Just pick a a damn song.

  • Flawed Perfection

    Votes: 176 24.5%
  • Revenge Soaked Heart

    Votes: 147 20.4%
  • The Revolutionist Manifesto

    Votes: 143 19.9%
  • All Out War

    Votes: 341 47.4%

  • Total voters

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Thanks for continuing the game on behalf of Saruh I'm sure many people appreciate it.
I also appreciate your reply to my post. It's a bit of validation I suppose and at least I know I wasn't the only one thinking these things while playing lol. Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting Shakespeare or the Illiad and I know it's a porn game meant to get you off and the rest of if it is just filler. I do fully expect a ton of 'Porn Logic' thoughout but in some instances it's just so ridiculous and contrived or forced that you can't help but chuckle. As RabidSloth also mentioned I believe a lot of this was due to the way Saruh laid out his characters and the sort of 'hierarchy' among them (I won't lie, while I was playing it I also thought there was some kind of deeper issue about race playing throughout the story but I didn't really think much of it so I could focus on the 'task in hand'). I also think too many of the paths are similar especially in the way they would end. Half seem to basically be Henry cuck/Mark and Angelica win regardless of it's the good or bad ending or who's ending it is.

I was reading through a few posts and I noticed you said you will complete Saruh's vision of the story but will also do your part to add some elements as well as 'balance' out the endings a little. How will you do this without having to retcon a lot in order to make it more plausible especially on the 'good' endings for Henry or 'bad' endings for Mark/Angelica? There are quite a few gaps in logic or things that are clearly there only to move the story forward regardless of whether it seems to fit into the route or not. I've mentioned it before but the feeling from the past couple of updates gives me the impression that endings are meant to be either 'good (for Mark/Angelica) ending' and 'bad (for Henry) ending' and the routes have already progressed enough that it's hard to turn back at this point. Regardless I'm glad the game will continue and hopefully get completed and looking forward to what's in store.
I appreciate the response. & absolutely, it seems a lot of people picked up on the same things. Now as for the "racial component", I mean it is kinda intentional, but also yes, it is comically forced, because as we already know, there's a large contingent of the base that only cares about feeding their kinks for the same old overplayed NTR tropes. & I mean, a lot of them are paying patrons, & sadly that Patreon money is still needed to pay the guy that does the renders for me, so we gotta give them what they pay for.

As for how to balance this out without major retconning, Well my friend, I've been a writer since 2007. Trust me, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I'll just say this. Mark isn't the only one out there with tons of connections & his hand in many business pots. I'd say more but I don't want to go into spoiler territory, but I'll DM you some hints if you like.

Saruh Games

The grinding never stops
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2016
Another good game abandoned :(
My guy. Really? You skimmed past multiple posts actively talking about the games future & upcoming updates that I'm actively writing as we speak, There's no abandoned tag on the game, forgive me if I seem a bit harsh, but what the fuck are you talking about? What gave you the impression that this game is abandoned, especially since the past 2 or 3 pages are filled with posts clearly showing that it's NOT abandoned? Do you just blindly spam that stuff without reading the room or something?

That said, I appreciate you saying the game is good. I'm glad you like it. I hope you enjoy the continued updates that will be coming out on this game that's clearly NOT abandoned.

Big Petey

New Member
Jan 15, 2022
Another good game abandoned :(
Guess he's not one to read... Or pay attention. lol. I'd imagine he'd feel pretty dumb if he say his error, but I mean if he paid that little attention that he actually thought the game was abandoned to begin with, I doubt he'd be observant enough to realize what a fool he made of himself.
Jan 31, 2018
I was skimming through some older posts, because I was waiting for some other work to get done & wanted to see what people were saying, (as most of my interaction with this games community, up until it was passed on to me, was predominantly discussions directly with Saruh), & I wanted to say you nailed it square on the head. This was one of the biggest areas where we were struggling & was a major focal point of discussion for us.

