4.60 star(s) 33 Votes


May 2, 2020
It would be great if Melina returns the fun to our succubus. So far only the guys getting executed get to taste the succu-pussy.


New Member
Dec 4, 2024
It would be really nice to have a tag that clearly states that this game has truly interactive turn based sex, one for "battlefuck" like A Succubus is Born or Karryn's Prison, and another for "interactive" for games like Rogue-Like or Null Hypothesis. These kinds of games are the ones I really enjoy because it's what I think this medium is: gaming.

Nothing wrong with having chill games with Point and Click that delivers content as you wish, but having some win-lose conditions for the sexy time is obviously way harder to design and code. And awesome to play. I think it's pretty popular because Karryin's Prison is on top of the most viewed here on F95 and sold really well.

As for the combat feedback... it is YOUR game and I think you already have plans for what you want to get out of the combat, things that you have to try or don't want to reveal. If you want my feedback as an amateur game designer (I have my own fork of D&D/Pathfinder PNP RPG rules for 2 decades, just for my games) I would tell you that what I always look for in turn based mechanics is reactive action-reaction-countereaction.
What I mean with this is that if the enemy does action 1 there should be a Z counter-reaction that is the best for countering it's effect and the counter-reaction A is the worse you could choose to combat that. Like Rock-Paper-Scissors. A three action-reaction system is the most obvious, but you can go as deep with this system as you want. Of course, this maybe is unfeasible with your design, so don't take my bias as criticism. I like the combat as is.

What I would think you could implement is combat and sex locks for enemies. Like for example that an enemy can get you into a combat lock and you have to break it with the appropriate skill or spell. Keep the Attribute Skills but give penalties or bonuses to break those locks. And also do the same system for the Succubus sex locks, like the sucking during the ALLURING EYES Lock. The victim trying to break it with Demeaning or Romantic dialogue, Sweet or Brutal caresses on the face or breasts of the succubus and the succubus doing counters like moaning or biting, caressing the breasts or the ballsack... Things like that would be cool. Of course: more work, more videos to those actions, and it may be unfeasable with your current design and goals.

Keep up the good work, I like this game so much I'm already on level 20 X)


Jun 26, 2017
Hell no! One of the great things about this game is the lack of large and fake breasts. 100s of games are full of those. The body styles in this game are awesome just the way they are.
Its reduced to anyone liking, and big tits not necesarily mean fake. Beside that you have part of the game going around using your big tits (and at the start od the game the MC try with diferent sizes of boobs). So as i said, i keep waiting for the big boobs
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Hello people!
It seems I missed the "Recovery" quest when I added the quest tracker. So if you complete all quests from a new save, the tracker will only display 14/15 completed. The quest also does not show up in the "Completed quests" tab.
The next update will fix all this:)
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Its reduced to anyone liking, and big tits not necesarily mean fake. Beside that you have part of the game going around using your big tits (and at the start od the game the MC try with diferent sizes of boobs). So as i said, i keep waiting for the big boobs
While big tits is not really my thing, there'll still be some of them once I add titjobs to the game. And yes, I'm working on it. Have a bit under 200 titjob/titfuck clips ready atm. The main reason I haven't added the skill to the game yet is that in the vast majority of videos I've found so far, the man is lying down. Titjob should obviously be useable without having to inflict the "knocked down" status during combat.
So either I do something weird with the skill (like... activating it has a chance of knocking down the opponent, which would just be... weird) or I wait until I have enough "standing" titjob vids:)


Active Member
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Thank you everyone for the feedback regarding the combat system!
I have read it all. There are many good points and ideas (not all of them new, but still) and much has been copy-pasted to my notes.

So. I've given all this a lot of thought during the last week.
First of all, the planned rework of combat is not in regards to UI, perks/skills/spells, items, balance or enemy classes/types. It was my mistake for not specifying this. I have plenty ideas for all of this (except UI, which has so far mainly been handled by another dev/coder. He's awesome(y)).

I want to change/adjust the "flow"/"feel" of combat. I'm was not entirely sure what it was a week ago, but something felt a bit off to me. When I started creating this game (at that point, I had no intention of releasing it to the public), it was simply an excuse to create a somewhat random "Porn viewer", while also practicing coding skills. Thus, certain aspects of combat was very simple from the get-go. I need to "unsimplify" those aspects.
I think this person from Discord is on to something.

