Just pick a a damn song.

  • Flawed Perfection

    Votes: 176 24.5%
  • Revenge Soaked Heart

    Votes: 147 20.4%
  • The Revolutionist Manifesto

    Votes: 143 19.9%
  • All Out War

    Votes: 341 47.4%

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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018

Update on the state of things
Hey guys, So I wanted to let you all know what's going on, because I know it's been a minute & a lot is going on behind the scenes. First, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Slappy. Saruh & I have been friends for a while now & I've been providing him with guidance on the past few updates of Angelica's lil story.
So the bad news first. Due to a number of circumstances that I'm not at liberty to go into, (Saruh's business, not anyone else's), He's unable to continue with the production of this game. However, instead of abandoning it, which we both agree would be a disservice to himself, his work & you, the patrons, He's asked me to step in & continue the production to ensure that his vision is fulfilled. I already know the remainder of the story he wanted to tell, & I will make sure that it is faithfully finished. I will add some additional content of my own as well, mostly just some new story paths, but don't worry, there will still be plenty of fap content for you all too, also some interesting new characters in some of those paths. But I'm going to make sure HIS stuff get's finished FIRST,
Additionally, I have a team of people working with me. I'm handling writing, I have 2 skilled graphics people on board handling the renders, and a couple of others to make sure this runs like a well oiled machine. I've worked with these people for years, so I know their skill. Now personally, I don't care about making money on this. I have a great job that I love, I'm financially comfortable, so I'm not concerned with how profitable this is, I'm here to make sure that the tale Saruh Started is completed as a favor to my friend, & for you, as per his request. My staff however, do still need to eat, so all funds received from our patrons go straight to paying them for the work that you will soon be seeing. So your continued support helps to ensure that the renders for this tale keep coming in. Thank you for that. I say the renders specifically because even if the donations drop to $0, I'm still gonna finish writing it & putting it in RenPY, even if the rest of it is just text. I do not give a f**k, the writing of this game at the very least WILL be completed. lol.
What this also means is not only will this game be completed by people focused on that sole goal, but updates should start coming out faster & more consistent now, as we are a team now & not just 1 guy frantically doing all the work. I'm a fast writer & my renders guys are equally as fast. Currently we're in the middle of the hand off stage, as he is passing over the assets & the remainder of the notes & everything else so that I can pick up where he left off. So I do ask your patience while we work through this transition, We're mostly there as it is, I'm hoping that within the next few days we'll have everything in place, organized & I can start writing. My goal is to have the next update out within the next month, maybe sooner, I'll keep you all posted on the progress regardless.
Either way, fear not. This game is not, & will not be abandoned, We're still working on it &, while I will include some new content of my own, I'm not going to turn his work into something different. This was his creation after all & I will make sure that his work is finished. Stay tuned, Lot's more to come.
Wow. News travels fast.

Yep. I don't think that's a bad thing, do you?


Jul 6, 2020
Best to wait and see the actual quality of their releases. That the message is not coming from Saruh is worrying on a personal level. Hopefully he is doing OK.
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Best to wait and see the actual quality of their releases. That the message is not coming from Saruh is worrying on a personal level. Hopefully he is doing OK.
Honestly, the biggest factor on the quality of future releases will be keeping that Patreon base north of $450 net, because that's what the renders guys are paid. That way, hopefully we can get monthly updates rolling out. Otherwise, I'd end up having to decide whether to wait & save up for the renders, or just release it as text only. lol. But the writing, I can certainly say will be fantastic.

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Also, Saruh is doing just fine. He just has other things on his plate. He can elaborate on all that if he chooses to, but that's his business, not mine, so I won't share it. But he's doing perfectly fine. In regards to the story trajectory, I already know what he wanted to write, I have my own lil things I wanted to include as well, which he && I have already discussed as well. I highly doubt he would have asked me to continue the game if he didn't like or approve of my ideas.
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
One thing I also want to add here is this. First of all, yes everything Saruh wrote out will be in the game, so I'm not going to replace his stuff with my own. The final product will be his creation, plus some bits of my own.

