- Apr 14, 2018
- 609
- 864
I appreciate the response. & absolutely, it seems a lot of people picked up on the same things. Now as for the "racial component", I mean it is kinda intentional, but also yes, it is comically forced, because as we already know, there's a large contingent of the base that only cares about feeding their kinks for the same old overplayed NTR tropes. & I mean, a lot of them are paying patrons, & sadly that Patreon money is still needed to pay the guy that does the renders for me, so we gotta give them what they pay for.Thanks for continuing the game on behalf of Saruh I'm sure many people appreciate it.
I also appreciate your reply to my post. It's a bit of validation I suppose and at least I know I wasn't the only one thinking these things while playing lol. Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting Shakespeare or the Illiad and I know it's a porn game meant to get you off and the rest of if it is just filler. I do fully expect a ton of 'Porn Logic' thoughout but in some instances it's just so ridiculous and contrived or forced that you can't help but chuckle. As RabidSloth also mentioned I believe a lot of this was due to the way Saruh laid out his characters and the sort of 'hierarchy' among them (I won't lie, while I was playing it I also thought there was some kind of deeper issue about race playing throughout the story but I didn't really think much of it so I could focus on the 'task in hand'). I also think too many of the paths are similar especially in the way they would end. Half seem to basically be Henry cuck/Mark and Angelica win regardless of it's the good or bad ending or who's ending it is.
I was reading through a few posts and I noticed you said you will complete Saruh's vision of the story but will also do your part to add some elements as well as 'balance' out the endings a little. How will you do this without having to retcon a lot in order to make it more plausible especially on the 'good' endings for Henry or 'bad' endings for Mark/Angelica? There are quite a few gaps in logic or things that are clearly there only to move the story forward regardless of whether it seems to fit into the route or not. I've mentioned it before but the feeling from the past couple of updates gives me the impression that endings are meant to be either 'good (for Mark/Angelica) ending' and 'bad (for Henry) ending' and the routes have already progressed enough that it's hard to turn back at this point. Regardless I'm glad the game will continue and hopefully get completed and looking forward to what's in store.
As for how to balance this out without major retconning, Well my friend, I've been a writer since 2007. Trust me, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I'll just say this. Mark isn't the only one out there with tons of connections & his hand in many business pots. I'd say more but I don't want to go into spoiler territory, but I'll DM you some hints if you like.