Obviously this "lacking" I sense is also due to some features simply not being implemented yet, such as all the sexlocks (except blowjob) and enemy weaknesses. Among other stuff. Sexlocks will add a certain feature of combat that's definitely missing, namely longer sequences of sex while trying to gain control of the current position and the benefits said control would offer. And yes, all this requires some rebalancing, since sex is currently a bit too deadly to the player. But as mentioned, this is not about balance.

The issue, I think, lies with opponents and their reactions. Specifically, their reactions to being seduced. The seduction part of combat should feel more... involved, more alive, I think. The beginning of combat should be a lot like any regular (SFW) RPG out there, opponents should not act sexual in any way at that point (not that they do that right now, so this is fine as is). Besides with the use of magic (and perhaps future perks/skills), at this point in combat, engaging sexually with the opponent should be very hard, if not impossible. They know that the MC is a succubus and are aware of the lethal risk of engaging sexually with her. Thus, players will have to seduce the opponent first (again, not taking magic into account or certain future perks/builds).

Once the opponent is seduced (AP very high or max), combat would move to an almost purely sexual stage.
Here, you would have to fight for control of sex positions, trying to get the opponent to cum, while trying to avoid climaxing. Meanwhile, the opponent would not be in a very rational state of mind. They should still try to resist cumming, since they know, they might die if they do. But their actions would be driven by desire; they would initiate sex and other lewd actions, try to gain or remain in control of whatever is going on, try to make the MC cum, while trying to resist cumming themselves.

There will also be a middle point between 0 AP and max AP of course. That stage will probably resemble what combat feels like now (when enemy is at high or full AP).

Of course, this a very simplified. Skills, perks and magic will make combat more intricate/complicated. In other words, the playstyle/build the player has (once the game is developed enough to create actual builds) should give combat a distinct feeling that sets it apart from that of other builds. Furthermore, different enemy types/classes/races would further differentiate how each battle feels.

So what I'll likely end up changing/tweaking is how AP works and how opponents act/react according to their current level of AP. I'm sure I'll come up with something that satisfies myself and hopefully you guys as well. And then, things will hopefully (continue to) fall into place once more and more perks/skills/magic and features are implemented.
Those are my thoughts on the matter. Hope my ramblings made sense! xD
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Apr 29, 2017
What quest am I missing? I am soo lost
Not missing anything. The counter is just wrong; if you actually count the Completed Quests lists, there are 15 there :)


I've now put in a good amount of time now with all of the perks unlocked and pretty massively over-leveling the enemies, and I still find it quite fun (though obviously very easy past a certain point). Through experimentation and a bit of digging around the code, I've found that there are quite a few "hidden" mechanics that work really well to provide clever ways to solve problems, like being using Tail Pull to trick an enemy into spending their turn taking Sasha's panties off. Here are some thoughts on changes and possible additions for the future:

Small mechanical changes/additions
  • It seems like the different Infused Words commands should have different levels of difficulty to execute successfully, probably based on some math between Charm, Control, and Arousal.
  • Speaking of Infused Words, I would love to see options for Sasha to urge an opponent to strip her top/bottom.
  • HJs almost completely fall by the wayside once you can perform BJs, and especially Captivating Kiss feels superfluous once you have Perfect Lips. I think it would be cool to see a perk that allows Sasha to push an opponent onto their back from a standing HJ—probably using a Dex vs. Strength and maybe Mastery/Charm vs. Control roll—providing a natural way to combo into Pussygrind rather than only getting to use it when Trip or Tail Whip happen to trigger.
  • I really want to see "panties aside" mechanic where it is possible to use Pussygrind or initiate vaginal sex without stripping completely. I noticed that there is a variable in the code for it, so clearly the idea is already there; I expect there would be some balancing challenges, but besides being mechanically interesting, it's pretty hot too ;)
Larger systems
In general, the biggest thing I think the "endgame" combat will need is more reason to use the impressive variety of existing mechanics in any particular situation. As it stands, Sasha *could* probably kill every enemy using only BJs, but of course I want to see other positions, so I end up just avoiding having her use BJs except in extreme situations where I need to recover HP with Vitality Drain. These are a couple of ideas that I had for systems to encourage the player to explore the combat.

  • The Binding System: Certain enemies have the ability to Bind some of Sasha's abilities. This could be themed with physical sex toys/deviant devices or, if it's to much to deal with the visual representation and expanding the matrix of video clips required to make it line up perfectly, done with magical abilities. You could also have both in the game! I also think that it's not entirely necessary for even the physical theming to be represented in the video clips as long as the UI for the effects is clear.