But regarding ideas about the NTR stuff, I want to clarify. My goal isn't to make the NTR itself more real & convincing, it's to make the consequences & what comes after more real. This is what I meant in the Discord chat when I used the example of Jason & Brandi Worley. Sometimes cheating doesn't end with a sad, wimpy cuck husband & the cheaters living in increasingly debauched happiness. Sometimes it ends very badly. In their case, it ended with the cheater killing their kids once her husband served her with divorce papers, then going off to life in prison, while the husband has to live the rest of his life with the brutal & senseless loss of his beloved kids. As a father myself, I don't know how he's able to do it. If I lost mine, there's just no way. All I would be able to do is buy a gun & a few bullets, so I could join them. I'm sure even the neighbor is still haunted with guilt over what their affair led to. You never see that in these games. You see a lot of escalating chaos, but it's always "safe" chaos. Shit never really jumps off. It's always contained & controlled. Well some of that chaos is what I'm bringing as well. In some of these paths, the outcomes will be harrowing to say the least. I personally am tired of games where, good or bad, everything always comes out the same. It's unrealistic & overdone. There's never any introspection, no regrets or remorse, no looking back & saying "damn, I fucked up". It's always "This is the path I'm choosing & yep, come hell or high water I'm resolute on this path, single mindedly focused & happy with the outcome". No one ever starts down a path, then reaches a point where they realize "I'm in way over my head, what the fuck am I doing, I need to reverse course & fix things". that's just not how it is. Pain is meaningless without happiness & happiness is meaningless without pain. Same goes for justice & injustice, light & dark, etc... Without the other to counterbalance, it's just baseline normal. It's a fixed point if the rest of the spectrum doesn't exist, making it's place arbitrary minutia. It's like that old saying, "when everyone is special, no one is special". It's why people don't like participation trophies. If you get the trophy no matter what, what's the point right? It's in the thrill of winning the real trophy, or losing empty handed where the game has meaning. Winning doesn't matter when you can't lose.

For example. Notice how in earlier written paths, when Angelica decides to stay home with Henry for Poker night, if you pick the options for him buying back into the game at the cost of her giving the winner a lapdance, notice how she flips from "YAY, our marriage is finally turning a corner & getting back to a good place" to "Fuck this marriage & fuck Henry, I'm out for good" on a fucking dime? Then in contrast, if you stay on the god wife path, but take the "supplements" from Mark & select the cheating options, She actually goes through regret, remorse & guilt over it all? Doesn't the latter just feel more genuine & real? I mean she's still cheating & still giving y'all coomers your fap material, XD. But I mean It's at least more of how a real person would act. THAT is part of what I'm talking about. THAT is what I'm bringing to the game, (well technically brought, as exactly that was a big focal point of discussion for Saruh and I).

The other thing that I'm going to be bringing is a heightened focus on the mental health issues with some of the characters. When Saruh wrote out the characters, obviously Henry was designated as the sad sack loser to be cucked. But one of the problems we ran into is he was TOO much of a loser, & too much of it was through abuse at the hands of others in our cast. This not only makes Henry more sympathetic than intended, but also makes the rest of the cast more detestable than intended as well. Have you noticed how Saruh was trying to soften & humanize the rest of the cast more, while trying to make Henry more villainous in the past few updates? That's because we were trying to balance after the fact. & the reality is, if the husband was Henry's dad, John, honestly, no one would care about his suffering because he's a scumbag & brought it on himself. But with Henry, he isn't. He's a severely socially, emotionally & in many ways, mentally crippled man that THEY turned him into. think about it. A childhood of social isolation & bullying, (which is more profoundly damaging than you might realize), plus another condition not yet revealed, All that we've seen of his youth, without getting too deep in the weeds, it's clear to see that Henry isn't a born loser, (though he certainly was at a disadvantage), With therapy & loving, nurturing support, he COULD have changed course into becoming more of a respectable man. Instead, well, we've all seen what happened in his youth right? & soon to be revealed details only add to that.

In short, He's the man that they turned him into, and now they are hating & punishing him for being what they turned him into. It might not fully make sense right now, but think about it. I mean, I was talking with another friend on discord a few days ago, & he even mentioned that it was too much & Henry should at least get some vindication. & here's the kicker. He's the creator of another NTR themed game. So if other NTR creators are saying "yeah, it went way too overboard with the cuck, he needs a win", then that's saying a LOT. & so I'm going to be addressing that as well in the game because, even though it may kill a few boners, (even though there's still TONS of the content y'all want that's still to come), It's good for the story & it NEEDS to be done. There's a lot of people out there looking at the game & thinking the same thing my friend was. I know because I'm one of them too. & the truth is, unless it gets addressed, for many, this will always be jarring, because all of them are dripping with this unfortunate dichotomy as the result of that one character's formation.

Anyways, I just wanted to be more transparent about some of the things to come in this game.

