Bellas is more than likely coming in the next episode and she's likely suffering PTSD from losing a baby or at least that is the best theory at the minute. It's not exactly going to have an impact unless you're on the Bella Path. Burkes Plan, well unless you are on Sage's path or have filmed yourself fucking Jade, there's not much impact there. The relationships may be fresh, but in most cases, he has been building them for 4 months now. Lynette and Neil have just finally had sex, so there's a chance that she's now pregnant with MC and that may be coming to an end. Obviously you missed the big one that is the Tri Betas which along with Quinns war are the last things driving the plot forward (though Quinns war maybe nothing on some paths) - while you are right there are a lot of things, some are path dependent so when you do break it down it can be covered in less episodes
Man you are really really hoping for an epic Spring Break Episode arent you?
I do agree. She being pregnant and having a miscarriage. Which would be either the cause of her husband starting to cheat on her or, what I think makes more sense, be the result of her finding out that she was being cheated on and the trauma caused her to miscarriage. But I will leave my mind open to other ideas, even if I've been locked on into this idea for some time already.
Burke had a deal with Quinn and the Finnman Banking. He was giving helped to the girls he fucked. This has nothing to do with Sage or Jade, it will have a way bigger impact than just them, because there can a LOT of girls that have been coasting because of this, Sarah and Mel for example, but also maybe Heather and other girls. And this won't come into play into the next episode in any way shape or form, this is something for the next season. Which once again adds to the story, this WILL have a big impact dude.
Quinn can maybe get to some sort of climax in the next episode, but not the Tribetas. I believe that is going right into the next season. And together with this is Lynette's diary, which in my opinion will end up revealing that the MC is a Burgemeister, which is the only solution that makes some sense for me. Like Lynette's will end her diary with her saying that she is giving up the name "Burgemeister" to be with Neil.
And you are damn right I'm hyping for Spring Break, I don't fucking care. We deserve it. There has not been a beach episode in this shit yet. You are too conservative with you believing the Q&A so much, stuff like that can easily change. Also I believe that the epilogues would be standalone from the actual season. They won't be part of them, similar to the Interlude.