Okay, some people are
REALLY excited to see where this is currently at, and I haven't gotten another version of the main game yet. So, I'm gonna go ahead and share what I have now. I'll let you know when I get more updates. The following info (with some minor changes in phrasing) is also contained in a READ ME that I've added to the zip. I'm using Mega to host.
Escape From Zombie: U Reloaded v.02.0
This version was originally labeled v1.1, but they last said they are "still working on the alpha." ...

I've relabeled it 0.2.0, because the game is still incomplete. It is the second version we've seen released, at any rate.
As far as I know, the stairwell at the right end of the main hallway is as far as you can get.
The parts that are playable are not especially buggy,
but the game is still undergoing some changes.
The mini-game, "Sex Ed," is accessed from the main game menu.
The password for it should only need to be entered once.
The password is:
Okay, the password has an "at" symbol in it, and F95 keeps trying to turn it into a user ping. The password is in the read me file.
At present, you can only play level 1 of Sex Ed.
There are two monsters, each of which has (that I know of)
two main animations, and a "second participant" animation.
The second participant animations are not perfect right now,
and they will only happen if the teacher is in the correct poses.
Which is to say, they need to be able to get behind her.
There are a couple of combinations, but they are modular, not unique.
There is also a button for Survival Mode, but that feature has not been added yet.