
New Member
Mar 4, 2020
Well Chyos , Bianca has a bugged code somewhere...

I left learning sneaking and Bianca querst for later(cleared the goblins before meeting her) and from nowhere Bianca appears as a companion in another quest, after that she just doesn't spawn in her usual location...

She's just gone...

Also its snowing in the game, so i don't know if that is playing a part...

(reloaded before snow, still gonne... the quest where she appears as a party member without being one is probably what broke her spawning, she's just gonne until dev fix it or creates a place you can interact for her to appear again i guess.)
i found this bug too, this quick fix:

1. open www/index.html on yourgame folder

2. put this code at the end of script, before "</body>" tag.

      function fixbianca(event) {
        if (event.key === "`") {
          $gameSwitches.setValue(1102, false); // Set "Bianca in Group" switch id 1102 to OFF // read event 014 on mountain path map, if you curious about this
          $gameVariables.setValue(155, 12); // Make Bianca show up in her house (kitchen table)
          alert("done ;)");
          document.removeEventListener("keydown", fixbianca);

      document.addEventListener("keydown", fixbianca);
3. go to her house, i test it at midnight around 01.00

4. press ` to activate the code

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Active Member
Oct 14, 2016
my bianca dont join group anymore its bug she never leave the city even making request to stay wait 1 day request to come with me she not join the group anymore


Jul 28, 2017
i found this bug too, this quick fix:

1. open www/index.html on yourgame folder

2. put this code at the end of script, before "</body>" tag.

      function fixbianca(event) {
        if (event.key === "`") {
          $gameSwitches.setValue(1102, false); // Set "Bianca in Group" switch id 1102 to OFF // read event 014 on mountain path map, if you curious about this
          $gameVariables.setValue(155, 12); // Make Bianca show up in her house (kitchen table)
          alert("done ;)");
          document.removeEventListener("keydown", fixbianca);

      document.addEventListener("keydown", fixbianca);
3. go to her house, i test it at midnight around 01.00

4. press ` to activate the code

View attachment 4618480
You're the goat brother, works like a charm and saved my ass indeed.

But i did have to edit it with a proper code editor instead of just any text editor and i did change the event key to ".", tyvm.


Feb 19, 2020
If you don't feel like using a Talent Point on Dexterity early to learn Sewing from Frisha or Triggering the King's Arrival. A quick way to get your very first point in Dexterity is unlocking Thievery. Then heading to the Church, wait until 6PM then unlock the door, get kicked out of the church, then unlock it again. That might sound like you'd need to push more than 1 button, but in fact you wont. As soon as you enter, the priest will tell you to leave which will teleport you outside still facing the door which is once again locked. Simply press Z repeatedly and you'll be done in a few minutes. The priest will only do this between 6Pm and 7PM though, after that you have to manually leave with quadruples the amount of buttons needed, luckily the door still locks on it's own.
The quickest way to level dexterity, unless it was changed recently, is to peel potatoes in the inn. Each potato counts as one point to leveling it. One shift can give a point in dex, perform well and a second shift can reach the second point.
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Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
If you don't feel like using a Talent Point on Dexterity early to learn Sewing from Frisha or Triggering the King's Arrival. A quick way to get your very first point in Dexterity is unlocking Thievery. Then heading to the Church, wait until 6PM then unlock the door, get kicked out of the church, then unlock it again. That might sound like you'd need to push more than 1 button, but in fact you wont. As soon as you enter, the priest will tell you to leave which will teleport you outside still facing the door which is once again locked. Simply press Z repeatedly and you'll be done in a few minutes. The priest will only do this between 6Pm and 7PM though, after that you have to manually leave with quadruples the amount of buttons needed, luckily the door still locks on it's own.
The quickest way to level dexterity, unless it was changed recently, is to peel potatoes in the inn. Each potato counts as one point to leveling it. One shift can give a point in dex, perform well and a second shift can reach the second point.
Just enable auto combat and get a couple of levels so you can easily defeat enemies.
Then walk around to harvest them. each enemy harvested will give you +1 training use to a random combat related talent. which is most talents.
also later on when you can buff isha's corruption (energy) via casting her magic in combat, it will automatically count as 1 use of that too. So you can perpetually keep her topped off by just doing the occasional quick-battle.
plus you get XP and loot from it too.


