I've been playing this obsessively for about a week this time around and after some thought I have a few suggestions I'd like to float around the community, not anything life altering, just some... quality of life changes I suppose?
1) Make all Tools (Torch, Lockpick, Hoe, Pickaxe, Watering Can, Climbing Gear etc.) Key Items. Would reduce clutter in the inventory.
2) Give Players a way to buy back, find again or otherwise obtain "special" item such as the Tainted Dawnbringer. Could just end up on a shelf or in a barrel at Lucius' place for you to buy back at a (massive) loss. Would make it less devastating selling something you shouldn't have whether it was out of ignorance or a mindless mistake.
3) Let me marry Julia.
4) Add 2 new Spells to the "early" game.
a) In the Church Cellar, there are 2 books being transcribed, make the one Mira is not working on when she is there interactable and have it teach a Healing type spell that consumes Energy and gives 10-15% health. Will help pre-Health Potions.
b) In the Cultist hideout in the Ruins map, the second room along the corridor has 2 books on the table, make both interactable. Have the open book teach something similar to a D&D Cantrip. I.e. a (weeeaaaaak) damaging spell that only consumes a turn to cast, no TP or Energy needed. Have the other book be a diary explaining why this Generic Cultist Nr. 2 is studying a spell. Maybe he's related to the Prophet, maybe he's the son of a rich Merchant who gave his son the book. Idk.
5) Let Penny turn a profit without constant babying. "My" Penny has all the cows, the mill, 13 adult female chickens, a rooster, her barn is tidy and still she relies on me to either give her vegetables or gold to keep afloat while I also have to pay 5 guys to guard her mill at all times. At the very least, break even already.
6) Managing Rumah, The Camp, Penny's finances, Emily's Taxes and daily Food etc. it's a bit much really. Can we get some permanent solutions to make these folks capable enough to manage themselves and perhaps even start paying us back.