
New Member
Apr 29, 2023
I think you are looking at history data, becausr sugarcube keeps back button data stored as new data.
I did some testing. Yep, that's it. I hadn't anticipated them storing everything like that, but that matches the changes I see between save files. Nevermind. :oops:

Thanks for the reply =)
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Oct 22, 2017
Note that in version 0.27, a lot of things related to the 'new fuck system' are only in some parts of the game.
For instance the sexChance is only for Girl guests, currently, like the new fuck interface (which has some fixes pending).

Keep also in mind that the likesGuys to true is what is checked, orientation is just a summary for display.

Here is the function, maybe recheck that your guests are female, like guys :

setup.sexChance = function (person) {
if ((person.traits ?? []).includes('nymphomaniac')) {
return 100;
} else if (!person.likesGuys) {
return Math.floor(person.sub/2);
} else {
return Math.max(person.relationship, person.horny, person.sub);
Thanks man!! good to know!! Also I agree, the suicide mechanic is terrible without actions to greatly increase happiness, maybe get rid of happiness/suicide mechanic. If you have girls on the street they will hang themselves, just a matter of time. :(
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
Thanks man!! good to know!! Also I agree, the suicide mechanic is terrible without actions to greatly increase happiness, maybe get rid of happiness/suicide mechanic. If you have girls on the street they will hang themselves, just a matter of time. :(
Idea is to throw a party also for slaves or add some other event where they happiness could increase a lot
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Oct 22, 2017
Idea is to throw a party also for slaves or add some other event where they happiness could increase a lot
that would make sense, if the events at the fireplace could increase happiness even to slaves, or some slave focused activities it would make hapiness more manageable :) I really like the game, you are into something here.
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Aug 26, 2020
I mean, just give them breaks and fuck them in a puddle once a week with multiple orgasms on their part and they should not kill themselves.
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Aug 26, 2020
Will add that orgasm gives happiness
Could we get a number meter on slave happiness and not just the gains? Knowing exactly what we're dealing with would make things easier.

Also, does giving slaves on the street knives reduce the chance of them being killed? Would be funny to receive messages with "Someone tried to kill *insert street slave name" but she handled it and found you 5 caps" every now and then.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
Could we get a number meter on slave happiness and not just the gains? Knowing exactly what we're dealing with would make things easier.

Also, does giving slaves on the street knives reduce the chance of them being killed? Would be funny to receive messages with "Someone tried to kill *insert street slave name" but she handled it and found you 5 caps" every now and then.
Yes. It decreases chance to get killed. Also increasing their strength decreases. Thanks for suggestion!
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New Member
Apr 29, 2023
I got bored. Pardon formatting. Not sure the best way to deliver this decision tree info, but I made an attempt to keep it readable.

Underground Fuel Crisis (Fan fiction):

Isabel: The tiny bit of fuel we recovered isn't nearly enough. We got everybody to calm down for the moment, but it won't last. I don't have the manpower to squash a full blown riot every night. You've proven yourself capable. I need you to do something for me.

1----> MC: What's in it for me?
----------> Isabel: My eternal love and respect. *She glares at MC* Otherwise, I'll tell these assholes you're the cause of the fuel shortage and you can forget ever coming back here.
Narrator/Unlabeled: Something tells you it might be best to roll with this one. Isabel's got lots of pull in this city.

---------------> MC: Fine. What do you want? (Continue dialog from (A))
---------------> MC: Spread your legs and I'll think about it.
--------------------> Isabel: You and Dom, I fucking swear... Fun's fun, but when the chips are down, you two think with the wrong head. I'll figure it out myself. Get him out of here!
--------------------> -- Quest ends. Underground remains accessible, but player will now frequently encounter bounty hunters while in Underground. They come in small groups, are armed with knives, and attack without asking questions.
--------------------> -- After 100 days, Dom will have recovered fully and offers clemency in exchange for 80% of your prostitutes' earnings indefinitely. If you accept, bounty hunters stop. If you refuse, bounty hunters continue. Worse, Dom ups the game: you may be randomly stabbed in the streets or nightclub (bleeding effect, carry bandages). You may be roofied if you drink at the bar or club and up to 100 caps stolen. Every 100 days Dom offers the deal again.

