I'm not addressing the morality of the issue, i'm addressing the content.
I'd rather read a text file with a decently written H-scene than look at low-quality loops of IRL porn.
If I want to see IRL porn, Pornhub exists.
Seeing IRL porn in a game about fantasy shit like succubi and demons is immersion-breaking.
Normally I'd agree - about using rl porn I mean - but in this case I couldn't disagree more. The devs have chosen those little vids extremely well, and you can tell that couldn't have been easy. There's rarely ever any modern items, cars, buildings, tech etc... instead when you're outdoors you tend to get outdoorsy stuff, the scenes, actors, gestures, facial expressions, sounds and action itself all of it fits the descriptions and scenarios in the game extremely well.
If text is your thing there are countless text-based games out there, nobody is stopping you. <3 But personally I absolutely love what this game has done.
Most text-based games are verbose to an extreme, just dozens of pages written for every single little thing much of which could be described in 2-3 sentences or less. There's just **so** much extra that an eternity often passes between every choice that isn't "scroll down/next page". As if their creators think text-based means just quantity over quality, that it's ok the pacing gets so slow and dead you barely even get to make 2-3 actionable choices an hour.
But here they've managed to combine brief yet well written descriptions with carefully hand-picked videos to deliver the full experience. Something with a far greater degree of immersion than most text-based games I've ever played, all within a fraction of the time and frustration for us players. Much like how they made sure to give us proper keybinds, grouping actions under the same binds etc etc. It's very obvious the devs here are very conscious of their game's user experience, and are putting a lot of effort to that end. Something almost every single other h-game/eroge text-based or not barely even seems to realize is a thing.