& before anyone starts thinking "Oh fuck, he's gonna ruin the game" 1, As I already said, all the stuff Saruh was planning for the game is still going in, so no, I'm not. & 2, everything I've said in this post, Saruh & I have already discussed more than once. Do you REALLY think he would have ASKED ME to take it over if he himself didn't agree to some extent with my view?

Anyway, what's your thoughts folks? Feel free to chip your 2 cents in.
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
TL;DR for at least the latter part of my ramble. We can clearly see from how a lot of it is written that we are supposed to SEE Mark as the hero, saving Angelica from a terrible marriage with a negligent husband right? The issue is, once you discover that the whole reason why Henry is a shitty man & husband to begin with is because of the pervasive effects of the systematic abuse that Mark, Melinda & to a degree, Alice subjected him to, The pendulum swings the other way. In short, Mark set Henry up for failure, & is now "saving" angelica from the very same mess that he helped create. It kinda wrecks the whole "He's the hero" thing.

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
I recently did a full (current) run of the game, and finished several different routes. So I feel like I've played enough of it now to be comfortable leaving some feedback. I meant to just express some thoughts on your post, but this ended up being kind of a review, so I'll just leave it here. (SPOILERS throughout!)

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I appreciate your thoughts & feedback on it & yeah, your thoughts on it are very similar to mine. I do want to clarify that a lot of the issues with the current game aren't really from Saruh trying to push his view of what he wanted necessarily, it was more the effects of A, trying to make this game appeal as much as possible to the core demographic as it was initially intended, & B, the effects of a very talented, but new writer working through the learning curve a bit. So we shouldn't be too harsh on him. My first comments, which was got him & I talking in the first place was that the game had good bones & I could clearly see that the guy had a lot of talent, (Think Charlie Sheen's character in Major League. The raw talent was there, it just needed to be honed), & I wanted to help foster that talent. I think that does shine through with some of the more recent updates here, as you can probably see the narrative shift in tone as some of the adjustments that I helped work out with him were being introduced. There's other plot elements that are more in line with the direction that I'm aiming to shift to that a lot of people might look at & think "HAY! Slappy is changing the game", when in reality, most of them were just plot points that he & I already worked out months ago, many of which he actually created himself. lol. I think that's also why he asked me to take it over, because I had a clearer picture on how to get where he wanted to go with the game, & really, it was a lot closer to what I was thinking than what it was fleshing out to be.

I think in his future projects though, the writing quality will definitely shine though. He's a good dude & absolutely has talent. As for this game, I think for the guys like you & me, you'll definitely like where I'm going to take this one. Some of it will also be a bit silly & over the top, or at least seem that way, but it will be a good counter-balance to where it's at. Plus it won't be AS over the top as it may appear. ;)

I mean hell, Back in Boston, I had a buddy, He's passed away now, but this guy was maybe 5 ft 5, weighed 350 lbs, & built like a bowling ball. Those familiar with the Boston Hardcore scene, (so, probably just me & maybe 1 other guy), already know who I'm talking bout, That's right, Chabo. If I were to put a realistic asset of him in the game, squaring off against Mark, this short, fat, bald, dumpy guy, squaring off this one punch dynamo, it would look more comical than almost anything in the game thus far. But here's the funny part, In reality, Chabo could not only 1 punch knock out Mark, he could one punch kill him. He could punch a hole clear through his skull & I'm not even being hyperbolic about that. Despite the guy's body shape, there was no soft spot on his body. It was solid, like skin stretched over wood & he was almost retardedly strong. To give you a frame of reference, on one occasion I saw the dude pick up a refrigerator, (not a small dorm mini-fridge, like a full sized fridge) & hurl the thing through a plate glass window. On another occasion, when he was helping Blood for Blood out with one of their tours, I won't get into the full story, but Ian & Buddha tried pulling a gross prank that involved Ian grinding his fishbelly white ass on Chabo's face while he was sleeping during one of Blood for Blood's tours right? Chabo woke up from a dead sleep &, while still laying on his back & with just one arm, hurled Ian about 12 feet through the air from the bed into the bathroom, where Ian's head bounced off the sink. Now Ian ain't a small dude. He's like 6 foot 2 & weighed 210, maybe 220 easily. To put that into context, if you were to wake up from a dead sleep, grabbed your pillow & tossed it, it would likely go about 8 to 12 feet right? (unless you sat up &7 really chucked it I mean). Chabo did the same with a 200+ pound human being. XD

Anyways, long ramble about people you've probably never heard of aside, the point is, sometimes looks can be deceiving & sometimes reality truly is stranger than fiction.