I think the disconnect with some fans like ehct2332 & cruelintentions & other's is that the first game that never got finished, That game was intended to be exactly what they are thinking it is, which is your typical, NTR, cuck, tale of debauchery. That isn't what this game is though. From it's inception, yes, it was designed to appeal to a lot of the same appetites, as that was his core demographic, & well, while he still wanted to change things up creatively, he also still needed the Patreon money to help pay the bills too. So he wanted to keep his support base happy. However, from it's inception, this game was designed more to be about a group of fucked up people falling down fucked up rabbit holes. & the outcomes of it all was initially intended to be pretty universally dark & grim for everyone. It wasn't intended to be a typical NTR game where the designated losers suffer more & more while the "alphas" revel more & more in the increasing twistedness. It was designed to be more like.... How do I put this... Like a Junkie's journey with heroin. It starts off as heavenly bliss, until it's hooks are in so deep & shit's gone so sideways that it drags you screaming into the depths of the deepest pits of hell. THAT is what Saruh meant when he said he was taking this NTR stuff to the next level. He was saying "Let's see what happens when we keep the story going beyond where the others end & see the ascent into depravity turn into the runaway train of self immolation. One of the main reason why there are good endings at all is because I got him to understand that the darkness is meaningless without light to counterbalance it. It's like Warhammer 40K, where every single faction is an atrocity unto themselves, where it's constant mayhem & wholesale slaughter, & where all of it is meaningless because that's all there is to existence in that world. I mean, even for fans of the franchise, was the Horus Heresy or any other specific story arc particularly compelling? No, not really. Because when everything's horror, nothing is horror because horror is just baseline existence. When there's nothing else to contrast it against, it's just a normal Tuesday. THAT is why that balance is so critical. Not because of the balance point at the middle, but because of the polar ends vying for the upper hand.

The issue is, when Saruh set out to start writing this, he was still a new writer & was still learning. & one of the big errors was writing Henry in a way where he's pitiful, but the reasons for it are such where it makes hating the architects of it detestable. I mean let's look at a few areas. Mark chose to hook Henry up with Melinda AFTER things went bad right? & he KNEW Melinda well enough to know that she took great pleasure in tormenting, manipulating & abusing men like Henry. This was not the act of benevolence that Alice & other's see it as, this was clearly a calculated plan to damage Henry while also making him appear to be the "good guy", so that he could lure Alice in. Once you see that, you really can't unsee it, because it's not just about "the bull doing what it does to the cuck". We see a man systematically & sadistically abusing his "best friend" in a way that will severely affect the man he would develop into, especially given all the defects he already had. We also see a man manipulating & abusing one of his intended partners to deceive her into the role he wanted her to fill. You see how it ripples out.

So when it comes to a lot of the fetishes here, I want to go back to another quote made by another member.

Well, not really. See, I've been living the poly lifestyle for well over a decade. & there's a lot of people, couples & even parts of polycules where cuckholdry is commonplace. & yeah, sometimes, if the guy is bi, he might fluff the "bull", (which isn't always black by the way, I've known black cucks & white bulls too), but the only times you ever see it like how it's presented in the game is when it's being done by people that don't know what they are doing, whom have mental issues that might be in runaway, (such as a sadistic Bull & a wife that get's so swept up in mania that she disassociate's from reality), That when it DOES happen, it ALWAYS crashes & burns catastrophically for everyone involved.

I could go on & on, but I'll let the content of the story speak for itself as it unfolds. But I have to say, when Saruh first asked me to take this project over, seeing how most of the comments I saw were people that only seemed to be interested less in the story & more in how it fed their need for their fapping appetites, (a lot of it pretty damn homo-erotic too. I mean DAMN, a lot of you really want Mark & Henry to fuck. I mean, I ain't judging, but damn), when he asked, I was pretty reluctant, because why would I want to waste my time writing out fap material that, honestly, kinda pisses me off. But seeing comments like this & the response to some of the others I've left recently tells me that there are a lot of us that do care about the story & are in this for more than spank material. So I think this will come out nicely for everyone on that end.

Well, sure, when I said 'living this lifestyle' I was referring to (hardcore) cuckolding in general, not the context around it. In real life, it's usually (though not always) a lot more consensual rather than coercive. In fact, I personally prefer that sort of realistic narrative as I won't have to suspend disbelief and it thus becomes more immersive to me.

While I enjoyed Foreseeable Future it was a bit much for that reason. While I don't necessarily look for a lot of story in porn material and I often skip parts I don't consider significant, I do read the story when it depicts a relatively realistic progression of a couple's cuckolding lifestyle journey and I have enjoyed and gotten off before to some books and forum threads without any visuals whatsoever. I actually enjoy the rare instances when attention is paid to details and implicit honest humiliation as that's the kind of psychological thrill that appeals to me personally.

I hear you that this isn't intended to be such a story and I respect that Saruh or you want to write something different which is entirely your prerogative. Honestly though you sound like you're borderline kink-shaming those who consume your content (and apparently pay for it) who I suspect care a lot about their masculinity and desirability to women and their sexual satisfaction to the point of masochism and for whom gender-role reversal and submission is a much desired psycho-sexual outlet for those feelings and thus want to consume material that in some ways differs from your creative vision.

