While I enjoy Sancho's Mods, I have a different style. Therefore, I always made a completely new development and not a continuation of the code that Sancho was developing. Also, Sancho was always very jealous of his code and always hid it (obfuscated it to use the Python term) as much as possible. The saves of a game with a Sancho Mod are also incompatible. Being such a famous game, I never played it, I should go through it a bit to see if a more attractive Mod can be made than simply highlighting the most convenient decision, I suspect that it can be done and I am tempted to do so.
Yeah while agree with a lot of ppl that Sanchos mods are really frikkin great. That ship has sailed and I'm afraid we no longer have access to his modding skills anymore. Thankfully there are some really frikkin good modders in the community to "take up the slack". So I can definately say that I appreciete you taking up the mantle or whatever it would referred as Murray m8.
Edit. While I absolutely think Sancho was the best modder around, I have to admit that the void he left behind has mostly been filled by other modders. I do hope for one of you to refine your skills to really fill the shoes of Sancho. If not, then so be it. I can always rely on my own coding skills, albeit extremely lacking to get the mod I want. To anyone thinking "Why not publish your own mod then?". Well I suck absolute ass at GUI and usability. I only mod for my own usage for that reason and rely on our absolutely amazing set of modders to do the dirty work.
Edit 2. If for any reason you come back Sancho, know that I really appreciate your work m8. If as assumed you perished during that storm, I hope you are laughing at our rationalizations of you departure m8 and know that some of us really loved your work m8.
Ok, that should hopefully be the last of my edits to this post as Im about half way through my second bottle of Martini this Friday. Anyway, sorry to rant this much and you all have a great Friday. Peace and out...
Edit 3. One last edit to fix my drunken shitty spelling and grammar...