There is one quote of Chabo's that I'm going to include at least, which I think will fit perfectly with a scene that I'm putting together & I think it nicely encapsulates what's potentially in store for Mark.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2018
a lot of the issues with the current game aren't really from Saruh trying to push his view of what he wanted necessarily, it was more the effects of A, trying to make this game appeal as much as possible to the core demographic as it was initially intended, & B, the effects of a very talented, but new writer working through the learning curve a bit.
That's very understandable.

I think that does shine through with some of the more recent updates here, as you can probably see the narrative shift in tone as some of the adjustments that I helped work out with him were being introduced.
I had never really played past the prologue before until recently. I completed (for what's there at the moment) the Lesbian Lovers route with both the normal and Domme paths, the Bull route, and the Cuckquean route so far. Will probably try out the Slutwife, Hotwife, and Slutty Friends routes next. One of the biggest examples of how to me it just seemed like Mark was being pushed everywhere was how even in the Lesbian paths, and particularly the Domme one, it still seemed in every path that Angelica and Mark were meant to have this Red Thread of Fate attached to each other. Maybe that was always the intention though, and I had just wrongly assumed that he'd be prominent in the Bull, Harem, and Love routes, but would fade way more into the background for the Lesbian, Cuckquean, etc ones.

So in other words the game so far has kind of felt like the Lesbian+Mark route, the Domme+Mark route, the Cuckquean+Mark route, etc :LOL:

But I am interested in seeing how it all ends up. I'll probably end up playing at least 8 of the routes to completion when it's all said and done. I'll probably skip the Mark Love and Harem routes just because the rest of the game kind of gives you an overdose of Mark whether you want it or not. So after 8 of them I'll probably be Marked out by then lol. Or will at least need a break.

Oh and good luck with your endeavor btw! And I hope that whatever is going on with Saruh's personal life that everything works out or gets better for him.
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Sep 25, 2021
This is a hell of a lot of rambling and idealism. Why not just wait until you actually make an update? Why haven't you made your own game? Saruh has done a superb job.

This looks a lot like a very quick and sudden burnout incoming. I'd place my bets on an abandoned tag very soon.
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Aug 2, 2020
This is a hell of a lot of rambling and idealism. Why not just wait until you actually make an update? Why haven't you made your own game? Saruh has done a superb job.

This looks a lot like a very quick and sudden burnout incoming. I'd place my bets on an abandoned tag very soon.
have some optimism will you
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
This is a hell of a lot of rambling and idealism.
No, It's a lot of communicating about some things that are upcoming, due to plot elements that have proven to be a challenge for a while, because I believe in full transparency. With all due respect, did you actually read my post, or just skim & fill in the blanks?
Why not just wait until you actually make an update?
So I need to wait until after I'm done with an update to communicate with my fanbase? Why? Also, why do you assume I'm NOT done with the next update. I'm a pretty fast writer, so how do you know I haven't already sent the script off to my render guy to do the CG renders? Additionally, why do you presume I HAVEN'T released an update? Keep in mind, I took this project over.... maybe 2 weeks ago, not including hand-off time where Saruh, my team & I were waiting & going through the process of getting all the data & assets transferred over, yet even though I technically just started, there's already content in the current release of the game that I wrote for him to use in this game, or that we wrote together, as I've been very involved in the story crafting process of this game fr close to a year now. That is a LARGE part of why he SPECIFICALLY ASKED me to take it over. Again, something that you'd be aware of if you actually read what I said.
Why haven't you made your own game?
Because I have a very busy life & other priorities & obligations. I have 4 women & 7 kids that I need to take care of & keep happy, a full time job, so my life is pretty full. Secondly, do you honestly think that if I was making my own game instead, that means Saruh would be continuing this one? Are you really that unaware eof what's going on? The reason why I'm making THIS game, is because Saruh can't anymore & SPECIFICALLY ASKED ME to take it over. So, as a favor to him & his supporters, I'm doing exactly that. Again, this is why I question if you actually read my post, because if you did, why are you asking a question that's already been answered? So I put together a team so that I can crank out the writing, throw what's in the Patreon at the rest of the team to handle the renders, that way the story actually can continue. Would you have preferred I told him no, so that the game can just end on the abandoned pile? Also, there's no financial incentive in it for me. I mean after I pay my render guys, that leaves what, $150 a month left over at best? I make double that per day at my regular job. So, if it's not more than obvious, I'm doing this as a favor for a friend that ASKED me to. I'm a man of my word, so if I say I'm going to do something, I do it.
Saruh has done a superb job.
Agreed. I know because I've been working closely with him for a while now. & I think his talent as a writer is greatly improving. The thing you fail to realize, (again, because it seems you didn't read), is that much of the content in the game currently, that you've already deemed as superb, was written, or co-written by ME. So since you've already stated that I've been doing a superb job too, what's your issue with me continuing to do a superb job on this game?
This looks a lot like a very quick and sudden burnout incoming.
eh, you're entitled to your own opinion, but, considering the game already has a fair bit of my own content in it already, what exactly makes you presume "sudden burnout" when writing & then discussing content in the story is actually more work, time & energy then just writing the content by itself?
I'd place my bets on an abandoned tag very soon.
Deal. let's make it interesting. $500 says that I complete this game, as I intend to. If that's too much, then fine, you counter with what you can afford. But you better put something up. You don't want to make bets that you aren't ready to pay up on when you lose. Oh, & to be clear, I already said that even if the patreon dries up & there's no money left to pay for renders, I'm still gonna finish the text of the game regardless. Again, you'd know this if you actually bothered to read what you're apparently blindly replying to.