No offense, but I'm not really sure what you're hoping to achieve by ranting. Do you hope to change anyone's mind or are you just seeking validation? Either way, I hope you're feeling better getting that all off of your chest and keep up the good work (y);).
Last edited:

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Jesus fuck I was barely out of the prologue and dude was made a pariah in school, beaten up enough to get sent to the hospital, had his girlfriend and his mom get fucked by his best and only friend, had his father beat up by said friend, his father abandoned them and then when he mets the main girl first thing that happens is that he gets beat up again, and he is telling all of this as if it was just some youngster fuckups and he is again best friends with the same guy, the guy who beat his father and fucked his mom and girlfriend. Its just too much.
Oh trust me, a reckoning is coming. you might want to stick around to see how this ends. ;)

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Well, sure, when I said 'living this lifestyle' I was referring to (hardcore) cuckolding in general, not the context around it. In real life, it's usually (though not always) a lot more consensual rather than coercive. In fact, I personally prefer that sort of realistic narrative as I won't have to suspend disbelief and it thus becomes more immersive to me.

While I enjoyed Foreseeable Future it was a bit much for that reason. While I don't necessarily look for a lot of story in porn material and I often skip parts I don't consider significant, I do read the story when it depicts a relatively realistic progression of a couple's cuckolding lifestyle journey and I have enjoyed and gotten off before to some books and forum threads without any visuals whatsoever. I actually enjoy the rare instances when attention is paid to details and implicit honest humiliation as that's the kind of psychological thrill that appeals to me personally.

I hear you that this isn't intended to be such a story and I respect that Saruh or you want to write something different which is entirely your prerogative. Honestly though you sound like you're borderline kink-shaming those who consume your content (and apparently pay for it) who I suspect care a lot about their masculinity and desirability to women and their sexual satisfaction to the point of masochism and for whom gender-role reversal and submission is a much desired psycho-sexual outlet for those feelings and thus want to consume material that in some ways differs from your creative vision.

No offense, but I'm not really sure what you're hoping to achieve by ranting. Do you hope to change anyone's mind or are you just seeking validation? Either way, I hope you're feeling better getting that all off of your chest and keep up the good work (y);).
Valid. & I'm not really ranting here, my dude, just talking. I'm a big fan of open & honest dialogue. My goal isn't to kink shame anyone, I was just noting that a lot of the people that are REALLY into the more base NTR elements of the game seem to really want Henry to become more directly sexually involved with Mark, which is why I said it seemed pretty homo-erotic. & for any that are into that, hey, if that makes you happy, roll with it. Alls I was saying ti just be honest about it. Guy's that are like "I ain't gay, I just wanna see him suck that cock because... uh.... corruption &.. humiliation.... yeah... that's it.... " I mean, dude, come on. If you're wanting to see a man suck off another man, it is what it is. & You know what? That's OK. It's ok to be gay, bi, pan, whatever you want to be. Ain't nothing wrong with it. Just be honest about what it is is all I'm saying. lol. Don't hide & make excuses for it, if that's what you like & fits who you are, embrace it. That's all.

As for humiliation & such, I mean I get it. All the way up through my late 20s, I had a VERY unhealthy relationship with violent ideation, & I too do enjoy humiliating & breaking people. It's just a matter of whom it's being done to. For example, people like Mark & Melinda enjoy abusing & humiliating people like Henry that they consider weak. In short, bullies. In contrast, I enjoy breaking people like Mark & Melinda. Bullies, chomos / child abusers, those whom prey on & abuse the weak & defenseless, those are the kind of prey I've always enjoyed. & it's not exactly like it's because I have a hero complex or anything, because frankly, I enjoy it for a lot of the same reasons I'm sure you do. It's mostly because they deserve the abuse, so I don't feel bad about it coming down on them. The fact that it helps someone that was being unfairly abused is just a perk. XD

Anyways, long ramble aside, It's not about ranting or kink shaming or anything like that for me. Whatever you like, as long as kids aren't involved, hey I say go for it. Have fun. I just like open & honest dialogue. It's a good thing.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
I don't have a current walkthrough, but I'll see if I can get someone to make one. Or I can likely help you out, what part you stuck on?
thanks but I'm not stuck
I just want to see where some route lead on the short term to know which one I want to take

even if there is no walkthough for the last version I don't care, I'm at the beginning, a old one will do, so I ask if someone have one
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Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
thanks but I'm not stuck
I just want to see where some route lead on the short term to know which one I want to take

even if there is no walkthough for the last version I don't care, I'm at the beginning, a old one will do, so I ask if someone have one
Not presently, no, I just took the helm on this project within the last month & the walkthrough link was already dead. I'll see if I can get someone to make a new one
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Reactions: Nayko93


Forum Fanatic
Mar 22, 2020
Updated Android port. Nothing too fancy but let me know if you have any issues.

Version: 0.3.1 + WT by JokerLeader
Size 704 MB

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3.90 star(s) 55 Votes