2---->MC: Happy to help.
----------> Isabel: *sigh of relief*. Thank you. (A)

Isabel: We need fuel. Sanctuary has plenty to spare, but they love watching us squirm. I don't care how it happens. Get in there and get fuel. Lots of it. Here's 800 caps. Maybe that'll work. I suggest you bring backup.
MC: I'll be back as soon as I can.

Part 2:
You arrive at Sanctuary. It's not your first time here, and regretfully, some of the guards seem to remember you. Damn Vincent and his broken down car...

Guard: Yep. I remember your sorry ass. Get lost. *Five guards approach. One is brandishing a revolver*.
MC: I need to buy fuel. That's all I'm here for. I'm gettin' in one way or another.
Guard: Third time I've heard that this week. Piss off. Now!
1----> Fight.
----------> It is critical to dispatch the one with the revolver first or you're shot dead in the first round. This is a great opportunity for a non-combat oriented player to use their own revolver and let companions deal with the others.
----------> Lose: Game over.
----------> Win: Guard: Fucking shit! Fine, fine! I'll take you to the guy. (B)

2----> Bribe. MC: I got caps. Take two hundred. Consider it a show of good faith. Take me to whoever can sell fuel.
---------->Guard: Not bad... Not bad... Call it three hundred and you got a deal.
---------------> Refuse: Go to Fight above.
---------------> Accept: lose 300 caps. (B)

Sanctuary Fuel Guy (whoever that is): *looks up from his desk* "What?" The his two bodyguards sweep back their jackets revealing guns.
Guard: This guy wants to buy fuel. I told him –
Fuel Guy: I was pretty sure I said nobody gets in the gate.
Guard: Yeah, but...
Fuel Guy pulls a gun from his desk and shoots Guard in the heart. Guard drops dead.
Fuel Guy puts his finger in his ear and tries to get his hearing back.
Fuel Guy: I hate it when people can't follow basic instruction. Now, what the fuck do you want with fuel and why in the hell would I ever give you any?
MC: Doesn't matter what I need it for. Fact is that I have money. You have fuel. Let's work something out.
Fuel Guy: Isabel sent you, didn't she?

1----> Lie. MC: I'm here for my own little village.
----------> Fuel Guy: Oh. You have a little village? Where's that? Do you have a good stockpile of wood, wine, and women? Anything we could use? Don't be shy now. You can trust me. Or we can break bones until you spill it. People are real talkative when their legs are tied in a knot.
----------> MC: Never mind. Yes, Isabel sent me.

2----> Truth. MC: Yes. She gave me some caps to buy fuel.

Fuel Guy: That's what I thought. For someone so desperate, she doesn't come off it easy, if you know what I mean. What's your offer?

1----> Deliver Isabel as slave.
----------> Fuel Guy: You're one brave son of a bitch. I bet her and Dom's goons will have you pimped out for the rest of your life - maybe to horses instead of people. You sure about that?
---------------> On second thought... (Return to decision tree)
---------------> Be right back.
--------------------> Fuel Guy: It's your funeral. I'll be waiting.
--------------------> Isabel does, in fact, turn you into a prostitute slave. You're returned to Sanctuary, chained, shaved, nude, and ready to repay all that bad karma for whoring people out and fucking random girls in the woods. But good news! Your ass helps pay for fuel shipments to Underground. Perhaps it's poetic for the pimp to become the hooker. Game over.

2----> Beat him into submission. Fight:
----------> If: Has Companions => 3 and has endurance => 100 and has strength => 150, three companions die in the gun fight (they take bullets for you), but you succeed in pummeling Fuel Guy to a pulp and killing his guards. Receive bleeding effect and sore body.
---------------> Fuel Guy: Damn! *Rubs his jaw* It's been a long time since somebody impressed me. I can't just let you walk out of here with it though. My boss would shoot me and my family. Five hundred caps. I'll send a truck out there right now.
--------------------> Agreed: -500 caps
-------------------------> Fuel Guy: Tell Isabel we gotta work out something for future shipments. I can't sell at that price forever. (Quest successful)

----------> If: Doesn't have 3+ companions or less than 100 endurance or less than 150 strength, Three bullets immediately streak towards you. You fire back and manage to kill the Fuel Guy in the exchange. However, you don't stay breathing long enough for it to matter. Game over.

