Wolf RPG - Completed - Ayura Crisis! [v1.18] [Above a Damage Tile]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    A minor improvement over the prequel, sure, but still just lackluster. Leaves much to be desired in terms of combat, enemy, stage, and scene variety. Disappointing given how well some of the pixel art for the main character is, there's potential, but it was wasted, shame.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A lot of interesting animations. I would recommend checking it out for that alone- but it's a little goofy trying to figure out what works with what. Overall, I would recommend it however. It's just not, personally, to my tastes.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Ayura Crisis is a well-designed idea that's lacking in execution. A simultaneously fun beat 'em up combined with tons of H-game fetish and kinky content. The latter certainly was done very well and the former has a good foundation but falls off when it is actually being built.

    Art: certainly very underdeveloped. The larger pixel animations are great but the smaller ones are a little underwhelming to me when I have seen Eris Dysnomia's improved artstyle, though it is very understandable given the amount of sprites they needed to make for this game. Still, there's a lot of inconsistent edges and shadings that really makes everyone looks a bit off, like they're coming from different games into one very messed up hot pot.

    Music: It's Dova Syndrome. Boi oh boi do I love Dova Syndrome. Though I have to say the music choice is a little less interesting compared to other games (yknow, Japanese indie games love using free assets and all). Overall just OK.

    UI and Navigation: a little finnicky considering the engine this game was built on. The classic "menu is you hitting the button literally" and the fact that you have to open the menu again after you use a consumable, pretty inconvenient. And the gallery also has some UI problems in it too like how I have to navigate into an empty slot to stop an animation preview from constantly playing. This part lacks some very needed quality of life changes.

    Gameplay: cooked pretty well... on the outside. The inside is very raw, you can say that.

    - Combat: you have two movesets, essentially. The normal and overdrive mode. When you're normal, you build up MP and whenever you like to, you can spend MP to enter Overdrive. It's best to use 100MP at once for a maximum duration because they are gone very fast if you use it below.

    Your normal moveset is very well designed. You have a good amount of choices in terms of combo strings and situations to apply them to. To cancel attacks into each other, you use a blue bar that increases as you level up. The bar's dynamic is great as it allows you to open up more combo routes as you play. My complaint would be that there isn't a lot of attacks to choose from, there's just a decent amount of thoughts you must put into when choosing your combos for the situations.

    Your overdrive moveset on the other hand is... very boring and finnicky. You have even less attack choices and each of them is not very fun to put to use. Neutral attack is you hopping forward a little before doing a series of slashes, but you are stuck doing all of those slashes until you can move again. Forward attack lets you go behind the enemy but you will just miss them and have to go back the other way again. Down attack is an uppercut that lets you launch the enemy, but it puts you in the air so you can only combo with air attack, which is a lunging downwards attack that you really don't have a lot of ways to combo into or even using it raw. Your best bet with these are to just corner an enemy then spam the attacks over and over, not a lot of "combo" or brain power being used here. The most brain power you have to use is to decide whether you want to end overdrive right now to heal your health or keep going until they're dead, as well as knowing when to run away so that when overdrive ends, you don't instantly being pushed around by the enemy because your endlag is MASSIVE.

    Your overall fighting is simultaneously very rewarding, very punishing and very unrewarding at the same time. Some of your normal attacks are too punishing when you're out of blue bar and missing an attack in overdrive isn't the end of the world, you just miss the enemy completely so now you have to stop pressing buttons to position yourself again.

    - Enemy: suffers one of the problems bad beat 'em ups have: can't escape for shit. Your enemies are plenty and since you have no way to instantly escape them (like if you can just spend MP to burst out and start counter attacking cough erisdysnomia cough), you'd have to eat a juggle combo of enemies on two ways keep punching you and bouncing you around like Pinball 3D. Of course, you can just... not get hit but that's a luxury you can't always ask, especially when overdrive end's animation is slow as hell. You can also intentionally enter an H-scenes to wait for all the enemies to do their attacks then escape and then run away but that doesn't always work and it's just more passive than having a way to burst out. Otherwise, they're really uninteresting because that's how beat 'em up rolls.

    - Buffs: you gain some buffs when an enemy is killed, but they really don't play too much role. You can still defeat bosses without them and they're really only there for endless mode after you've beaten the game.

