That's where I disagree. It's just a plot reveal to the audience, or reveal, if anything, and at the end. Assuming the next episode deals with the Magnar issue entirely, since the audience now has different info than the characters. It had nothing to do with choice, plot, game play, or ones character.
The ridiculous and over dramatic chapter title aside, this was my main disappointment with this chapter. We, as the reader, learn a lot, MC learns jack! For most of the chapter he just obliviously does party planning while all the plot happens elsewhere. It wouldn't be a problem if he (and we) hadn't been so central to the plot before then, with seemingly more input from us on story direction. I feel the mechanics of the game went through more of a paradigm shift than the story.
I still feel Revelations would be a great name for chapter 12. What do think DPC might/should call the next chapter?
I don't get why people still don't understand the point of the whole "King and Queen" bs. You guys do know it's actual human psychology to latch onto people/animals hell even objects more emotionally if we call them by their names or we name them ourselves right?
Because it makes them both look silly as far as pet names go. Which is fine these are teenagers and there isn't one of us that don't have embarrassing memories that make us want to slap our young selves. But doesn't change the fact it's dumb. I actually think that's partly the point considering Lily's route shows that from the outside aspects of their dynamic make them look bad.
I would not be surprised if the King/Queen things gets dropped alongside all the other showy aspects. Because it's clear Lily has no hope of keeping to her own rules, she's clearly falling in love with him at this point. Which in it's own way would be kinda cool. You see Lily's dynamic go from showy and deliberately shallow, to a real loving relationship with no need to show off.
The ridiculous and over dramatic chapter title aside, this was my main disappointment with this chapter. We, as the reader, learn a lot, MC learns jack! For most of the chapter he just obliviously does party planning while all the plot happens elsewhere. It wouldn't be a problem if he (and we) hadn't been so central to the plot before then, with seemingly more input from us on story direction. I feel the mechanics of the game went through more of a paradigm shift than the story.
I still feel Revelations would be a great name for chapter 12. What do think DPC might/should call the next chapter?
About the only thing MC can learn (if he isn't oblivious to it) is that:
- He can't have both Lily and Nicole at the same time anymore
- Quinn seems to be jealous of Lily if you're rolling with Lily
- There seems to be more women romantically interested in him that previously weren't (like Mel)
- There has been more than just a friendly past between Bella and Jill
- He learns (a bit) of the history of Lily, Sage and Quinn
- He learns what really happened with Riona
- He learns that his video is leaked to Burke
- He learns Stephen and Jade are divorcing
Among other stuff.
It's true that for the main plot MC doesn't learn much, but he does learn quite a bit about the characters around him. The thing that could be the biggest paradigm shift(s) to MC and the Scooby Gang however was only talked about, but they did nothing with it (yet): Find out more about the histories of Lynette's and Sage's biological parents.
I think the title of ep 12 will still be something that has to do with the Betas.
The ridiculous and over dramatic chapter title aside, this was my main disappointment with this chapter. We, as the reader, learn a lot, MC learns jack! For most of the chapter he just obliviously does party planning while all the plot happens elsewhere. It wouldn't be a problem if he (and we) hadn't been so central to the plot before then, with seemingly more input from us on story direction. I feel the mechanics of the game went through more of a paradigm shift than the story.
I still feel Revelations would be a great name for chapter 12. What do think DPC might/should call the next chapter?
About the only thing MC can learn (if he isn't oblivious to it) is that:
- He can't have both Lily and Nicole at the same time anymore
- Quinn seems to be jealous of Lily if you're rolling with Lily
- There seems to be more women romantically interested in him that previously weren't (like Mel)
- There has been more than just a friendly past between Bella and Lilly
- He learns (a bit) of the history of Lily, Sage and Quinn
- He learns what really happened with Riona
- He learns that his video is leaked to Burke
- He learns Stephen and Jade are divorcing
Among other stuff.
It's true that for the main plot MC doesn't learn much, but he does learn quite a bit about the characters around him. The thing that could be the biggest paradigm shift(s) to MC and the Scooby Gang however was only talked about, but they did nothing with it (yet): Find out more about the histories of Lynette's and Sage's biological parents.