    The player can spend a turn to randomly roll to remove the Binding (Dexterity, Agility, and/or Endurance if physically-themed, Intelligence if magically-themed), or they can just try to use other tools in their arsenal to succeed.
    • Handcuffs/Bind Hands - Disables HJs, Stripping, and Spell casting
    • Ball Gag/Bind Lips - Disables Dirty Talk, Infused Words, Kissing, and BJs
    • Chastity Belt/Vaginal Seal - Disables Pussygrind and vaginal sex
  • The Preferences System: Certain enemies have Preferences which dramatically reduce Pleasure Damage from other effects. I'm not sure the best way to communicate this, but it probably has to do with giving Sasha a magical skill to be able to determine what to use on a particular enemy (possibly a Spell option or an Infused Words commands to "tell me what you like"). There could potentially also be a Spell to add/change preferences to an enemy. The goal here is pretty straightforward: make the optimal path to draining each enemy a little different and encourage different approaches. This can especially help to serve as a reason to explicitly want to use sex skills where you give up control, which represents more than half of the positions available in the game.

  • Anal: An obvious potential addition, this is less of something that solves an existing problem and more of just the next expected step in the classic Porn Position Progression. Where should it fit in the loop? I'm not sure, though I imagine it could be very high Pleasure Damage at the cost of HP (even when Sasha is in control), leading back to BJs to recover (and the possibility to play up the ass-to-mouth fetish). It might also be an opportunity to play with a lubrication system, though I could also see that getting overly complicated with the already significant number of things to track in combat.
Looking forward to seeing what all is in the works, especially the expansion of the Tavern and the continuation of some of the storylines!
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Not missing anything. The counter is just wrong; if you actually count the Completed Quests lists, there are 15 there :)


I've now put in a good amount of time now with all of the perks unlocked and pretty massively over-leveling the enemies, and I still find it quite fun (though obviously very easy past a certain point). Through experimentation and a bit of digging around the code, I've found that there are quite a few "hidden" mechanics that work really well to provide clever ways to solve problems, like being using Tail Pull to trick an enemy into spending their turn taking Sasha's panties off. Here are some thoughts on changes and possible additions for the future:

Small mechanical changes/additions
  • It seems like the different Infused Words commands should have different levels of difficulty to execute successfully, probably based on some math between Charm, Control, and Arousal.
  • Speaking of Infused Words, I would love to see options for Sasha to urge an opponent to strip her top/bottom.
  • HJs almost completely fall by the wayside once you can perform BJs, and especially Captivating Kiss feels superfluous once you have Perfect Lips. I think it would be cool to see a perk that allows Sasha to push an opponent onto their back from a standing HJ—probably using a Dex vs. Strength and maybe Mastery/Charm vs. Control roll—providing a natural way to combo into Pussygrind rather than only getting to use it when Trip or Tail Whip happen to trigger.
  • I really want to see "panties aside" mechanic where it is possible to use Pussygrind or initiate vaginal sex without stripping completely. I noticed that there is a variable in the code for it, so clearly the idea is already there; I expect there would be some balancing challenges, but besides being mechanically interesting, it's pretty hot too ;)
Larger systems
In general, the biggest thing I think the "endgame" combat will need is more reason to use the impressive variety of existing mechanics in any particular situation. As it stands, Sasha *could* probably kill every enemy using only BJs, but of course I want to see other positions, so I end up just avoiding having her use BJs except in extreme situations where I need to recover HP with Vitality Drain. These are a couple of ideas that I had for systems to encourage the player to explore the combat.

  • The Binding System: Certain enemies have the ability to Bind some of Sasha's abilities. This could be themed with physical sex toys/deviant devices or, if it's to much to deal with the visual representation and expanding the matrix of video clips required to make it line up perfectly, done with magical abilities. You could also have both in the game! I also think that it's not entirely necessary for even the physical theming to be represented in the video clips as long as the UI for the effects is clear.

    The player can spend a turn to randomly roll to remove the Binding (Dexterity, Agility, and/or Endurance if physically-themed, Intelligence if magically-themed), or they can just try to use other tools in their arsenal to succeed.
    • Handcuffs/Bind Hands - Disables HJs, Stripping, and Spell casting
    • Ball Gag/Bind Lips - Disables Dirty Talk, Infused Words, Kissing, and BJs
    • Chastity Belt/Vaginal Seal - Disables Pussygrind and vaginal sex
  • The Preferences System: Certain enemies have Preferences which dramatically reduce Pleasure Damage from other effects. I'm not sure the best way to communicate this, but it probably has to do with giving Sasha a magical skill to be able to determine what to use on a particular enemy (possibly a Spell option or an Infused Words commands to "tell me what you like"). There could potentially also be a Spell to add/change preferences to an enemy. The goal here is pretty straightforward: make the optimal path to draining each enemy a little different and encourage different approaches.

