Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2018

"Organic to Synthetic - Punch Deck"
-> Was Artemis a human before? :sneaky:

I can't wait to try the next chapter.
If she is a synthetic (android) then she is a machine with an A.I. but if she is a cyborg then she could be born as human but is now 51% or more machine then organic, so no need for an A.I. So with the way i understand the story so far she can't be a cyborg.

ps Try to use spoilers, some might not have played it yet...
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Look here ... be it as it may .. dev working with the assassin ...
Download Unofficial Android Port

Artemis [Chapter One] [digi.B]
The android port link doesn't work
Thanks for the heads up. I've reached out to DarkAssassin to see if we can get an update and upload.
Android ? I see are emptys
We still got a working D-Vine port link hiding in the thread ... do use that.
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The Bush Diver

Active Member
Feb 21, 2020
Hey there, brothers!

Talk about a great recommendation about a VN to play from a friend. I'm thanking God that scalvi brought me to this game! That said, here I go...

Amazing work, simply amazing! Top notch design, entertaining story, hot women...

You don't see a VN that entertain you like this one anywhere, and for that I'm more than thankful and can't wait for what the future holds. You can play a hundred VNs and not get this level of entertainment...

I wish digi.b 10 k + patrons, the guy deserves it!


And I can't wait to see the MC having his ways with Kindra...not only her, but...oh well.... :D


May 23, 2020
If we could manage the background sound this would be near perfect :) Loved the UP! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Have to say loved this first part good graphics.
great character, interesting story, nicely thought out plot.
nice villaness character by that I mean very believable in fact all most all the character's are believable.
Great fight scene's even when losing.

The only reason I say most all the character's is that once scene where even though the MC is naked and blind due to the goggle's he looks scared shitless and screams like a little girl when Jenifer attacks him.

But the MC was taught to fight and I might add very well by his mom he's more than a match for the Police trained fighter in the house if you pick the right move's and the way he responded to first seeing grown up KoKo.
kinda means i'm struggling to see him that way.

Now please don't get me wrong but even if it was me in the MC's place and trust me i'm by no means either brave or good at fighting.
But even I wouldn't of taken that pose let alone scream like a little girl.

I have been abushed totally blindsided by someone at school while my freinds were near by but distracted.
Since I was on the ground my instinctive responce was to curl up into a fetal position and await my friend's rescue which they quickly did and I have no fight/survival training it just made sence.

So to see the MC do what he did it just doesn't make sence to me.
And since he must of been aware he was in a room full of girls but also girls that hated the one attacking him.

Ok he was being attack while naked and blinded but at the bare minimum I would expect him he go fetal position.
Not to mention all the girls I know no matter how much they really liked a guy would verbally rip him to shred's every chance they got for the rest of his life if he still scream'd like a girl.

It's odviously since this is how it happend that the Dev disagree's and so I suspect may other's.

But thats the impression I got while playing that this was unlikely the type of responce that this MC would of done in that situation.

apart from that small minor detail loveing this game.

Just sayin.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
He is a piece of meat in there, his shaggy was sore, the one doning the shagging was a harpy ...
Have to say loved this first part good graphics.
great character, interesting story, nicely thought out plot.
nice villaness character by that I mean very believable in fact all most all the character's are believable.
Great fight scene's even when losing.

The only reason I say most all the character's is that once scene where even though the MC is naked and blind due to the goggle's he looks scared shitless and screams like a little girl when Jenifer attacks him.

But the MC was taught to fight and I might add very well by his mom he's more than a match for the Police trained fighter in the house if you pick the right move's and the way he responded to first seeing grown up KoKo.
kinda means i'm struggling to see him that way.

Now please don't get me wrong but even if it was me in the MC's place and trust me i'm by no means either brave or good at fighting.
But even I wouldn't of taken that pose let alone scream like a little girl.

I have been abushed totally blindsided by someone at school while my freinds were near by but distracted.
Since I was on the ground my instinctive responce was to curl up into a fetal position and await my friend's rescue which they quickly did and I have no fight/survival training it just made sence.

So to see the MC do what he did it just doesn't make sence to me.
And since he must of been aware he was in a room full of girls but also girls that hated the one attacking him.

Ok he was being attack while naked and blinded but at the bare minimum I would expect him he go fetal position.
Not to mention all the girls I know no matter how much they really liked a guy would verbally rip him to shred's every chance they got for the rest of his life if he still scream'd like a girl.

It's odviously since this is how it happend that the Dev disagree's and so I suspect may other's.

But thats the impression I got while playing that this was unlikely the type of responce that this MC would of done in that situation.

apart from that small minor detail loveing this game.

Just sayin.
To each their own ... please be mindful all MC gets are handouts, he means nothing to them,
he was the sacrifice, he was the instrument .. then, after showing his vulnerable human side,
he gets to interact and become a person in their eyes ...

