Kroll has a valid point though. For a first time player, playing without a walk through, the war path is close to being a fucking nightmare, while the friendship path does seem to be easier.
That is especially true if you're not cheating, are unaware of the wallet event, and how it works/go through it.
I mean, that event needs several things to happen, but, they're not going to trigger unless you do x and x and x, and be "there at the right time" and what not, which will lead to you loosing, without knowing how to actually make it through, and a rollback that is entirely useless as it'll only give you a tiny timeframe to correct something that can not be corrected in such a short time.
If you add the balcony confrontation event, you'll feel even worse, as no matter what you do/choose (unless you're on the friendship path and keep your demand "reasonable"), will end badly/feel useless.
As for nobody talking about the "ladies"... There are no ladies in this game, only cumdumpsters, either yours, or Eric, but they'll all become cumdumps eventually (well, if the game gets finished one day that is

.) I mean...