So far, I really like what this Tech Demo has to offer. It worked "out of the box" without any issues on my (not overclocked) i9 9900k with a 2080 Ti. There's a few smaller bugs, but they've been mentioned already (like the shower bug, the "no head shadow" if in first-person mode), but they don't bother me that much at this point.
But I've also got a few criticism if you don't mind:
- I don't really like the "next room is dark until you enter it" mechanic. My (uneducated) guess would be that's for performance reasons, for the engine to not have to render far distance objects...?! Then what's the point of the "View Distance" settings, because to me it looks like it doesn't change anything? (And: are all the other houses meant to stay completely dark?)
- An option to change keybindings would be great (and you've already mentioned that you might be adding that). I'm using a keyboard where "T" and "Y" are not next to each other, so using them to change tabs in Photo mode is... "meh".
- Speaking of "Photo mode": after you've created your character, and started walking around, if you enter Photo mode and then try to leave it, my mouse cursor is gone, and I can't select "Yes" or "No" on the "Would you like to keep..." -- moving the mouse then just rotates my view. I have to hit "ESC" to open up the menu, and then I can click "Yes" or "No" while the menu is still open. (Using Photo mode during Character creation works fine though.)
- Every 3D game where you can move around using WASD keys does need a "Jump" and a "Crouch" key as well.

- Some clothes have clipping issues (which is not uncommon), but I think there's some room for improvements. Disable combinations that do not work at all, and check your walking/running animations with combinations that should work (like "Office top" and "Office Skirt" for example).
- For a Tech Demo, please let us re-enter the character creation mode again (without going back to the main menu and starting a new game) to check different settings & clothes.
- It seems like "L" will completely undress the character -- is there a key to put the clothes back on?

So, these are just my first thoughts! Nothing mind boggling, and nothing that really would be a "Nope, I'm outta here" issue, but I thought the earlier you know about those things the easier it would be to fix or add them (if you want to add them at all). Again, thank you for sharing your project, and I wish you good luck on your future updates. I will definitely follow you around and I'm happy to test out new versions as they come along!
Good job, cheers!