  • Anal: An obvious potential addition, this is less of something that solves an existing problem and more of just the next expected step in the classic Porn Position Progression. Where should it fit in the loop? I'm not sure, though I imagine it could be very high Pleasure Damage at the cost of HP (even when Sasha is in control), leading back to BJs to recover (and the possibility to play up the ass-to-mouth fetish). It might also be an opportunity to play with a lubrication system, though I could also see that getting overly complicated with the already significant number of things to track in combat.
Looking forward to seeing what all is in the works, especially the expansion of the Tavern and the continuation of some of the storylines!
Glad you're (still) having fun!

I agree in regards to adding difficulty levels to Infused words!

I like the idea of a "HJ-push" perk thingy. I've been wanting more ways to get opponents knocked down.

Yeah... the "panties aside"/"strip bottom without stripping top first" ideas have been mentioned many times by now. And while I intend to do something like that, it's gonna take a long time. It's a lot of new videos I have to create and quite a lot of code to rework. But yes... it's in the works. Am already creating clips for it when I go through videos!:)

Sasha being bound and restricted during combat has also been on my to-do list for a long time, though I have not given it any thought beyond "That's a cool mechanic and it's sexy. Let's do that sometime!". So your thought on the matter are both appreciated and copied to my notes:)

I have also been intending to create a "Weakness system", what you call a preference system. I pretty much had the same ideas/intentions with such a system. The current plan is that it's unlocked through the brothel; once Sasha has pleased enough men under such a controlled and non-lethal environment, she starts noticing certain patterns amongst the customers. Then, some event chain happens and a perk becomes available. It can then be used both with brothel customers and during combat. I think I want the perk to activate (and thus revealing their weakness/preference) with kissing (since I really like kissing). I'll likely require an Int roll or something. This is, btw, also why you can kiss brothel customers. But we'll see, maybe a spell will work better.

Anal is not really my thing. I don't hate it or anything, just don't find it as hot as other stuff. So far, I've mostly been avoiding anal videos. But yes, at some point, I'll start creating anal clips. But that's far in the future. There's so much I wanna do (and would rather do)!


May 2, 2020
While big tits is not really my thing, there'll still be some of them once I add titjobs to the game. And yes, I'm working on it. Have a bit under 200 titjob/titfuck clips ready atm. The main reason I haven't added the skill to the game yet is that in the vast majority of videos I've found so far, the man is lying down. Titjob should obviously be useable without having to inflict the "knocked down" status during combat.
So either I do something weird with the skill (like... activating it has a chance of knocking down the opponent, which would just be... weird) or I wait until I have enough "standing" titjob vids:)
Loving the game! Just my type of models.
Never been a fan of Big'guns; even flatties have their charm. You really don't need big tits to give a successful titjob, in my expeience. While a titjob connoisseur might insist, a girl's only got to spit on it and squeeze them tittles a bit while rubbing her chest to work, unless she really wants to use her mouth, too...

You do have that one model in the execution scene that has the biggest rack of all (so far!)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
The premise sounds interesting but the Live-action porn in a H-game (especially with a massive watermark) is kinda trashy.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2017
Thank you everyone for the feedback regarding the combat system!
I have read it all. There are many good points and ideas (not all of them new, but still) and much has been copy-pasted to my notes.

So. I've given all this a lot of thought during the last week.
First of all, the planned rework of combat is not in regards to UI, perks/skills/spells, items, balance or enemy classes/types. It was my mistake for not specifying this. I have plenty ideas for all of this (except UI, which has so far mainly been handled by another dev/coder. He's awesome(y)).

I want to change/adjust the "flow"/"feel" of combat. I'm was not entirely sure what it was a week ago, but something felt a bit off to me. When I started creating this game (at that point, I had no intention of releasing it to the public), it was simply an excuse to create a somewhat random "Porn viewer", while also practicing coding skills. Thus, certain aspects of combat was very simple from the get-go. I need to "unsimplify" those aspects.
I think this person from Discord is on to something.
View attachment 4557735

Obviously this "lacking" I sense is also due to some features simply not being implemented yet, such as all the sexlocks (except blowjob) and enemy weaknesses. Among other stuff. Sexlocks will add a certain feature of combat that's definitely missing, namely longer sequences of sex while trying to gain control of the current position and the benefits said control would offer. And yes, all this requires some rebalancing, since sex is currently a bit too deadly to the player. But as mentioned, this is not about balance.