3----> Barter
----------> I got five hundred caps.
---------------> Fuel Guy: You want enough fuel for a city for 500 caps? Fucking, please. 2000.
--------------------> Accept: -2000 caps. Quest Successful (Fuel Guy dispatches a truck immediately.)
--------------------> Refuse: MC: Nobody can afford that! How about five slaves?
-------------------------> Fuel Guy: Five slaves and 500 caps.
-------------------------> Accept: Menu pops up to select five slaves. (-5 slaves & -500 caps.) Quest Successful.

----------> I have these three lovely ladies. (Need at least three companions.)
---------------> If: average companion beauty > 70:
--------------------> Fuel Guy: Hrm... They are pretty good looking. And clean, like you found the world's last bathhouse. Weird. Toss in 50 caps for dinner tonight and you got a deal. (-3 companions and -50 caps) Quest complete.
---------------> If average companion beauty <=70:
--------------------> Fuel Guy: I've seen better looking livestock.
-------------------------> If: average companion strength > 50:
------------------------------> Fuel Guy: ...but they do look sturdy. Throw in 100 caps so I can buy some cosmetics, and you got a deal. (-3 companions, -100 caps.)
-------------------------> Else:
-----------------------------> Fuel Guy: I'll take them anyway. And 500 caps. And you better have 500 more next time I see you. (-500 caps) Quest complete.

----------> MC: I seriously only have 500 caps. There must be something I can do.
---------------> Fuel Guy: Maybe. Maybe. There's a family that owes me money. I know where they are, but I've been enjoying thinking of them shivering and terrified, waiting for me to show up. One man. One woman. Two boys. Two girls. Show me you got a spine and we can deal. Take this backpack. Behead them and bring their heads to me.
--------------------> Accept: Kill family. Quest successful. Earn "Butcher" perk. "Everybody's uneasy around you."
---------------------------Cons: Higher prices at stores. Nightclub dancers less likely to approach. Guests and Slaves start with twenty less reputation than before.
---------------------------Pros: Adds +5 damage to attacks. Guests and Slaves start with 20 more submission than before.
---------------------------Pro/Con? Dom and Isabel start referring to you as "Butcher" instead of your name.

Part 3:
Return to Underground.
You ride with the fuel truck back to Underground. As you approach the gates, the guards cheer your arrival. The truck continues to the generator yard, and you head for Isabel's.
Isabel: Damn fine work. Damn fine. I do have a problem though.
MC: What's that?
Isabel: You haven't actually been rewarded yet, have you?
MC: I've been hoping you'd remember me eventually.
Isabel: If you aren't naked and in my bed in the next five minutes, I might get angry.
MC gets sucked/fucked/ridden to three orgasms with gifs/videos. The night continues, MC's energy slowly dropping from full to zero as he's fucked unconscious.

Following morning --
Isabel: I didn't expect much, but you are pretty fun in the sack. *She hands you an apple for breakfast, the first apple you've seen since the bombs dropped.*
Isabel: I have a business matter to decide on. I could use your input.
MC: I'm all ears.
Isabel: This whole scrape has shown me that I can't be a pushover around Dom anymore. This shitshow was his making... not on purpose, just bad planning. We can't have bad planning in this wasteland. He got complacent and fucked this up.
Isabel: I could have a serious talk with him when he recovers a bit. I doubt he'll be so rigid while he's in a hospital bed. It could be a real wakeup call for him. Or, maybe his time is over. I don't want to hurt him, we've been together for a long time, but I can't have this happening again.
1----> Let Dom resume his position.
----------> MC: He was capable before. He can be again.
----------> Isabel: He really was great in the beginning... I'll talk with him.
----------> Later Dom recovers. Dom: I appreciate you bailing us out. It shows real commitment.
Dom: Isabel made it clear that I'm to blame for this, and she's right. I got careless, but I'm back in full force.
Dom: I'd like to keep you on our team; make you a made man. For a deal, I only want 10% of your prostitutes' income, and it's strictly to pay for security. I'm not making a profit on this. We'll keep your women safe. It's one less thing you have to worry about and your girls are good for business. Check in with me from time to time when you have a bit of champaign and we can catch up. Sound good? (Dom hands you six bullets whenever you party with him.)

