Here are some Lighting tips for new users who have just started with Daz 3D.
i have a feeling that many wants to try it but have no idea how to start or how to get light.
These are the different lights i use for the scene above.
These lights are only for lighting up the characters not the room.
This room already have lights in the ceiling but its not near enough to lit up the characters.
Thats why you need to add spotlights.
First Spotlight 1 main light
This is a bright light
increase the spread angle to 80-10 for a more softer light.
if you use lower values you will get harsh shadows.
Place the main light above and on the side of the characters not right infront.
For all spotlights i mainly use use "Rectangle" for the light geometry.
That gives a soft light
Also increase the size to 50 or 100
The smaller the size the more harsh the light gets.
You can also try to change
color and have different colors for some spotlights like i have here.
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Next Spotlight 2
This is only a stray light to get rid of harsh shadows.
you usually only need one of these lights but i have two.
For normal case you place these lights at the same angle as the camera.
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Next Spotlight 3
Also a Main Light
Depending on what camera angle i use this one can also act like an rimlight the same goes for Spotlight 1.
if i place the camera to the right side of the characters spotlight 1 will act as the rimlight and spotlight 3 as the main light.
having light behind the characters gives the renders more pop and 3d depth
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Spotlight 4
also a "Center light" or stray light to get rid of harsh shadows.
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If you still dont get enough light you can always add point lights.
Pointlights gives even softer light compared to spotlights.
i have one here hiding low and in front.
Rectangle even here and size is 50x50
Dont forget to unselect "Render Emitter" if you want an invisible light.
Dont use "Two Sided" either as it will add light in both directions. (you dont want to add more light to the room)
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The last one is also an point light hiding at the back
Light geometry is set to "Disc" here
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when you have that many lights you can change camera view as you want and the renders will look great from any angle
start with turning OFF all lights and Turn ON one and one to set the brightness for each light.
its easy to overdo the light and blow out the renders.
if you still are not happy with the lighting in the render try to turn OFF some lights and see how it affects the overall look.
I will post the last iray preview soon showing how Sophia and Dylan looks like if i only use the lights in the room.(no Spotlights)
its not a pretty sign but still thats what many artists uses.
they dont take the time to set up lights but then their renders looks flat and lifeless.
Spend time setting up the scene and you will be rewarded.
Good Luck 
With and without spotlights
You can easily see that reflections on the skins is gone with only mesh lights.
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View attachment 4365837
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