Can any1 tell me if the renders got a overhaul. It seems really outdated. I mean this seems to have really good ratings but it seems to lack alot in the visual department.
I don't think
Pent Panda has a plan to do a renders overhaul.
And I think this game has a good rating because of the story, not the renders. I really like this game for that reason, plus it's silliness, the setup (I like stories that take place in post-apocalyptic world), the badass female MC... Not to mention, the naked yoga in the morning

I will prefer that he works on AME3 that redoes the renders of AME2. But for what I know this are not his plans for the foreseeable future (but I will wait for AME3
Pent Panda, I will wait

Canto Forte write, he has just finished is last game
Short Sad Stories.
I found the renders really good. It's definitively not another Daz game with the same models we have already seen dozen of time.