    - Bosses: interesting for one, annoying as hell and cheesy for others. My favourite is easily the 3rd boss, with fair attacks that needs you to use slide kick to dodge and position yourself as well as giving a fair amount of time to react to its attacks. The rest can go to hell. The first boss has an unreactable flower spinning move, the second spews stupid breaths that I can hardly dodge, the 4th spams minions and has thick as hell armor so I have to jump on the ring and spam overdrive attacks to get rid of the shield. The 5th boss gets a special middle finger from me. Why is her backdash attack unreactable, deals half of your health in one swing and can't be low kick'ed under, and then phase two hits and a similar attack pops up where she jumps into you instead, still unreactable. Very bs and unfun boss. One of my main criticism for all of the bosses is definitely the fact that shields are blown through by numbers of hits, not damage. This makes the normal mode's uppercut the only good way to delete shield when overdrive attacks are mega laggy and other normal attacks only hits once or twice.

    - Difficulty: one of my least liked way of adding in difficulty is just changing everyone's stats. That's what this game did and it's very very unfun that everyone kills you in two hits on harder difficulty. Something different like attack changes, more debuffs from being horny, new attacks and such but nope, just one touch and you get juggled to death, nothing new.

    The gameplay is definitely built on a good foundation but then it's just annoying after a while. Entering overdrive gave me less of that dominance feeling I usually get from other beat 'em ups and it's pretty damn disappointing. They certainly have improved the combat in the later entry, but this one remains not very good.

    H-content: here's the good part. There's a ton of H-content in this game, with them mostly being degradation fetishes. Not super into it personally but I know lot of ya'll mad loving these, and I can see that. The pixel arts, though restricted in some places, are very well made and the situations are very kinky indeed. There's some "sex achievements" as I like to call them that tells you how much of a slut you have become and 'ey that's pretty creative. There's a good variety of sex debuffs and it could satisfy a lot H-content lovers. This part is easily the best part of the game and I think you should enjoy it the most when you get this game. There's also some hidden interactions when you have certain debuffs before entering certain H-scenes and boi are they pretty good.

    Misc.: love the subtle fighting game references in the bonus room. Genocide Cutter, 2HS, etc.

    Conclusion: it's great as an H-game, not so much as a game. I recommend playing on Normal or Easy and then getting all the scenes cuz Hard and Hell isn't really that appetizing, even for a hardcore player like me. You'd mostly be here trying to get all the kinks down and whatnot, not so much about grinding down that thing's health before you do one wrong move and boom, death. It's solid for what it is, 7.5/10.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Mildly engaging combat and relatively nice pixel art but just uninteresting besides that. There's just not really much of a reason to play this, its just fine, I almost wish they just released the pixel art gifs on their own.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game that doesn't overstay it's welcome.

    I wish there was some more story development and more combat options, but what little there is isn't that noticeable due to the length of the game.

    Porn/time investment is great. Very little grind but still enjoyable on the game play front. A good mixture of porn and game. Not as great porn as some worse games here. Not as good gameplay as some PG-13 games out there.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Good pixel graphics, excellent corruption system with a great progression, all in a good platformer package.

    You might argue that it's spiritual sucessor is even better, but this is a classic.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    So nothing more to say about this game. At this point a classic and one of the games with a nice corruption system.

    The skills are reflections of how corrupted she is. And some allow to do different actions, like temting someone of taking off her clothes.

    The combat system is really well done. The cost, makes you think what to do since infinite combos are not possible(yes they are, but at first it doesnt looke like it) so you have to thing how to clear it.

    The difficulty is fun, like I enjoy playing with the game system even without the lewd content. That speaks loudly of the game main system.

    A good game, a really good one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best pixel game I ever played.
    The 2D side scroller action by it self is enjoying.
    There is a lot of ennemies with each special animations.
    In addition, the corruption system is really great and allow a lot of passives.
    The difficulty is not too high and dying is not required to unlock H content.
    Overall a really great game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    You know it's a awesome game when the author keeps publish it again and again. It's basically always the same action gameplay, but the animations are always top quality. Just don't expect a deep story xD
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 Another Masterpiece!
    Same as Erys Dysnomia!
    So if you liked that game, this one's for you

    ☑ Very good
    The gameplay for this game it's pretty damn good!
    fluid, easy to understand, and lots of skills to upgrade your stats, or brainwash your charater.

    ☑ (s)Excellent
    Lots of high quality art and animations.

    ☑ Decent
    It's easy to tell the audio is NOT that great, but it fits whatever is on screen, so it will do.

    ☑ Up to you
    The game has 4 dificulties, so you can get a great time out of it, or a challenge.

    ☑ A bit grindy
    If you want to upgrade all of your skills, you've gotta defeat lots of enemies to have enough points for it.

    ☑ Just buy it or support the creator!
    Instant classic, it's a must for pixelart H games

    ☑ Bug free?
    I haven't encountered any
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    censored. bad gameplay. movements are misplacing you too much. had some good ideas but the game is just garbage. boring. there are many more 2d platform games which are better than this. there is 0 reason to release a censored porn game. has to be braindead level to do that as a dev.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game can be a bit unrelenting at first but it is really satisfying when you know how to play.