I think the title of ep 12 will still be something that has to do with the Betas.
About the only thing MC can learn (if he isn't oblivious to it) is that:
- He can't have both Lily and Nicole at the same time anymore
- Quinn seems to be jealous of Lily if you're rolling with Lily
- There seems to be more women romantically interested in him that previously weren't (like Mel)
- There has been more than just a friendly past between Bella and Lilly
- He learns (a bit) of the history of Lily, Sage and Quinn
- He learns what really happened with Riona
- He learns that his video is leaked to Burke
- He learns Stephen and Jade are divorcing
Among other stuff.
It's true that for the main plot MC doesn't learn much, but he does learn quite a bit about the characters around him. The thing that could be the biggest paradigm shift(s) to MC and the Scooby Gang however was only talked about, but they did nothing with it (yet): Find out more about the histories of Lynette's and Sage's biological parents.
I think the title of ep 12 will still be something that has to do with the Betas.
Yes, I meant main plot specifically. I agree, he’s can learn a lot on specific paths, piecemeal like always. But, take the others route specifically, we learn a lot, but the MC is pretty clueless throughout the entirety of that version of the story.
Haha indeed that was a typo and I will correct it. We can talk alot about if and what might have happened between Lily and Bella, but that would all just be fantasies for now xD
Hi. I have questions about the "others - Zoe" route.
1) Will the MC get cheating points in the next episode?
2) Will the MC automatically end everything he had with Quinn, Riona, Lily, Nicole and others? Or will we get another choice?
From what I noticed based on the MC's interaction with Camila at the end of the episode and a quick look into the code, it seems like getting back with Zoey will cut you off from the side girls.
Bella, Jilly, Lily Rose, Madame Rose, Bellalilly Billy… they’re all the same now anyway… 1000 booty calls, it’s all a blur… And all beholden to the healing power of MC’s mighty… rooster.
Until now (v0.11.1) that variable is referred in just two places.
ep11_header.rpy, line 77
default ep11_bianca_path = False
ep11_freeroam_party_events.rpy, line 7288
"We should stop":
$ dk(-1)
mc "We should stop before it escalates. You're right; it can be dangerous."
scene ep11_pp_bia_event15 with dissolve
bia "Ok... Are you sure?"
jump ep11_bia_stop_label
"Flirt more":
$ ep11_bianca_path = False
if not branchAlone:
$ tc += 5
It's quite strange that such a variable is set to False if the player chooses to "Flirt more". Setting it to True under that condition would have been the obvious choice.
DPC could have chosen to use a negative logic (just to troll folks peeping in his code), but that would have worked only defaulting that variable to True.
Defaulting such a variable to False and then setting it to False under a condition doesn't make any sense, since at the end of Ep 11 that variable will be always False wether the condition is met or not.
So, if DPC wants to use the variable ep11_bianca_path in future episodes... he has to release an hotfix for Episode 11 correcting this bug, and most of all force everyone to play Episode 11 again loadig from a save before the "We should stop / Flirt more" meno, because... any save created with current v0.11.1 must be thrown in the trashcan, since it will always have ep11_bianca_path == False, no matter what the player chose...
Here is my two cents what if it's intentional? DPC has not released a patch on this and he would have done so immediately after reports of it being set to false. So my asumption would be flirt more actually does end a potential relationship
MC? He's still the party planner. Still a martial artist and guitarist, regardless of going to either competition or party. (Outside of the player redoing the whole game because of the Sage/Jade guilt?) Talking to Chad didn't change anything. Definitely not the Magnar reveal. And you can't count the ending scene, or of everyone getting letters..
Mc in general has a choice with Zoey in order to return to Zoey or not that is in all playtroughs. However, it's only a choice if the player worked in earned Zoey's affection back if you didn't make the cut (IE: You've been picking each choice regarding zoey the less friendly one he will auto reject her no matter what) and didn't confess her love to an LI before that. Also , I would say there is a shift in his perception of his frat bros after Nick's crashout and how he tells them that everyone is jealous of him and didn't like him bossing them around.