2----> Let me take over.
----------> MC: I've proven I can handle the worst this city has to offer. Let me take over.
----------> Isabel: You aren't gonna run the show. You stay under me. Sometimes literally.
----------> MC: That sounds interesting.
----------> Isabel: I'll make it worth your while. I know you got whores. You've been around. Has anybody ever fucked you that well?
----------> MC: I'm still not sure I can get my legs working well enough to walk out of here.
----------> Isabel: Good. You take over Dom's prostitution ring. I'll give you the keys to the brothel he built, but never used.
----------> Isabel: It needs serious refurbishing. I have no idea why he favors "street walkers" over a nice bed and a building.
----------> Isabel: You better treat those ladies right. Come to me if you need relief. Don't corner somebody like Dom did.
-------------- Opens Brothel for making money. Isabel on tap for sex scenes (Always ends with MC getting fucked silly.)
-------------- Dom recovers and leaves the city indefinitely (possibly to be encountered later).

3----> You need to run this, Isabel.
----------> MC: You know how this city started and you found the right guy to fix the fuel problem. You're capable. Run it yourself.
----------> Isabel: Take over properly? All of it?
----------> MC: I can help keep your mind clear.
----------> Isabel: I will need relaxation on a regular basis... But...
----------> MC: But what?
----------> Isabel: I'm not big on this prostitution thing Dom got going. I know it's going to happen anyway and offering some protection helps these poor women, but I still don't like it. Most of them don't have a choice in the matter and that's bad. It's one thing if you like getting laid, so you make money on it. It's another if you gotta get fucked by some unwashed brute for food.
----------> MC: So focus the city on something else.
----------> Isabel: Like what? Booze? Tobacco?
----------> MC: I mean, yeah. The booze out there is mostly moonshine garbage. Make proper, quality stuff. Open a casino. Roll cigars. There's plenty of vices that aren't sex related.
----------> Isabel: It could work. I'll have to keep the streets open for hookers though... but yeah. I think you're on to something.
----------> Isabel: I need 40% of your street walker's income for protection. I'll give you a discount on any alcohol we produce though.
--------------- Brewery opens: Sells Isabel's Whiskey (Inventory consumable for drunk effect. Can be used in place of champaign for guest parties.
--------------- Underground store sells: Isabel's Makeup (+5 beauty per use instead of +1 for cosmetics).
--------------- Isabel available for sex. May hand you a box of cigars to sell after encounter.
--------------- Dom recovers and leaves the city indefinitely (possibly to be encountered later).
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Sep 29, 2017
Edit: only white have other didn't and do you add it on other too?
In attachment the nonwhite.pregnant images from my mega pack.
You can use :
- Rebuild your actions.js to use them
- use my mega pack that comes with a actions.js ( )
- Add the following references in your actions.js by hand and use them.


If you have more, please send them I'll add them to the mega pack.


Oct 28, 2017
i like the game, its been developing smoothly. the thing that i do not like though is the pay wall after hours of playing. If you want to have a pay wall in the game make sure to notify people of this, or do not show people that did not pay for the game the stuff that they are ''missing'' out on. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


Jul 26, 2017
i like the updates on the game so far but the npcs feel very robotic with the lack of different dialogues
since they all respond the same regardless if theyre working as guards, theyre your family and stuff like that

would be cool with more updates on the drugs, maybe even being able to use growth potion for aging up
through the entire game more flexibly where they get upset from becoming a milf or aging an enemy to death
or similar experiences with hormones for blackmail and manipulative options

that random event also seem to stop playing later where the couple invade your territory,
why not allow us to offer them space later in game and can keep stealing his gf

would also be interesting to see a buildable guard tower blueprint with a guards-barrack
that would help decrease beds taken up in the guest house and a more immersive feeling with guards
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Oct 22, 2017
I get that we all like the game, but I feel like we are making too many requests at once, I thank the dev for this game, keeps me hooked, maybe focus on QoL updates first, then progress to expanding the story and dialogs, different race scenes and all. Right now, the happiness and suicide imo is the issue with this release, improve that and its already a huge win (rest option for slaves, upgrades to basement for example).

Also, making male slaves into sissies or trans it would be a plus hahhaha
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3.60 star(s) 46 Votes