Jun 4, 2017
1) When doing certain actions, Talents will progress. For instance, when chopping wood you're likely to see a message saying Strength Progressed 1/20. When lockpicking, you will progress Thievery first, then Dexterity. If you don't feel like using a Talent Point on Dexterity early to learn Sewing from Frisha or Triggering the King's Arrival. A quick way to get your very first point in Dexterity is unlocking Thievery. Then heading to the Church, wait until 6PM then unlock the door, get kicked out of the church, then unlock it again. That might sound like you'd need to push more than 1 button, but in fact you wont. As soon as you enter, the priest will tell you to leave which will teleport you outside still facing the door which is once again locked. Simply press Z repeatedly and you'll be done in a few minutes. The priest will only do this between 6Pm and 7PM though, after that you have to manually leave with quadruples the amount of buttons needed, luckily the door still locks on it's own.
Easiest way to train lockpicking is abusing the fact that entering/leaving Thomas room in the evening increases the stat and helping Claire increases Dex pretty early too, 2 nights is enough for the 2 lvls if you nail the fast option

Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
I was wondering, in your opinion, what is the best way to finish Bianca/Gavina's mission?

While playing I found myself faced with three options.
The moment I arrive in the dwarves' area, Gavina is taken hostage.
The game presents me with three choices:
1) Use the Silver Arrows
2) Use witchcraft
3) Escape.

As you can well understand, option 1 and 2 offer a quicker choice to end and save Gavina like a true Hero :ROFLMAO:
The Hero, saves Gavina and they escape from the area. But doing so, we get less content (plot).

Choice 3, even if it seems the most wrong and cowardly. It offers you the possibility of being able to leave the mine, go and get Tia and Lyvia and return to save Bianca and Gavina. If you go with Tia and Lyvia, both will discover the dwarves, the city of the dwarves and the Dark Elves. There will be a very interesting question and answer (dialogue) between the Hero, Tia and Lyvia.

As it is proposed, I would have preferred it to have been the basic choice. Involving the two girls will give them a way to understand how dark the world around them is. And at the same time, prepare them for a possible attack by the Dark Elves.

But since I arrived at this mission already too prepared. Unfortunately I think I will have to choose the quick choice, that is, the witchcraft one, so at least the Dark Elf will think that Isha has something to do with the Hero :LOL:

How did you finish that mission?

Small details:
Because in my case I can't. Having already learned how to create the silver arrows and having learned the two necessary witchcraft spells, if I escape from the area this happens to me: The Hero, will want to go to Isha/Gwen, who in my case, will be upset by the fact that I didn't want to help her with Athia, but that I preferred Athia to her. So not only will she tell me that she doesn't want to, because she doesn't get any personal benefit from it.
But above all, she will point out to the Hero, that he already has the right spells and strengths, to save them.
So she will say... why didn't you want to save them yourself? Insinuating in the Hero the doubt that he wanted to leave the two women at the mercy of the Goblins (sexually). Laughing and calling him a pervert, just like her.

The hero will reflect on this thing, wondering why. (So in my case I really don't want something like that to insinuate itself. Otherwise I wouldn't have put the NTR OFF and I wouldn't avoid it like the plague :LOL:).
I imagine that if I had done Bianca's quest, before learning the spells and without having chosen Athia or Isha yet, that the conversation would have been very different. And I imagine Isha would have helped me in some way. Or, I would not have even had to find out that Gwen is Isha yet. In that case, the Hero would have relied only on Tia and Lyvia. I have to say that the developer, has done and is doing a really good job. With all this detail and information, depending on when you do the quest and what you have learned to help you in finish this conflicts.


Engaged Member
May 2, 2017
sleep with gavina after threesome then have sex with bianca next morning if it doesn't work then do threesome again and sleep with gavina after that have sex with bianca she will say she is cool with getting creampies
how to get gavina and bianca threesome


New Member
Mar 4, 2020
You're the goat brother, works like a charm and saved my ass indeed.

