AND my dog 1800w should be plenty to run my system.
Same thing happens. A puff of smoke. Shazzam! Without the Genie.
Dunno. Huddle with a bunch of nerds. They don't know. Nobody knows. Bad mojo? Gremlins? Jesus hates me? Group think time. Must have been 2 bad PSU's in a row? I should go buy a third one.
Instead I picked up two different 1,300w PSU's, chained them together to split the load and... happy happy joy joy, it works. It works good! Like it's supposed to.
And the entire system runs way cooler than a single 2000w PSU!? I'm not talking about slightly cooler, I mean that dual power supplies dropped heat to about 25% of what it was when I was popping PSUs.
Have no clue why this is so, but I'm glad I finally got it sorted out. Hopefully this may help someone, some day, when they plan on upgrading their system.