Anyway, all that shit aside, look man, I ain't got any beef with you, & I do appreciate feedback, even if it's feedback I disagree with. But this post of yours ain't that. I mean, it reads like you're basically saying "I'm not gonna bother reading the post, belittle it, replace what it says with what I presume it says, then say a bunch of shit that displays that I'm clearly blindly responding to stuff I have no clue about." & hey man, it's a free country. But if you're going to be part of the conversation, I do ask that you LISTEN, (meaning actually read what you're replying to), & then give your 2 cents. I'm more than happy to hear what you have to say, as long as you give me & everyone else the same courtesy. Otherwise, why even bother, when all it amounts to is you just making noise? Make sense?

Now that all said, if I misinterpreted what you were saying, sorry if I was overly abrasive. I'm simply responding based on how it appeared to me, but if I got what you were trying to say all wrong, feel free to clarify.
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
So one other update too, not specifically about Angelica's Temptations, but for something afterwards. Once I complete this game, nothing is official yet, but I think I may have been given the go ahead to make the VN adaptation of another game that, to me, is one of the best stories ever told & is very close to my heart. However, if I take this project on, it will be a massive undertaking, (& again to be clear, I'm not starting ANYTHING else until Angelica's Temptations is completed). Now the game is very well known & wildly popular in other circles, but probably not well known in these ones. So I figured if I just leave this image from the game, if I get people from here, of all places, recognizing it & telling me they want it made, then that will be confirmation enough that it's worth it.



Jun 19, 2020
Question about moving forward. Will the updates continue to be a singular path at a time or is it going to go back to a monster gigantic update covering all but takes much longer to produce?
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Aug 2, 2020
Question about moving forward. Will the updates continue to be a singular path at a time or is it going to go back to a monster gigantic update covering all but takes much longer to produce?
i think best would be like 2 or 3 at a time but thats just my opinion

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Great questions folks. Well I'm going to take a more balanced approach. Honestly, 3 of the routes should be wrapped up with the next update or 2, (Mark's Harem, Mark Love & uh.... Cuckqueen I think? I believe that the Faithful wife path is coming too an end as well). Honestly, when Saruh was still at the helm, the game was a good solid 70% of the way to completed. He really wanted to narrow it down to a couple paths & really build on those, but some ideas were just not fitting well without gaps or glaring plot wrinkles. For example, The forseaable future side story was initially intended to be in one of the cannon routes, but there were too many roadblocks to work around, which is why it was released as a non canon side piece. So I'll likely finish the routes with the bits of script & the already planned story arcs we already put together, fill in the gaps to make it all smooth & cohesive, then from there, since I'm fresh as a daisy, in the following update after that, I'll likely finish out what he planned for the remaining routes & lay the groundwork for my additional paths, because those are going to be hefty.

Updates should come pretty quick once I'm able to really get into the writing. Both & & my render guy work pretty fast. I just finished downloading all the writing assets needed a few days ago, I'm doing a thorough playthrough of the current game & organizing all the notes to make sure I have everything straight before I dive in. I mean MY content, hell I got that all fleshed out already. But a lot of yall are here for the stuff that Saruh was writing, so I need to take my time & be careful how I write that.

