Dang, lots of questions already...

Okay, let's see if I can get through them all, here... (Though some of these are already answered if you start the game and read the Tutorial and FAQ pages, hint hint...

Also Not that we dont appreciate the Time and energy that went into it but a pet pev of mine was always THIS GAME NEEDED A WALKTHROUGH for the 100% percent play through or does any have a complete walkthrough by any chance??????????????
Currently, no, there is no complete walkthrough for the game. Nor, honestly, is there likely to be one any time in the near future, since there's so much dynamic content where scenes can change depending on what you've done or not done previously. This is not a linear "on rails" game where there's only one path to get to the end.
Some questions though. Will you be working on this solo or be having a team of people help you with this project? Also, will you be using Fuzzy BSC Discord for communication stuff or making your own down the line when you see fit? Lastly, will you be doing your own additions to the game that we probably wouldn't have seen in Fuzzy version that you were helping with?
How many others may or may not contribute remains to be seen.

I don't have a "team", as such, but I'm definitely taking note of suggestions, both here and in the Discord — and we've already had one user express eagerness to start doing more art, which would be nice.
Currently, yes, we're still debating these things on the Discord that Fuzzy originally set up. I
am contemplating starting a new one of my own, simply because I have no "posting privileges" in the really important channels (like actual "releases" or "changelogs") or any ability to moderate Fuzzy's, and
there appear to be no active moderators on it anymore anyway. I haven't quite decided on that yet.
UPDATE: Turns out there
is still an active mod on the "Babysitting Cream Dev Crew" Discord after all, and he was able to set me up with the correct privileges to be a "moderator" and "game dev", so unless I discover some crucial situation where I absolutely, positively
need to be a full admin on the server, we'll continue to use the one Fuzzy set up; there were some good discussions and suggestions in there that I'd just as soon not lose by changing servers.
As for new content:
The question I have is, after dealing with all the shit of cleaning up the game's stuff that has already been done, will there be original content?
The answer is yes, there will be new content added, along with cleaning up the existing stuff. In fact, this very release contains quite a bit of new content which, strangely enough, is listed in the changelog under "new content"!

But no, seriously, I do intend to do a mix of both cleanup and new content in each release from now on, so that the game will continue to evolve.
Ask and ye shall recieve.

The Willy Wonka bad-ending screen is already gone, and will not return. A Mobian police officer is definitely an option for possible "bad ending" screens in future (there's one already, but it's kind of a "blink and you miss it" thing.)