Hmm, I guess Jill's change would be that she is starting to want to behave more like and be more like her sister with a few exceptions (like using drugs I'd assume). Remember, the last scene with her is the MC buying clothes for her that she herself says is something that her sister would wear and fucking in a public space for the first time too. There's also the whole cheating with Bianca stuff.
Haven't played her route yet, but I would assume that the ending reveal, wathever it is, will undoubtedly change her newfound circle of friends perception of her (barring Jill since it seems she is already aware of her secrets somewhat). Even if TrollPC didn't show what was in the room the characters all saw it so the reveal for them was in THIS episode not the finale.
Sage? Maybe the optional "love" declaration, but again changed nothing (she had these feelings last episode). That she's the glue for her new "family"?
Sage for the first time ever opened up about her real mother and told Mc how she is scared about finding out that her biological mother also didn't want her especially after her whole home life falling apart due to her parents divorce. It's the first time she chooses to initiate this "deep" chat with the MC since before it was mostly sexy times or she just got angry when MC wanted to learn more about her life.
Maya/Josy? Also declaring you love either of them, and maybe Josy's existential issue (which is dumb and also goes nowhere)/"throuples don't work" theme from DPC again? But that's not plot related. And Maya got her dad issue resolved regardless of getting the contract...
Uf, this one is hard since I personally never liked the throuple or Josy that much(In fact Josy has been in a massive decline since the end of season 2 for me). I'm guessing their shift could be about how now that Pattricks blackmail isn't looming on their relationship they have to reasess how they've been treating each other. There's the whole discussion between both of them at Isabelas party when they talk about personal stuff and feelings between each other for the first time since what? EP 8?
Quinn is the same bad girl regardless of her honesty and exposition. 0 development on the restaurant/prostitution/scholarship plot. Her dad told her a story from a picture book as a kid...?
Meh I don't like Quinn at all, and I agree she hasn't changed. Her shift is more instead of acting in service of herself like always she is now acting in service of others (Riona) even if it's revenge and it's fueled more by personal hate towards Buddy and Vinny probably I think DPC wants you to think she is doing it for her (I don't BUY it btw xD but I'm preeeety sure that's what he wants us to take away from her plan).
I agree DPC did Nick dirty and not just because of the whole "stole the fish bank" which I'm preety sure it was a move to punish cheaters and/or money hoarders xD. He kinda drops from the episode after the DIKS fallout (if you want to make yourself feel better, there's a variable(Nick's attitude) that changes some of the dialogue so I'm guessing wether you are lenient or trashtalkhim after he lefts will matter in the future... maybe. Eitherway, I guess his shift was his whole crashout Jacob said something about having never seen him act like that but poke a sleeping bear and all that remember that he might seem mellow but he was (and still is) friends with fucking Vinny xD
Well it's more deep than that but that's the short version, yes. Also side characters won't change much unless MC interacts with them that goes for everyone not just Lily.
Seems like massive shift to me she literally cutted Quinn out of her life (probably) and she might never want to return to her sorority again. That seems like a pretty big change to me.
Don't know what you meant by this, we are still yet to see which of theese new characters will stick around and if some will be possible side-girls or all will just be lewd scene fodder.
TLDR: I don't think the episode didn't change anything (In fact I fear it might've changed too much with the whole "Zoey is available in every path" I'm dreading how much will that affect development. Maybe you didn't get enough scenes with your girl of choice "Lewd or otherwise" and that is clouding your perception but to say that it's a bad title where there was so many changes to the status quo like:
Bella, Jilly, Lily Rose, Madame Rose, Bellalilly Billy… they’re all the same now anyway… 1000 booty calls, it’s all a blur… And all beholden to the healing power of MC’s mighty… rooster.
Yeah, I don't think any of the MGs are booty calls after episode 8, even some of the side girls won't be booty calls, and after episode 11 Riona, Lily, Nicole (maybe after ep9) and possibly Quinn as well.
Yeah, I don't think any of the MGs are booty calls after episode 8, even some of the side girls won't be booty calls, and after episode 11 Riona, Lily, Nicole (maybe after ep9) and possibly Quinn as well.