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Also, I do have to address one massive spoiler that's become the elephant in the room. As I'm sure you noticed, Slappy Kinkaid is an alias I've gone by for decades, Of course as the co-creator of this tale, that makes me essentially the father of these miscreants. & as such, The children usually have the same surname as their father. Obviously if you were able to hear Mark's thick eastern European accent, it would be more obvious, though how he keeps getting whiter over time also is kind of a tell. But I'll come out & confirm it. Yes, Mark is THIS guy, Marcus Kincaid.
Which means, yes, I suppose that would make Angelica Mad Moxxi.

The funny part is, those of y'all that know what I'm talking about are probably thinking "THAT.... actually kinda makes sense." XD

Saruh Games

The grinding never stops
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2016
I don't think it's so much people wanting the MC to be a reflection of themselves IRL as it is simply just the way the story is being told. It's told more from Henry's perspective then it is Mark's so it's natural for players to identify with him more and thus the hatred for Mark. The truth is there isn't a single redeemable character in the entire story. Everyone from Henry, Mark, Angelica, Aria, Henry's Mom and Ex-gf, Julia, etc all the way down the line are really awful people. There isn't really a single person you want to root for or hope for some form of a happy ending. Henry by default gets this spot because as mentioned before, the story being told from half his perspective and also because it's clear he's been getting shit on the most out of everyone. The way I see it, Mark is merely a plot device. He's required to advance the story and to put people into specific situations so the sex scenes can happen similar to how Henry is shown getting off on some of the cuck stuff as the majority of the routes require that to move the story forward. Sure, Mark could have achieved the same goal without being a total trash human, but I assume this was intended to elicit an emotional response from the player. The only person really winning in every route is Mark and he's written as the villain so there are going to be conflicting feelings for the player. As I said if this game was done from Mark's perspective but kept exactly the same otherwise, people would complain a lot less about Mark since he's the one doing the cucking. Sure from a literary angle Mark is better suited for Angelica but that just reinforces my point about the story being told from Mark's perspective. Also, I'm not sure if I would say they're a perfect fit. The way both characters are portrayed you have to wonder how long it would be before they're both cheating on each other with someone else? There's always a bigger dick/tighter pussy/better lay out there and while they did have some genuine feelings for each other their relationship is without a doubt built on physical intimacy above all else and it would only be a matter of time before things go to hell.

With that all being said I hope the endings are a bit more balanced in the winners/losers. Despite the majority of the routes being Mark/Angelica winning routes I hope there's a few that either have Henry winning or them losing. It would also be interesting if Angelica leaves Henry for Mark but cheats on Mark with someone else and leaves him too thus starting a never ending cycle of cheating on and leaving people lol.
I was skimming through some older posts, because I was waiting for some other work to get done & wanted to see what people were saying, (as most of my interaction with this games community, up until it was passed on to me, was predominantly discussions directly with Saruh), & I wanted to say you nailed it square on the head. This was one of the biggest areas where we were struggling & was a major focal point of discussion for us.

I think the disconnect with some fans like ehct2332 & cruelintentions & other's is that the first game that never got finished, That game was intended to be exactly what they are thinking it is, which is your typical, NTR, cuck, tale of debauchery. That isn't what this game is though. From it's inception, yes, it was designed to appeal to a lot of the same appetites, as that was his core demographic, & well, while he still wanted to change things up creatively, he also still needed the Patreon money to help pay the bills too. So he wanted to keep his support base happy. However, from it's inception, this game was designed more to be about a group of fucked up people falling down fucked up rabbit holes. & the outcomes of it all was initially intended to be pretty universally dark & grim for everyone. It wasn't intended to be a typical NTR game where the designated losers suffer more & more while the "alphas" revel more & more in the increasing twistedness. It was designed to be more like.... How do I put this... Like a Junkie's journey with heroin. It starts off as heavenly bliss, until it's hooks are in so deep & shit's gone so sideways that it drags you screaming into the depths of the deepest pits of hell. THAT is what Saruh meant when he said he was taking this NTR stuff to the next level. He was saying "Let's see what happens when we keep the story going beyond where the others end & see the ascent into depravity turn into the runaway train of self immolation. One of the main reason why there are good endings at all is because I got him to understand that the darkness is meaningless without light to counterbalance it. It's like Warhammer 40K, where every single faction is an atrocity unto themselves, where it's constant mayhem & wholesale slaughter, & where all of it is meaningless because that's all there is to existence in that world. I mean, even for fans of the franchise, was the Horus Heresy or any other specific story arc particularly compelling? No, not really. Because when everything's horror, nothing is horror because horror is just baseline existence. When there's nothing else to contrast it against, it's just a normal Tuesday. THAT is why that balance is so critical. Not because of the balance point at the middle, but because of the polar ends vying for the upper hand.

