I was wondering, in your opinion, what is the best way to finish Bianca/Gavina's mission?
While playing I found myself faced with three options.
The moment I arrive in the dwarves' area, Gavina is taken hostage.
The game presents me with three choices:
1) Use the Silver Arrows
2) Use witchcraft
3) Escape.
As you can well understand, option 1 and 2 offer a quicker choice to end and save Gavina like a true Hero
The Hero, saves Gavina and they escape from the area. But doing so, we get less content (plot).
Choice 3, even if it seems the most wrong and cowardly. It offers you the possibility of being able to leave the mine, go and get Tia and Lyvia and return to save Bianca and Gavina. If you go with Tia and Lyvia, both will discover the dwarves, the city of the dwarves and the Dark Elves. There will be a very interesting question and answer (dialogue) between the Hero, Tia and Lyvia.
As it is proposed, I would have preferred it to have been the basic choice. Involving the two girls will give them a way to understand how dark the world around them is. And at the same time, prepare them for a possible attack by the Dark Elves.
But since I arrived at this mission already too prepared. Unfortunately I think I will have to choose the quick choice, that is, the witchcraft one, so at least the Dark Elf will think that Isha has something to do with the Hero
How did you finish that mission?
Small details:
Because in my case I can't. Having already learned how to create the silver arrows and having learned the two necessary witchcraft spells, if I escape from the area this happens to me: The Hero, will want to go to Isha/Gwen, who in my case, will be upset by the fact that I didn't want to help her with Athia, but that I preferred Athia to her. So not only will she tell me that she doesn't want to, because she doesn't get any personal benefit from it.
But above all, she will point out to the Hero, that he already has the right spells and strengths, to save them.
So she will say... why didn't you want to save them yourself? Insinuating in the Hero the doubt that he wanted to leave the two women at the mercy of the Goblins (sexually). Laughing and calling him a pervert, just like her.
The hero will reflect on this thing, wondering why. (So in my case I really don't want something like that to insinuate itself. Otherwise I wouldn't have put the NTR OFF and I wouldn't avoid it like the plague

I imagine that if I had done Bianca's quest, before learning the spells and without having chosen Athia or Isha yet, that the conversation would have been very different. And I imagine Isha would have helped me in some way. Or, I would not have even had to find out that Gwen is Isha yet. In that case, the Hero would have relied only on Tia and Lyvia. I have to say that the developer, has done and is doing a really good job. With all this detail and information, depending on when you do the quest and what you have learned to help you in finish this conflicts.