The issue, I think, lies with opponents and their reactions. Specifically, their reactions to being seduced. The seduction part of combat should feel more... involved, more alive, I think. The beginning of combat should be a lot like any regular (SFW) RPG out there, opponents should not act sexual in any way at that point (not that they do that right now, so this is fine as is). Besides with the use of magic (and perhaps future perks/skills), at this point in combat, engaging sexually with the opponent should be very hard, if not impossible. They know that the MC is a succubus and are aware of the lethal risk of engaging sexually with her. Thus, players will have to seduce the opponent first (again, not taking magic into account or certain future perks/builds).

Once the opponent is seduced (AP very high or max), combat would move to an almost purely sexual stage.
Here, you would have to fight for control of sex positions, trying to get the opponent to cum, while trying to avoid climaxing. Meanwhile, the opponent would not be in a very rational state of mind. They should still try to resist cumming, since they know, they might die if they do. But their actions would be driven by desire; they would initiate sex and other lewd actions, try to gain or remain in control of whatever is going on, try to make the MC cum, while trying to resist cumming themselves.

There will also be a middle point between 0 AP and max AP of course. That stage will probably resemble what combat feels like now (when enemy is at high or full AP).

Of course, this a very simplified. Skills, perks and magic will make combat more intricate/complicated. In other words, the playstyle/build the player has (once the game is developed enough to create actual builds) should give combat a distinct feeling that sets it apart from that of other builds. Furthermore, different enemy types/classes/races would further differentiate how each battle feels.

So what I'll likely end up changing/tweaking is how AP works and how opponents act/react according to their current level of AP. I'm sure I'll come up with something that satisfies myself and hopefully you guys as well. And then, things will hopefully (continue to) fall into place once more and more perks/skills/magic and features are implemented.
Those are my thoughts on the matter. Hope my ramblings made sense! xD
I think the biggest thing is that the opponent will never initiate sex unless you manipulate them into doing so. Tail pull, infused words, orgasm abuse, etc.

There's actually an old hentai called La Blue Girl that has sex combat where each person tries to make the other person cum, and once they do they lose. That's part of how I imagined combat would be in the later stages.

And it doesn't have to be all one or the other. An aroused rogue might throw daggers to try to cut off your clothes, before using a whip or trap to knock you down, where a warrior might just charge tackle you to push you down and cut them off with their sword or just rip it off you before mounting you. Lots of potential paths or styles if you want to make combat more dynamic.

There could also be rolls even outside of sex locks where instead of trying to escape they just try to gain dominance in the position, or change position entirely. Opponents could have abilities they use to reduce their own SP to delay their climax. Magic maybe? Or a potion depending on the class? Enemies using items like that would also open up a lot of combat options.


New Member
Mar 3, 2024
I'm customizing the videos folder. Just wanna ask, when are the "insert" videos used in comparison with the normal ones? Also, can i add extra videos to a folder, or is the number of videos in each folder set in the code?


Active Member
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I'm customizing the videos folder. Just wanna ask, when are the "insert" videos used in comparison with the normal ones? Also, can i add extra videos to a folder, or is the number of videos in each folder set in the code?
Usually, insert videos are used first, and then perhaps regular vids play afterwards. But this is only in some cases. Eg. if u just use cowgirl, only insert is used.
Number of videos is set in the code:)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
That's because it's a porn game not hentai for now.
A meaningless distinction.
IRL porn in a porn game just looks kinda trashy. It'd rather have raw text. At least that was written by the actual developer instead of being stolen from somewhere.
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I think the biggest thing is that the opponent will never initiate sex unless you manipulate them into doing so. Tail pull, infused words, orgasm abuse, etc.

There's actually an old hentai called La Blue Girl that has sex combat where each person tries to make the other person cum, and once they do they lose. That's part of how I imagined combat would be in the later stages.

And it doesn't have to be all one or the other. An aroused rogue might throw daggers to try to cut off your clothes, before using a whip or trap to knock you down, where a warrior might just charge tackle you to push you down and cut them off with their sword or just rip it off you before mounting you. Lots of potential paths or styles if you want to make combat more dynamic.

There could also be rolls even outside of sex locks where instead of trying to escape they just try to gain dominance in the position, or change position entirely. Opponents could have abilities they use to reduce their own SP to delay their climax. Magic maybe? Or a potion depending on the class? Enemies using items like that would also open up a lot of combat options.
I quite agree!
4.60 star(s) 33 Votes