Wolf RPG - Completed - Ayura Crisis! [v1.18] [Above a Damage Tile]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Loads of fun

    Most obviously, the proportions of the characters in this game are quite exaggerated. This is done in both good ways and bad.
    On the one hand, the main character's ass is fantastic, and in the couple instances you see them, so are the big swaying tits of certain characters.
    On the other hand, some characters look really silly in a distracting way, in particular the human men and especially the creepy "Uncle" type enemies.
    Also, even though Ayura-chan's legs are her best feature, her feet look like blobs of jelly half the time.
    And semen is yellow. That's gross.
    The other thing I don't like is the scenery/background. It's very cheap, with flat objects and what looks like stock images as backgrounds with absolutely no parallax. It could definitely be better.
    If you can get past the sometimes awkward character design, most of the animations are superb. It's fun to play the regular combat, and indeed I busted many a nut when I let Ayura get molested.

    It's a side-scrolling Beat-em-up, which surprisingly runs on Wolf RPG Editor - and I was genuinely surprised at that because it runs very smoothly and quite fast. It's very button-mashy, but there is some strategy to be had. I would have appreciated a dodge or block function, because sometimes it's just too damn difficult to get out of some situations, especially when you've pushed a crowd of enemies into a corner, but keep advancing until some of them are behind you. That's a little frustrating.
    The ecchi content comes in three forms: casual nudity, grapple events, and defeat events.
    Your character can be stripped of her clothes under certain events and after being seen naked enough times, you can even make her take off any part of her clothes willingly. Standard stuff for corruption games, and it doesn't take a lot of grinding.
    If Ayura is made vulnerable by various events, enemies can grab and molest her, leading too full on sex with some enemies if she is sufficiently aroused. If you want to avoid this to protect her purity, then git gud noob. She can be stunned by taking too many consecutive hits, or if her arousal hits the maximum due to multiple gropings or aphrodisiacs, she might start fiddling herself uncontrollably or presenting herself to be grabbed. Basically don't get hit if you want to save her virginity.
    If your HP reaches zero, Ayura usually gets carried off to be molested by the enemy that got the last hit on her, which uses the same animations as if she got grabbed in combat, but it lasts longer or until you hit the attack button twice. The boss defeats are more complicated, with more elaborate animations. The good thing about defeat events is that it's not a Game Over, just a temporary and sexually humiliating setback.

    Barely present. Apparently there's been a surge in demon activity in this not-very-well-defined urban fantasy setting? The most detailed narrative you get in this game is the particular story of sexual purity or corruption that you guide the character down.
    The boss defeat events are described in addition to the animations, and I found the narrative stimulating. Despite her (rightful) protesting to her situation, Ayura-chan is a good girl at heart who loves to get fucked and wants to be impregnated. I would treasure her in my harem.

    I'd almost give this game 5 stars, but I do find it difficult to get off on it as much as I find the main character and some of the situations appealing. I'd still recommend it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It actually has a corruption system supported with character skills which was awesome... Very decent gameplay, easy to get used to it. And i can say that i really liked the character. Should be played if u like hentai games and all...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 5/5
    Fluid combat, RPG elements, Combo style, Easy controls
    Nice balance between lewds and gameplay

    Animation: 5/5
    Amazing PIXEL art, fluid and "interesting"

    The game has multiple areas with each one having its own boss fight, and each type of enemy (bosses included) have their own lewd scene!

    The only downside is that this game is a little bit short but definitely worth it
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice, if short. I've seen oppai loli before,but thic loli is a first for me, and i liike it. Combat is responsive and fluid, pretty original way of unlocking sexy stuff - through various debuff states, changeable difficulty... Give it a try.

    Only major con i can name is censorship - pretty heavy, and you can just see how good the animations would've been without. But hey,at least you know it's censored with love, because it's heart insteads of black bar.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A pixel-art side-scroller... Beat em Up? The graphics and animation are superb, with animations for almost every combination of clothes the main character can be wearing at the time. The mechanics in itself are fantastic. For the most part, the game plays like a Beat em Up with only one lane. The available attacks link to each other to make combos, based on the direction pressed at the time of attacking. When levelling up, the character gets higher stats and more combo potential, able to go from 3 consecutive hits to up to 6 (far as I got.)
    When it comes to the lewdness, the game also shines with variety of enemies, fetishes and positions. Several status effects will influence Ayura's behaviour and abilities, most of them inflicted upon her by enemies or traps. The more sexual experiences she has, the higher her 'Skills' go. These skills mostly make her more sensitive to sexual approaches and more status effects.
    Lastly, for quality of life and replayability... The levels are infinitely replayable, the Gallery room is unlocked upon the first complete run and many enemies have different animation depending on the character's status, some of which she obtains upon losing to certain bosses.
    In conclusion: A must have for anyone who likes lewd games. Even if you don't care for the lewdness, the game is highly enjoyable as a simple Beat em Up.