The issue is, when Saruh set out to start writing this, he was still a new writer & was still learning. & one of the big errors was writing Henry in a way where he's pitiful, but the reasons for it are such where it makes hating the architects of it detestable. I mean let's look at a few areas. Mark chose to hook Henry up with Melinda AFTER things went bad right? & he KNEW Melinda well enough to know that she took great pleasure in tormenting, manipulating & abusing men like Henry. This was not the act of benevolence that Alice & other's see it as, this was clearly a calculated plan to damage Henry while also making him appear to be the "good guy", so that he could lure Alice in. Once you see that, you really can't unsee it, because it's not just about "the bull doing what it does to the cuck". We see a man systematically & sadistically abusing his "best friend" in a way that will severely affect the man he would develop into, especially given all the defects he already had. We also see a man manipulating & abusing one of his intended partners to deceive her into the role he wanted her to fill. You see how it ripples out.

So when it comes to a lot of the fetishes here, I want to go back to another quote made by another member.
In fact, you can find numerous real life couples online living this lifestyle, and indeed, even where the cuck doesn't hesitate to fluff the wife's bull and seemingly even sometimes lets the bull impregnate her with his superior masculine alpha genes. No Nymphomania excuse required either
Well, not really. See, I've been living the poly lifestyle for well over a decade. & there's a lot of people, couples & even parts of polycules where cuckholdry is commonplace. & yeah, sometimes, if the guy is bi, he might fluff the "bull", (which isn't always black by the way, I've known black cucks & white bulls too), but the only times you ever see it like how it's presented in the game is when it's being done by people that don't know what they are doing, whom have mental issues that might be in runaway, (such as a sadistic Bull & a wife that get's so swept up in mania that she disassociate's from reality), That when it DOES happen, it ALWAYS crashes & burns catastrophically for everyone involved.

I could go on & on, but I'll let the content of the story speak for itself as it unfolds. But I have to say, when Saruh first asked me to take this project over, seeing how most of the comments I saw were people that only seemed to be interested less in the story & more in how it fed their need for their fapping appetites, (a lot of it pretty damn homo-erotic too. I mean DAMN, a lot of you really want Mark & Henry to fuck. I mean, I ain't judging, but damn), when he asked, I was pretty reluctant, because why would I want to waste my time writing out fap material that, honestly, kinda pisses me off. But seeing comments like this & the response to some of the others I've left recently tells me that there are a lot of us that do care about the story & are in this for more than spank material. So I think this will come out nicely for everyone on that end.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
I was skimming through some older posts, because I was waiting for some other work to get done & wanted to see what people were saying, (as most of my interaction with this games community, up until it was passed on to me, was predominantly discussions directly with Saruh), & I wanted to say you nailed it square on the head. This was one of the biggest areas where we were struggling & was a major focal point of discussion for us.

I think the disconnect with some fans like ehct2332 & cruelintentions & other's is that the first game that never got finished, That game was intended to be exactly what they are thinking it is, which is your typical, NTR, cuck, tale of debauchery. That isn't what this game is though. From it's inception, yes, it was designed to appeal to a lot of the same appetites, as that was his core demographic, & well, while he still wanted to change things up creatively, he also still needed the Patreon money to help pay the bills too. So he wanted to keep his support base happy. However, from it's inception, this game was designed more to be about a group of fucked up people falling down fucked up rabbit holes. & the outcomes of it all was initially intended to be pretty universally dark & grim for everyone. It wasn't intended to be a typical NTR game where the designated losers suffer more & more while the "alphas" revel more & more in the increasing twistedness. It was designed to be more like.... How do I put this... Like a Junkie's journey with heroin. It starts off as heavenly bliss, until it's hooks are in so deep & shit's gone so sideways that it drags you screaming into the depths of the deepest pits of hell. THAT is what Saruh meant when he said he was taking this NTR stuff to the next level. He was saying "Let's see what happens when we keep the story going beyond where the others end & see the ascent into depravity turn into the runaway train of self immolation. One of the main reason why there are good endings at all is because I got him to understand that the darkness is meaningless without light to counterbalance it. It's like Warhammer 40K, where every single faction is an atrocity unto themselves, where it's constant mayhem & wholesale slaughter, & where all of it is meaningless because that's all there is to existence in that world. I mean, even for fans of the franchise, was the Horus Heresy or any other specific story arc particularly compelling? No, not really. Because when everything's horror, nothing is horror because horror is just baseline existence. When there's nothing else to contrast it against, it's just a normal Tuesday. THAT is why that balance is so critical. Not because of the balance point at the middle, but because of the polar ends vying for the upper hand.

