4.30 star(s) 58 Votes


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
Wow, I feel deja vu here.
Alright, so WHY would someone have to download BOTH versions if the ONLY thing different, is the color of their skin, if that is the ONLY reason, then just code the FIRST choice into ONE file, so you only need to DOWNLOAD one file.
FFS I can already SEE it's not going to be clear enough.
If you have ONE choice of character, the game gets to use that ONE character as a render reference, not needing the other.
If it's the same renders, expressions, actions, or differences, it's not that difficult to switch between the MC choices, again it won't require a double download.
Maybe if I focus on ONE line, it will be easier to define.
I am beating a dead horse here, repeating shiit and getting repeated answers.
SO I will leave this with one last though, you don't need 2 downloads even with the dual MCs, if what I said is now somehow more understandable, then great, if not, this is redundant and idiotic to say the same thing, and expect a different result, especially when none of this matters at all LOL.
So I am done, no need for a repeat performance, I am going to start my next update and cover Summers Gone.
Peace to all and be well.
You clearly never played the game.
This game is NOT live rendered for the player
This game is playing prerendered videos and images that were prerendered by the dev and saved as image files and video files into the images folder in the game.

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Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
This would only be true if the MC was shown in every render...
Bigger than necessary, tho.
technically true.
MC is not in every render. So if dev was organized it would be less. but from looking at how he works it would require time consuming reorganization.

Also while we are at it, looking at the files they are using ridiculously out of date codecs
a bunch of older video renders are in mpeg1 codec
while the newest renders in VP8 codec.

mpeg1 was obsoleted by mpeg2 was obsoleted by mpeg3 was obsoleted by mpeg4 was obsoleted by h264 was obsoleted by h265 was obsoleted by h265 10 bit was obsoleted by AV1.

VP8 was obsoleted by VP9 was obsoleted by AV1

h265 sorta kinda obsoletes VP9 except that VP8, VP9, AV1 chain are all royalty free open codecs while all the other codecs I mentioned are proprietary.

And yes, currently in 2024 the worlds most superior codecs (by far, to the point of completely obsoleting all other codecs) are open and royalty free.
being opus audio codec and av1 video codec.
if you want lossless audio compression then flac which is also foss and royalty free.

dev could probably shave a few gigs by just rerendering everything into proper AV1 files.
and rerender all the audio files in opus while he is at it.

I did some tests, converting the mpeg1 to av1 reduces filesize by over 91% without affecting quality.
converting the VP8 files reduces filesize by over 95%.
this 5.4gb game should have easily been a 500mb game.
The official compressed version is trash.

This game puts all the images in a single file
/game/images.rpa file
while all videos and audio go into the folder
/game/images/ folder

The official compressed version compressed the files in the same format as before! just lowered the quality a lot.

It only took 30 min for tdarr to automatically recompress the 2.3GB of loose unpacked mpeg1 and VP8 video files to 202 MB AV1 files without any noticeable visual quality loss... had i left it in 1080p instead of lowering to 720p it would have likely been 300MB. still, no noticeable loss in quality.

While the official compressed version crunches the 2.3GB of loose unpacked mpeg1 and VP8 video into 1.5GB of mpeg1 and VP8 files at horribly bad quality...
While the 2.3GB of images (found in images.rpa file) are compressed to 1GB.
This is just awful.
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Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
Ok so... after converting all the videos in this game to av1 10bit crf 30 preset 8 for massive space savings (83% smaller reduction! it is ridiculously huge reduction. I decided to keep their resolution. while there is no noticeable loss in quality for going down to 720p. which saves 90%+ of size, I was concerned about potential compatibility issues so I decided to leave it at 1080p)
no noticeable change to visual.