    Why unrelenting? Because the enemies will always be on your ass. It isn't a difficult or technical game. But you wanna try to keep your combo meter active. If you grind to Lv50, you won't have any problems completing this on normal. Ayura's slide is a brilliant move and you should use it if you struggle.

    Awesome bgms (especially the abandoned church theme), great grinning system. Really fun to play. Controls feel smoove. Easy to escape monsters. Tutorial well explained. I recommend!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I sat on this one for a while and played through it slowly, but for a side scrolling fighting game, it was full of different animations and quite enjoyable. I feel like this game is underrated and would like to see some kind of longer, more detailed sequal.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Mini fight and get fucked game, Pretty good game to pass your time. The game play is pretty fun and simple. Worth some faps.
    Of course the game could be way better all they had to do was to put more good characters and a bit more story in the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite short, but very good. I managed to beat it in about an hour, and had a decent amount of fun with it. Only real complaints come down to the actual complexity of combat, which isn't really there - it's a textbook masher, but a satisfying one - and the length. But hey if nothing else it makes unlocking the gallery that much quicker, and it's a pretty good gallery as tend to be the case with a lot of action H-Games.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on v1.18.

    A good game deserving 5 stars.
    I'm sick of vn's and glorified animation viewers pretending to be a game.
    This one is actually a game. It has good gameplay and good animations.
    The only problem is it is short. That's it.
    Also, check out developer's next game called: ErisDysnomia. In my opinion it is even better than this one.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay had some potential, but its poor. Basicly smashing attack button will solve everything. Sex animations, are pretty ok, but I needed to win the game to see that there are more variations of them, because until the end I dont know how to proces them to the next stage.

    I see that there was a big plans for this game, there was statuses, items, quirks and so on, but almost all of them doesn't change gameplay even a but.

    For me, wasted potential
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game

    Good combat,
    good sprites,
    great animations,
    okay movement controls,
    decent UI(stats, menus).

    The only problem is that for such a short game, the grind to get max perversion is absurdly long.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really kinky pixel side scroller.

    Despite very simple graphics gameplay is actually enjoyable and sex animations are looking good and really hot.

    There are also lots of skills to learn - each of them makes heroine even more perverted and opened to new fetishes and ways of humilation.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Here is a porn game I can get behind.

    Get it? Because she has a lot of behind. Her ass is huge. It's a porn game.

    Please laugh.

    Anyways, the character art is unique and strange, with Ayura herself being the only one I'd consider well drawn, but the animations are all fantastic and flow smoothly, and it altogether works largely as intended. The environmental assets are... well, bland and lacking, but that's not what we came for (HAHAHA). There's plenty of thematic variation in enemies from level to level, and at least one three-state animation (slow, fast, cumming) and sometimes two for each enemy depending on status effects inflicted on the protagonist. Some bosses or bonus events even have larger, more detailed animations attached. There's enough content here to get off from, and even a few relatively tame depictions of a couple dirtier fetishes.

    The combat is fairly intuitive, although it may take a minute to figure out how to best take advantage of Ayura's moveset for each enemy or fight. The level design is... well, it isn't. It's largely just moving from left to right, from one fight to the next, occasionally jumping over traps or dealing with aphrodisiac pools. The game is mostly about the fighting; don't expect a sprawling adventure.

    So what's the big deal? Well, aside from the fantastic animations, this game deals very, very heavily in themes of perversion and corruption. The protagonist has a stat for just about everything -- her bodily sensitivities, her passion, her masochism, how kinky she can get, etc. There are also "Talents", which functionally are achievements that make her more susceptible to becoming aroused by certain attacks or sexual grapples, including one which allows you to literally beg enemies to do what they want by twerking Ayura's ass at them. Every enemy affects each of these stats differently depending on the attacks they use, and status effects or talents can change how those attacks operate on Ayura. There's plenty of room to play around with her corruptability, and a lot of fun to be had just imagining how it affects her personality.

    The game largely relies on sexual grapples and "game-over" rapes, although there is no need to reload saves, as being defeated in battle merely sends you back to the level selection hub. Regardless, it's a fair criticism that the game rewards losing rather than winning, but it's a personal decision whether that's a dealbreaker on this game for you or not. I found that it's easily forgivable with this game, since winning isn't hard, and going back to lose intentionally for the enemies you want is also simple. There's also a gallery room if you fully complete the game.

    So, all in all, it's not bad. It is more of an animation showcase than anything, but it's a pretty darn good one. I'd say give it a shot.