Are you really comparing going to college (which every parent wants for their kids) to becoming a school drop out and going to some beach town for some chick. You can't be serious.
Also MC comes from a poor background he didn't had resources to even move to San Diego.
And what did the last bit have to do with his dad being crushed?
I have kids. Do you?
I know exactly how a dad reacts when kids move.
No matter their reasons.
Mine are both adults. As are my 3 step kids.
Wanna guess who has the best feel on the pulse how dads react?
A parent or a non parent?
You think a guy like Neill would be crushed because his son goes after THE WOMAN HE LOVES?
Have you played this game at all? What is the MAIN thing he tells his son, all the time?
"FOLLOW YOUR HEART!" just like HE did and MC's MOM did...
I agree that he'd been an idot of he HAD followed her, that's not the question though, it was about Neill being crushed.