But i did have to edit it with a proper code editor instead of just any text editor and i did change the event key to ".", tyvm.

glad it worked. I created a simple console to play around with game variables and debug issues without needing to use nwjs sdk. It’s just a small ui to evaluate some code and print the result. Since you use a proper code editor, you might be interested in trying it out


Jul 30, 2024
Something odd is happening to spawn rates in my game - In my previous playthrough, the Goblins (the ones in groups of 2), prior to assigning Mercenaries to the mine, would respawn rapidly, as in before I killed all of the groups they'd have started respawning. In this playthrough, they aren't respawning at all.

Anyone know if it's a variable in my save file or if something else is afoot?


Sep 25, 2017
Anyone know if it's a variable in my save file or if something else is afoot?
I'm pretty sure the previous version where you had the fast spawning goblins was the unnatural situation.
(I never had it happen to me and nothing else in the game acts in the same fashion).
That said spawn rate should be something found in one of the js files in the game folder.

currius will we be able too save the queens daughter in the future :D
If memory serves, the princesses will be left for Bonus scenes (just like Imawin right now)


Jul 30, 2024
I'm pretty sure the previous version where you had the fast spawning goblins was the unnatural situation.
(I never had it happen to me and nothing else in the game acts in the same fashion).
That said spawn rate should be something found in one of the js files in the game folder.

If memory serves, the princesses will be left for Bonus scenes (just like Imawin right now)
Damn, that's too bad - I thought it made more sense the other way and it seemed like a feature, not a bug to me that the mines would be perpetually overrun with goblins rather than something you can just clear out.

Both Imawyn and Sophie are in the Content Pole, not Bonus Content i.e. you do not have to be a Mayor level supporter to vote. I'm not sure if Chyos is okay with sharing the status of the votes here, so I'll refrain for now. But I have to say, the Bonus Content currently being voted for is.. eh.. I want it all!


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
it is already complete shall i post my save as anyone can fix it liandra iron chasity
You can do that. Maybe someone can help.

I just looked in my documents. The only requirement I know of for the cahasity belt option is completing the quest "Weapons for the King". Alternatively you can look for Yasemine's old photo in the basement of Giorn's villa. But as far as I know, this only opens up the option of whether Lindara will get bigger breasts later or not.

However, I'm still playing with the outdated game version, working on my walkthrough. I'll probably get the latest version in the summer, when I'm finished with the old stuff. So it's theoretically possible that you don't have a bug, but that the developer has simply added something that isn't in my version.

The Senior Perv

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2022
Weekly Status Report

Good afternoon,

Friday again, so it's time to report on the past week.

You can probably guess from the fact that the bonus scene still hasn't been released that my original schedule for this week didn't work out the way I had envisioned it last Friday.

Editing all the images and transition animations for Imawyn (~600images) ended up taking up a lot of my time this week. I had actually hoped to be completely finished with the scene by Wednesday when I wrote the report last Friday, but in the end the editing of the images alone took that long, the subsequent rendering of new background images and restructuring of the existing scene (which meant that more character sprites had to be created) ultimately took until yesterday evening. Due to the many animations in the scene, I didn't run the images through a script as I have been doing for all other animations lately, but inserted them frame by frame to avoid lag on older devices.

The rebuilding of the scene has made it much more flexible, which will offer some interesting options in the future. I would have loved to add options like “dance with Tia” or “dance with Liandra alone” right now. But then I would probably still be in the middle of editing images. So for now I've stuck to the existing animations and only added a range of animations for Imawyn. But even with that you will for example be able to dance first with Lyvia alone and then be able to ask Liandra to join you. Or first dance with Lyvia and then switch over to Imawyn.

Actually, I would have liked to have written this report after the scene had been completed. But in view of everything that still needs to be done, I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the update by tonight. In order not to get into the situation again where I have to write another report completely exhausted, I'm already doing it now.
There's not that much missing now, but I often underestimate how long it takes to write dialogs. Plus there are all the bug tests I have to do and I'm still missing the quest for Imawyn to get her new clothes.

I am also aware that version still contains some serious bugs. Last week I still thought that I would release soon and therefore excluded the extra effort to fix the existing version.
Now, however, I'm rethinking this decision. It will probably take me an hour to transfer the individual corrections to the version, but that's better than making you play with the broken version for another weekend in the case of an unfinished version. So when that's done I'll update the release post to

I'm working hard on the release. If it's not possible to release this version by tonight, I'll do so as soon as possible next week.

Thank you for your understanding and I wish you all a nice weekend!
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