How do you get this one?
I know there is a secret one when baking cookies during her first lewd scene, but didnt notice anything during the 2nd lewd scene in the cabin.
Damn man i ain't gonna lie this episode was another masterpiece by DPC, the way the history changes depending in which character you're in it's just awesome, so many VN's don't care to that level of detail, and this chapter has a very good replay with all the characters and events that are unique in each run. Hopefully i live enough to see the next chapter
Bella vs Nora And the potential monogamous/main Other's route.
I bring this up as it seems DPC is going into a main path within Others, leading to monogamy (Lily, Quinn, Nicole, Riona, and now Zoey. Actually, I deem Zoey the Destroyer of Others, as that's a pretty big event in Episode 11. I highly doubt she'll let you sleep around, which makes Others an odd choice to end with Zoey). (Maybe DPC has some kind of ending message regarding being a bachelor/manhore growing up?)
So, I thought I'd pick two very similar characters and their respective qualities to contemplate if main pathing/monogamy on Others is even going to be a thing. Also, for fun.
We don't need to go into sizes, outside of admitting they're the most seductive of the lot. They're both an Italian brunette and blonde Scandinavian goddesses in their own right. Bella has more content, but Nora isn't limited in quality.
1. General scenario.
a. Nora knows what she wants. Gets it. Realizes she is breaking the rules or could get fired, so she calls it off. But is still into the MC, at least from a professional angle. This doesn't prove anything personal in the future; however, she stated the bathroom fling was one time only, which was false, so she clearly has other intentions.
Result: Nora wants a husband, and still thinks of the MC. Nora eliminates the fear of getting caught, like an adult, but still allows for feelings.
b. Bella is essentially widowed but still married. Emotionally shattered, suffering, and needs comfort. Was trying to hook Jill up with the MC, screws up, and gets some lustful emotions rekindled. Was even going to break it off with MC if Jill wanted. The idea of a family has barely even been brought up with any of the main girls (except Sage just asking about the MC's future, and Maya). Found out it's against school policy to date students, scared to bring it up with MC, but does so later, and is still interested.
Result: Bella needs to feel alive, and sees the MC as "air" needed to breathe. There's the constant fear of getting caught, and won't stop it, because she needs him.
2. Personality.
a. Nora actually has emotions, smiles, laughs, etc. She seems mature, healthy, and intelligent on her behaviour with the MC. Not too much interaction to get a good profile. But she will try "anything once."
Result: Well adapted and healthy.
b. Bella stares like a deer at everything. I...think she can smile...? But is always angry, sad, or stoic. Her wild side can come out after lots of drinking, but still have a face like an angry mannequin. She has feelings toward the MC, but can't express them well.
Result: Shattered and scared. Yeah yeah, conflict in storytelling, we get it. CAN she smile?
3. Vision.
a. Nora needs glasses.
b. Bella uses fake lenses so people see her as something else (librarian? But she is?)
Result: Bella, what are you doing?
4. Exercise.
a. Nora benches 250 pounds. She exercises the way the MC does with weights, which he enjoys. He also enjoys "spotting" her, as does she.
b. Bella does yoga, that the MC isn't into, aside from being able to look at other women. Kind of the opposite of Nora.
Result: Farcical mating ceremonies, and Bella walked into that one. She's trying, folks.
5. Vocation and interests.
a. Nora is a "teacher" for Applied Chemistry. She enjoys working out, cooking, and sketching/painting.
b. Bella is a teacher of English and a Librarian. She enjoys working out, cooking, dancing, and reading. (We'll disregard her beer pong game play Queen title, as MC can destroy everyone.)
Result: I'd argue the scientist has got both her hemispheres well developed, whereas Bella is in mother mode, minus the family.
6. Age
a. Nora is 32.
b. Bella is 36.
Result: Effectively the same. Though Nora is ready for kids, Bella is having a midlife crisis.
7. Acquisition and path.
a. Nora's path is opened by choosing appropriate choices on Swiper and at the bar, immaterial of DIK/CHICK rating, going Others, and having a hell of a time with Others. Also, choosing her over Nicole for their date at home.
Result: She's the ultimate Other's monogamous choice after experimenting with Others.
b. Bella's path is forced to be CHICK choices, and largely integrated into the main plot, and going ONLY her route. If you even think of getting frisky with another teacher, you're toast.
Result: She's the ultimate CHICK non-polygamous choice after Zoey and potentially Josy. (Also, now that Bianca/Jill is implied, but we'll leave DPC's bad character-assassination potential future events away.)
