I played around the cleaner version a little bit and i can almost clearly hear at the beggining something like: The story is opposed Nick and other words like workship.
Oh just found yoour post. How clean version did you manage to get? It would be usefull to get rid all of the music so we could hear all the whisperers, no only the first ones
If for example I want to put my saves from season 1 in slot 1, season 2 in slot 2 and so on, not sure if i'm explaining myself but yeah, any help would be highly appreciated..
It's in the code, i tried to understand the TC mechanic better so i started looking into it. Maybe the flirting you did is not labelled as TC or you don't have the points. So far the TC mechanic is more "second guessing" your relationship locking you out of romantic options rather than breaking it apart. Strictly speaking you can't get many scenes from others or "cheat" if you are on some MG path.
That's the weird thing, according to the WT of ep10, I should have 3 TC points at the start of ep11, since I grabbed Bianca's butt (2xTC) and looked at her in yoga class (1xTC)... then I flirted with her all through ep11, got her to do the cucumber contest and had her scene in the party, and they mention they're being bad... and then I also comforted Bella (that might not yield a TC tho)... but I just went straight to the mall with Jill and I got her sex scene there... soooooo I have no idea. Ugh, I'm just gonna wait for a WT, this update is driving me crazy with the requirements and the TC crap.
If for example I want to put my saves from season 1 in slot 1, season 2 in slot 2 and so on, not sure if i'm explaining myself but yeah, any help would be highly appreciated..
WHy would you want to do this.... the amount of paths this game has you can easily spread your saves over multiple pages. just save wherever and make sure they're named
No, Avery left B&R because Vinny kicked her out naked and she had to run across campus naked and was totally humiliated, so she went in to the DIK's mansion at Hallowe'en in 'disguise' to try and get some dirt on the DIKs she could use to humiliate them back.
Sally is everything but not timid.
and as i recall, i get dik point for that joke.
you making fun of Chen when you say, it isnt costum party. when you joking, it is funny, because its silly.
Asian Gym Girl has been mentioned before, sorry she's not on Yoga Girl's level though and I think is really just a throwaway, but it would be interesting to see MC invite his boxing buddies to a party
Asian Gym Girl has been mentioned before, sorry she's not on Yoga Girl's level though and I think is really just a throwaway, but it would be interesting to see MC invite his boxing buddies to a party
That's the weird thing, according to the WT of ep10, I should have 3 TC points at the start of ep11, since I grabbed Bianca's butt (2xTC) and looked at her in yoga class (1xTC)... then I flirted with her all through ep11, got her to do the cucumber contest and had her scene in the party, and they mention they're being bad... and then I also comforted Bella (that might not yield a TC tho)... but I just went straight to the mall with Jill and I got her sex scene there... soooooo I have no idea. Ugh, I'm just gonna wait for a WT, this update is driving me crazy with the requirements and the TC crap.
Myself and Chillout1984 looked at this code before, its a bit messy and it seems there's a few conditions missing. Its definitely written as if you shouldn't get the mall scene but there's pointers missing.
Oh just found yoour post. How clean version did you manage to get? It would be usefull to get rid all of the music so we could hear all the whisperers, no only the first ones
Yes it does. Jill needs either Neutral or CHICK affinity.
However like Laguna says you can just go to with Jill to the picnic date instead of the hangout when Sage is sick. Jill will drop you if you don't go with her, but you'll still be on Sage's path of you don't care for her (you just get some -RP with her, nothing biggie).
I'm not saying it's impossible, but if MC is narrating his story (which is the case), why wouldn't he at least point out to that girl when we saw her first? With your exemple, HIMYM (which isn't really a good exemple since the mother was literaly the focus of the story he was talking about, we just didn't have a face), the narrator used every single opportunities to talk about the mother when the story was close to her (the umbrella, the roommate, the music she liked/played, etc..).
That's not the case with "Cinderella", she's been in the background with no focus on her. If she was "the most important LI", why wouldn't MC point out the "cute girl looking at me in science class.. but we'll talk about her later" the first time we saw her?
All I'm saying is that either she isn't a real LI or there need to be a big reason why she become so important to the story, so late. Or it would feel a bit weak, IMO, especially with the number of LI already in the game.