The original Big Brother created by developer Dark Silver is still available, his game was abandoned in version and so all you find here on F95 are mods or clones (like this one). These screenshots you showed are just renderings from other renderers, a mod for Big Brother was created to further enhance the game's story and gameplay, in my opinion I found it bad as it is totally messy and out of order.
The Big Brother you played was probably this one,
which is a combination of several renderings, all mixed up, I didn't like this mode, as I said it's all messy and out of order. But if found people who could do game-like rendering and someone who knew how to program the Unity engine, could continue the work. So everything you said in your post is not canon, Alice hasn't been fucked by Eric, Max hasn't penetrated his cock into Lisa's cunt, no girl participates in porn movies with other guys, Lisa isn't even mentioned to make movies.