The issue is, when Saruh set out to start writing this, he was still a new writer & was still learning. & one of the big errors was writing Henry in a way where he's pitiful, but the reasons for it are such where it makes hating the architects of it detestable. I mean let's look at a few areas. Mark chose to hook Henry up with Melinda AFTER things went bad right? & he KNEW Melinda well enough to know that she took great pleasure in tormenting, manipulating & abusing men like Henry. This was not the act of benevolence that Alice & other's see it as, this was clearly a calculated plan to damage Henry while also making him appear to be the "good guy", so that he could lure Alice in. Once you see that, you really can't unsee it, because it's not just about "the bull doing what it does to the cuck". We see a man systematically & sadistically abusing his "best friend" in a way that will severely affect the man he would develop into, especially given all the defects he already had. We also see a man manipulating & abusing one of his intended partners to deceive her into the role he wanted her to fill. You see how it ripples out.

So when it comes to a lot of the fetishes here, I want to go back to another quote made by another member.

Well, not really. See, I've been living the poly lifestyle for well over a decade. & there's a lot of people, couples & even parts of polycules where cuckholdry is commonplace. & yeah, sometimes, if the guy is bi, he might fluff the "bull", (which isn't always black by the way, I've known black cucks & white bulls too), but the only times you ever see it like how it's presented in the game is when it's being done by people that don't know what they are doing, whom have mental issues that might be in runaway, (such as a sadistic Bull & a wife that get's so swept up in mania that she disassociate's from reality), That when it DOES happen, it ALWAYS crashes & burns catastrophically for everyone involved.

I could go on & on, but I'll let the content of the story speak for itself as it unfolds. But I have to say, when Saruh first asked me to take this project over, seeing how most of the comments I saw were people that only seemed to be interested less in the story & more in how it fed their need for their fapping appetites, (a lot of it pretty damn homo-erotic too. I mean DAMN, a lot of you really want Mark & Henry to fuck. I mean, I ain't judging, but damn), when he asked, I was pretty reluctant, because why would I want to waste my time writing out fap material that, honestly, kinda pisses me off. But seeing comments like this & the response to some of the others I've left recently tells me that there are a lot of us that do care about the story & are in this for more than spank material. So I think this will come out nicely for everyone on that end.
Thanks for continuing the game on behalf of Saruh I'm sure many people appreciate it.
I also appreciate your reply to my post. It's a bit of validation I suppose and at least I know I wasn't the only one thinking these things while playing lol. Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting Shakespeare or the Illiad and I know it's a porn game meant to get you off and the rest of if it is just filler. I do fully expect a ton of 'Porn Logic' thoughout but in some instances it's just so ridiculous and contrived or forced that you can't help but chuckle. As RabidSloth also mentioned I believe a lot of this was due to the way Saruh laid out his characters and the sort of 'hierarchy' among them (I won't lie, while I was playing it I also thought there was some kind of deeper issue about race playing throughout the story but I didn't really think much of it so I could focus on the 'task in hand'). I also think too many of the paths are similar especially in the way they would end. Half seem to basically be Henry cuck/Mark and Angelica win regardless of it's the good or bad ending or who's ending it is.

I was reading through a few posts and I noticed you said you will complete Saruh's vision of the story but will also do your part to add some elements as well as 'balance' out the endings a little. How will you do this without having to retcon a lot in order to make it more plausible especially on the 'good' endings for Henry or 'bad' endings for Mark/Angelica? There are quite a few gaps in logic or things that are clearly there only to move the story forward regardless of whether it seems to fit into the route or not. I've mentioned it before but the feeling from the past couple of updates gives me the impression that endings are meant to be either 'good (for Mark/Angelica) ending' and 'bad (for Henry) ending' and the routes have already progressed enough that it's hard to turn back at this point. Regardless I'm glad the game will continue and hopefully get completed and looking forward to what's in store.
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