It wasn't counterproductive to Maya's character. The thing about the loan situation is that it was being portrayed as this much bigger thing than it actually was because it was coming from Maya's perspective. Seeing a situation from the outside looking in gives a much different viewpoint then that of when you're the one stuck on the inside. Being the one trapped on the inside always make it seem like the thing is bigger and worse than what it really is, which is where Maya's perspective is coming from. Also Maya doesn't do herself any favours because she deals with everything by not dealing with it and instead internalizes everything that she's going through. Not just the loan being used to manipulate her, but dealing with her mom's chronic illness and the ever increasing strain it has put on her parents marriage, also with how that leads her father to be abusive towards her and Derek. By keeping everything inside she's burdening herself further and adding more to the hopelessness that she feels she is in with the entirety of the situation. While Maya has both Derek and Josy to help give some support to her throughout everything, it's not enough because both of them are stuck in it too to various degrees. It isn't until Maya starts to open up to MC and Sage that things start to get better for her. As more things come out and as Jill and Bella get brought in, Maya is able to unburden herself more and more. It gets to the point that regardless if you get the contracts or not; Maya has this support group around her now that she can turn to and rely on, no longer needing to internalize everything that she's been dealing with.
Yeah the whole thing is long and drawn out, but it isn't counterproductive for Maya's journey and growth.
that was not my point, it was not a judgement on how Maya behaved in that situation.
the reasons why the loan storyline was counterproductive for Maya are essentially 2
if the story involving a character is dragged out for too long and becomes boring, eventually the character becomes boring too. then also because of DPC, who in my opinion adjusted the shot as he went along to solve the credibility problems he was creating, the problem became bigger and bigger until it seemed unbridgeable.
Secondly, especially the way it ended they all made fools of themselves, Maya first but also the others, for months (of play) behind a problem that in the end wasn't there. Maya and Josy practically from the beginning, MC when he was made a participant, but also Sage and then Jill and Bella who despite knowing that Maya doesn't have a loan in her name, because she can't have it (something that many players have said from the beginning, years and years ago), still needed to read the contract to establish it.
and in the end it was all a bluff. to make matters even worse, even having found out about it is actually basically pointless, Patrick wouldn't do anything now anyway, Maya wouldn't even need the student loan. they just had to deal with Patrick. and instead they all embarked on a meaningless odissey, first the scavenger hunt (where they were supposed to give Maya the tuition fee for going through, not even always correctly but also cheating, stupid tests), then accepting Sage's help, then going after another tuition without giving Burke any real motivation other than that his daughter asked him to, etc etc...
This certainly did not benefit Maya's character