I was getting black screen when trying to play them in game.
A bit of digging later and I found that dev has not updated the renpy engine since 2021. This game files state it is running on renpy 7.4.9 copyrighted 2021

v7.4.9 was released on oct 7. 2021

v7.6.0 added AV1 support on may 14th 2023

and current version of engine is v8.3.2

I mean, you could still save some decent space by converting all those VP8 and mpeg1 files to VP9 without updating the game engine.
but nowhere near as much as you can with AV1 and there is no reason to not upgrade the engine.
so dev really needs to get his act together and update the base renpy engine to latest version.
so he can then recompress all the videos to AV1 and the pictures to AVIF

if anyone wants. here are the converted video files
being super v0.20c-light version movies converted to AV1 10bit crf30 preset8.7z

I should note that the .mpg files are actually .webm files, I just renamed them to .mpg which is simply lying.
This avoids the need to edit the scripts to change all the filenames.
In vast majority of programs lying about the extension works just fine as the extension is only used to determine which program runs a file. the actual contents of the file are examined to determine what kind of file it is.
but since the engine does not support av1 I could not confirm it really does not matter what the extension is called so long as the files are really valid webm files.
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Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
Hi guys, sorry to ask this, perhaps is just a stupid questions, but I can't understand. I downloaded and opened the walkthrough.
This walkthrough:

Extras: Walkthrough (WIP)
KROM95 thanks for the links

This is the one on the page 1. But i have some problem. I try to open the walk with adobe acrobat reader.
But every time i try to open this walkthrough, the app ask me to try to use the Pro version... but I don't want to try the "PRO" version. So I close and reopen the walk, but nothing. It keeps asking me to switch to the pro version, what am I doing wrong? Can anyone explain to me why?

Thank you
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Twins Basil! Twins!
Jul 26, 2023
Hi guys, sorry to ask this, perhaps is just a stupid questions, but I can't understand. I downloaded and opened the walkthrough.
This walkthrough:

Extras: Walkthrough (WIP)
KROM95 thanks for the links

This is the one on the page 1. But i have some problem. I try to open the walk with adobe acrobat reader.
But every time i try to open this walkthrough, the app ask me to try to use the Pro version... but I don't want to try the "PRO" version. So I close and reopen the walk, but nothing. It keeps asking me to switch to the pro version, what am I doing wrong? I'll start by saying that I can open all the walk made of this type, but strangely this one doesn't open for me. Can anyone explain to me why?

Thank you
The Walkthrough is a microsoft word document (not a pdf). So, I believe it is your document reader that is trying to update to pro, rather than the walkthrough.

I've converted it into a pdf, see if that works for you. (Right click and save as).
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Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
The Walkthrough is a microsoft word document (not a pdf). So, I believe it is your document reader that is trying to update to pro, rather than the walkthrough.

I've converted it into a pdf, see if that works for you. (Right click and save as).
Oh lol I didn't realize it was a different file type. Thanks so much for the pdf version, I can open it now!
Thank you!


Twins Basil! Twins!
Jul 26, 2023
Hide known file extensions is the stupidest thing MS ever did. And I remember MS Bob. :D
Oh you're right. I always forget people can't see them, cause it's one of the first things I change when setting up a new computer.

(And Microsoft has done a lot of stupid things. :ROFLMAO: )
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Dec 6, 2017
Just played this game after a long time and I have to say its much better! More polished and enjoyable to play, the renders and models are still amazing, and was surprised that I actually thought the story is very interesting. Good luck to the dev the rest way and I will be looking for the next update!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
I have a question for those who understand how long does it take to render images.

is it double the amount of time to develop the game because it has 2 version main characters?
i want to try this game but i also have doubt of its continued development just off of having to render one scene twice


Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
Hide known file extensions is the stupidest thing MS ever did. And I remember MS Bob. :D
Every single Windows edition seems to take things that were basic functions in previous iterations, and then either hide them or remove them on the assumption that all users are morons and shouldn't be trusted to tinker with anything.

It's the same mentality Apple has had right from the start with most of their products. The user cannot be allowed control.
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4.30 star(s) 58 Votes