Its pretty easy to do, but you have to look out not to have dik affinity at the library scene... after that check you can go DIK score... and of course you need to do at least one major choice in fsvor of Josy or Maya (or precisely, you either need to fuck Josy in ep 2 or have the Maya lewd scene in ep3, so you have to help her with the list)I'm planning a DIK affinity Throuple. What's the best path with major choices to ensure I don't get rejected at the ruined library?
Dont know why you would want to do it in the first place though... a dik MC doesnt fit for Maya and Josy, though Josy can be a bit funny here and there, but only because she likes some mean prank-jokes doesnt make her a dik persona overall. And Maya doesnt fit to a dik MC at all... but you do you, as i said, its easy to do, but feels totally weird. I tried it once and never again... neutral feels a lot better, but chick is the most fitting for the two, especially considered that there are special scenes for chick, but not for dik.