Ren'Py - Abandoned - Big Brother in Space [v0.10.0] [Lewd Fiction Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story here is well developed since it inherits it from the original, with a few subtle changes

    Plot could be considered even better than the original thanks to the way the eric plot is woven more believably

    Renders are as good as any of the other BB versions

    This game definitely does not deserve the low rating it has just because people are jaded about BB
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    An original story and good character development... it's something you won't find here, this is literally ANOTHER copy of the original BB only in space and with other models but it's the same, same gameplay, same characters, same lack of story or objective beyond "go to a location, see a mini event, earn points, stop erik from having sex" and that's about it, although at least you can better justify the nonsense of why they can't get out of the " house/ship", more than a game this is simply a mod of the original. (n)
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise is a great idea but the way it is implemented is kind of a missed opportunity. I understand wanting to change the original BB models to a certain extent in order to add some originality. However, the models look so drastically different than the originals that it ends up feeling like the creator was simply too lazy to find the original models and change them. As a result, it feels like they used basic models and just pasted the BB character names as a way to garner attention to this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    love the game in its very early access. the girls look way hotter in space suits than they did in the original Big Brother game, Eric is there but he's completely optional. I like keeping him around cause he is extra story content and actual nice and not a mean antagonist, being red looks like darth maul everytime I see him. for a 0.2 there already animations in there and MC gets action already, Lisa, Ann, Kira all look good and I like seeing this brand new look on BB universe. Hope to see Eric NTR/Sharing with Kira and Lisa soon.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    The renders are pretty decent, but that's it.

    It's nothing more than a clone from BB, but in space.
    The grind is there, the passing time non stop because there's nothing else to do is there... repeating the same crap over and over is there.

    Assuming it sticks to the BB stories, there'll be no sex scenes from max aside from a footjob with Alice for like a year at the very least...

    So, come back in 2025 to see if there's anything worth your time then I guess.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    Playing 6 years ago in the big brother in the original, it was interesting for me to play, because then it was new in this genre, pictures, sounds, etc., and it was the plot and the Big Brother itself that many people remembered.
    Yes, there is will and freedom of creativity in games BUT don't touch poor LISA AND BIG BROTHER. It looks like another donation game without the prospect of developing the game itself. How many games like BB are losing. And all because there is something to compare with. About this game. I just downloaded and played this version of the game. 1) Models, unlike the original, are not of high quality, I don’t know why and what the developer used. 2) The plot is in space, ok But it looks cool and funny 3) I didn’t remember the dialogues and the plot itself and I already forgot I’m playing on after 10 minutes of the game. 4) Expect a lot of dissatisfaction from the fans of the game, why spoil the already poor Big Brother. Come up with something original. There are good ideas. If you take space, you can take a Female character and a lot of aliens, tentacles, etc. Playing on unity or anril will be good. There are a lot of ideas, but why they take the old and only fans of the original game suffer more
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    We'll never have enough Big Brother games, it's just such a simple, but great formula for AVN. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and try some goofy ass shit. I love original BB, and this is one of the best "clones" - models and setting are different, but it's the same in spirit, it has what made the original so great. 5/5.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Big Brother In Space V.0.2
    I don't know what I was expecting. I wasn't the biggest fan of Big Brother before hand, but I know it's many's nostalgia trip. Unfortunately for this game, I didnt have that to soften the blow. Of the little I played the first game, this game hasn't evolved much from the formulaic scenes and characters.

    I'll make it simple:
    The models are average.
    Renders are serviceable

    Lack of innovation and inspiration
    (Tags content are/will not be avoidable)
    The writing is either bad or boring
    Space isn't as novel as you'd think and it just feels like the typical incest story...
    It's without Incest...
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Sobaco the Greek

    Played the initial version. Seems to me quite decent for a new start of a game that we already know from other versions. Graphics are really good. Story so far isn't much different from the other, but seems to be focused from another angle. We'll have to wait and see.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5732714

    As I sit here staring at my screen, I feel a sense of disgust rising within me at the thought of yet another "Big Brother" clone. It's like déjà vu all over again, and it's enough to make me want to hurl.

    I mean, come on! You are making clone games for barely average game. What are you really expecting?

    The developers behind this game seem to think that they can just throw together a few average features and call it a day. But let's be real, what did they expect to achieve with this half-hearted effort?

    The graphics are the only aspect of this game that could be considered average, and even then, they are barely passable. In fact, I'm convinced that even a blind person with a little bit of time and a random clicking spree on DAZ could come up with better results.

    I'm struggling to find anything worth mentioning in this game, as it falls short in every possible way. It's just a disappointment, plain and simple.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Like to say I really enjoyed the game so far.. All the girls are hot in my opinion with sexy outfits and the animation scene with Lisa and Alice are excellent. My only complaint,(probably not the Dev's fault),is the in-patch doesn't do anything to change the relationships with you so your just the only guy 3 women shipmates.Found out with patch installed it's needed to go to preference setting and check the language settings.Even without it I'm still hoping for more updates,
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Another one of these. Played the first iteration.
    -Renders aren't bad
    -Space is cool I guess
    -Copy paste premise of original, which is awful
    -Confused developer, confusing tags/no future tags either(we know what it'll be, but newcomers need to know)
    -Another con point for a BB remake, no thnx, stop it pls.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A pretty basic game so far. as it is an early version, there is not much you can do, and can go through it all in less than an hour.

    if you ever played Big Brother or Glamour, you will feel very familiar to this game. the character changed, and the context as well, but it remains basically the same game.

    so far, you can give a massage to Alice, spy on the girls and trade favor for a drug with Alice.

    few big things that is missing is
    1. no stats panel (to see the affection of the girls and the MC skills)
    2. no website (big brother was making money out of spycam, here it's still missing but i am sure it's coming)
    3. no shopping (right now money is not implemented and you can't get the sunscreen for Alice yet)
    4. No incest (so far the girls are not related to the MC)
    there is some new stuff that is clearly coming for the future update, such as Eric appearing as an alien, he would probably get involved between the girls and MC. Kate also appears but only has a short event with MC.

    other characters i would like to see in the future are Kira and Olivia, but the intro mention been 6 pods in the ship, 4 were occupied by the close family (MC, Alice, Lisa, and Ann) so the last two are probably Kira and Olivia who are likely coming up later.

    so far this game fulfills my expectation and i look forward to a future update.

    sine the character and context is completely changed, i would suggest to simply take the distance from Big Brother itslef by simply renaming the game and the character. that allows the developers to follow a more original patch such as another ship eventually meeting your ship (from a nearby mining colony or something) and this would unlock the possibility to buy stuff that would be delivered once a week (new clothes, new drugs, new everything). even if Big Brother would remain an inspiration, it would still be a unique and unrelated game.