8. Sexuality.
a. Kinky as hell.
b. Kinky as hell, though initially terrified.
Result: Pretty much the same.
9. Associates.
a. Nora has a super intelligent, jealous, and psychotic cat.
b. Bella (obsessively) has Jill.
Result: Despite sexual tension, I'm going with the Jill as a healthier option. Though Bella's relationship and feelings for Jill to the point of leaving the MC is a bit odd (to say the least).
10. In the story.
a. Only ~4 scenes throughout multiple episodes, currently in a state of platonic teacher/student relations. But you get there through exploration, and get to explore as much as the scenarios for Others provides, minus Nicole. Which feels within the spirit of gaming, and BAD.
b. Every episode, all kinds of drama with her, slightly even after a Jill path. Forced via CHICK path, so you need to be a good boy and ONLY for Bella.
In comparison to the other teachers, Jade uses the MC for sex, and Cathy the same, but is less cold about it (and her arc is too weird and stereotypical to get into).
Nora appears to be mentally healthy, physically fit, ready for a serious relationship, and thus a dedicated path. She doesn't hurt the MC in anyway outside of breaking things off to be professional. Her as a teacher aligns with the MC's education of engineering, and they have similar physical exercise routines. They even played a dating question game to figure each other out. There's lots ofpotential for development.
Bella has emotional issues, "has feelings", and is married (and we all know what happens at the end of EP 11+. There's plenty more to say, since there's so much content with her. Which is weird, since there's really not much relationship development going on. (Sage, Josy/Maya can at least get a declaration of love.)
So if DPC can paint an entire story for a "hot for teacher" Bella path with stagnating development (because we're waiting for the obvious and inevitable Episode 12 door reveal), emotional issues, and a Jill obsession, it makes sense the healthier version of a "Bella-lite" on Others path can go exclusive.
With the potential implication of Bella having a throuple/poly relationship with Jill, and with the Other's sleeping around behaviour of the MC, a Nora monogamous path seems at least believable.
The problem becomes how bloated the Others are (exclusive Quinn, Zoey, etc.), and how so many other options for bachelor/poly exist in Others, and it just beggars belief on how long this story will take to end, let alone clean up all the threads. But with Zoey just blowing up destroying the Others path to monogamy, it makes sense such paths with more content and popularity will occur with the ladies in Others. And if Bella is a template for that, then Nora is an easy choice, even without the DIK/CHICK points (or the overprotective Jill relationship. Just put Jill in Riona's costume and go crazy with symbolism :3)
Problem with Nora is she's pretty much kicked MC to the Kerb... I mean other than the forced creampie that may lead to pregnancy, I think she's pretty much done.
Problem with Nora is she's pretty much kicked MC to the Kerb... I mean other than the forced creampie that may lead to pregnancy, I think she's pretty much done.
Problem with Nora is she's pretty much kicked MC to the Kerb... I mean other than the forced creampie that may lead to pregnancy, I think she's pretty much done.
Idk man as someone who didn't even touch Swyper during Bella's house night, and only got to know about Nora in episode 10 lab classes I'm not really sure Extra lessons are directly linked with relationship with Nora. My guess is it is to bond with Cinderella.
I can post screenshots if you want proof just wait few hours.
It worked out in his favor though, I'm very sorry for Franz, but his sacrifice allowed Jam Jam to go from kissing Dany to kissing KRJ. That's a massive jump up the ladder. Go Jam Jam.
on the Sage route you have two possible scene variants, one where you stay at Bella's, it's a more romantic scene if you tell her you love her. The other variant is when you go back to the party with Sage and have a threesome with Camilla. For both scenes there are conditions to fulfill to get them, check the WT what they are.
Idk man as someone who didn't even touch Swyper during Bella's house night, and only got to know about Nora in episode 10 lab classes I'm not really sure Extra lessons are directly linked with relationship with Nora. My guess is it is to bond with Cinderella.
I can post screenshots if you want proof just wait few hours.
That would be my thoughts too. DPC seems to be adding more seemingly unrelated variables, that unlock or lock unexpected things. This variable "scientist", feels like something that will unlock a Cindy something.
Aha! I completely reordered it the "other" way by looking at which letter "matched" with which number and then ordering them by I, II, III, etc which just spells nonsense.
It worked out in his favor though, I'm very sorry for Franz, but his sacrifice allowed Jam Jam to go from kissing Dany to kissing KRJ. That's a massive jump up the ladder. Go Jam Jam.