The gurls fawn all over him, he still looked like the prom king.
When you do like brad or leo, nothing you do can keep babes away.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
He is a piece of meat in there, his shaggy was sore, the one doning the shagging was a harpy ...

To each their own ... please be mindful all MC gets are handouts, he means nothing to them,
he was the sacrifice, he was the instrument .. then, after showing his vulnerable human side,
he gets to interact and become a person in their eyes ...

The gurls fawn all over him, he still looked like the prom king.
When you do like brad or leo, nothing you do can keep babes away.
No Offence but we was odviously playing Different game's

First of he was not just nobody to them yeh they didn't know him but they knew he was a close friend of one of there own and one they all respected at that.

He was also doing it for them a favour.

Secondly at least one of them liked him enough to help him out before the competition even if its to help improve the odds he wins it not something a girl would do if they wasn't interested.

Thirdly they all hated the Girl that attacked him which would be enough on its own.
and Finaly out of all the girls in that room at least one was a soon to be lawyer and another an interning Police officer.

even if he was a bum off the street at least one of them the police probationer would be duty bound to intervene and stop an attack.

Ontop of that we odviously have very different apinions on what girl's possibly class as a " vulnerable human side" or just plain cowardly cowering on the floor screaming like a little girl.
and by the way I never questioned his looks and its abilty to attract female's.

Also it dosn't really matter however much a girl's fancy's someone it has no bearing on wether or not she or they will mercely take the piss out of them anychance they get if he had scream'd like a little girl.
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Mar 19, 2018
Fuck reina and the ex.gf.
I love katy , doc and de friend tech
From a few of the screens we actually saw Reina watching the TV, and when she heard MC's name she was shocked, from her look you can see it ticking over in her head, until she realized Cassandra had lied to her, I think one of the phonecalls he had gotten might have been from her noting her mistake, but by that time it was too little to late.

Did Reina screw up, hell yes, but in business you can be influenced by major customers, and Cassandra would have lied saying he stole her designs or something, that should have prompted Reina to check the facts, but Cassandra is a bitch and wouldn't have taken no as an answer, I think TWR might own the building, I believe that's what was stated, therefore Reina might have worried about losing the location.

I hope in the next update MC realized that he needs his phone, if only for the Lidar app, it would be funny for him to realize and Koko race out bringing the phone back gently held in her mouth, the whole "Good girl, did you keep it safe for me, Thank you" all while Kinda watches on in surprise at the favouritism.

I also hope they implement strong copy protection on Koko, and Artemis, because I can see someone trying to cyberdognap Koko, and I want her to get away without giving up any secrets.

Joey the mangaka

Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2018
From a few of the screens we actually saw Reina watching the TV, and when she heard MC's name she was shocked, from her look you can see it ticking over in her head, until she realized Cassandra had lied to her, I think one of the phonecalls he had gotten might have been from her noting her mistake, but by that time it was too little to late.

Did Reina screw up, hell yes, but in business you can be influenced by major customers, and Cassandra would have lied saying he stole her designs or something, that should have prompted Reina to check the facts, but Cassandra is a bitch and wouldn't have taken no as an answer, I think TWR might own the building, I believe that's what was stated, therefore Reina might have worried about losing the location.

I hope in the next update MC realized that he needs his phone, if only for the Lidar app, it would be funny for him to realize and Koko race out bringing the phone back gently held in her mouth, the whole "Good girl, did you keep it safe for me, Thank you" all while Kinda watches on in surprise at the favouritism.

I also hope they implement strong copy protection on Koko, and Artemis, because I can see someone trying to cyberdognap Koko, and I want her to get away without giving up any secrets.
Good idea. .reina possible and it's hard mc trust in she. He gift the favor for help she and she kill mc. Possible later updates she talk .
It's dificult recruit him . Possible she send to other group of technology.
Or other company try recruit him.
And reina made damage to the friendship of June and mc

Joey the mangaka

Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2018
Kuko it's very loyal to mc. I think the phone not possible save from where hi drop . Possible use the chip in other cell.


Mar 19, 2018
Kuko it's very loyal to mc. I think the phone not possible save from where hi drop . Possible use the chip in other cell.
I agree its probably damaged, it would just be a laugh Koko gently carrying in what was left, placing it gently at his feet and looking almost sad she couldn't bring it back working properly, he needed a new phone anyway, so that would just mean he wouldn't lose his data and numbers.

With Reina's realisation she might even move or buy out her business location, thereby circumventing any issues Cassandra might try to cause, MC kinda has a job now, so once the dust clears from shitstorm cassie, Reina might be in a position to help Kindra and MC push back, she would owe him afterall, and June, Katy and the girls would want to get back in his good books, June obviously had feelings for him despite the 'mutual friendzone'.
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