Im still here hun
Well lets discuss, Im all for it to your possible surprise) We have story with space crew who get to aliens space station due to some circumstances, crew not your family and just your comrades. For aliens, who civilised and inteligent, we absolutely new species and due to basic logic they should treat us all without prejudice. But still by dev default logic mc treated like empty space loser aka drone without adequate posibility to prove himself.
1 male 4 female crew. 3 out of 4 immediately whoring themself to aliens without problems. Ann had husband who died due to some incident, week passes and then she like "anyway" and gladly lands her pussy on alien who already have 3 wives. "Aunt" after quarantine immediately accepts work in alien porn. Alice without second thoughts accepts e-thoting just for benefits. Only Lisa more or less decent female on the crew.
MC from the beggining constantly insulted, threatened, belittled and humiliated by almost everyone there. Ann treats him like servant, Alice insults him all the time without reason, aunt plays him like a toy, Eric being chill but still reminds mc that hes inferior to him and he will throw mc in space etc if he will not behave as told. Second Eric wife after sudden sex insults and threaten him after cumming in her mouth all the time when they interact after, First wife from first meeting treat him like lowly worm, just because she all that high, respectable and shit. Some randoms blackmail him for their own amuse, threatening him with consequence if he dont comply. I remember only two charachters who treated him like actual human being)
To get his sloppy seconds with main charachters mc forced to go a lot of extra miles, being smart, creative etc, when they easily and gladly spread their legs to aliens from the beggining. As far as I can tell from plot, this alien union live like hedonistic Sodom, everyone fucks anyone and in general have a great time living, but not you) You need to endure all threats, insults and humiliation to have your turn after. Practically every sex scene begins or ends with insulting and belittling mc for this or for that. All created by dev world artificially and intentionally hates and despice mc without reason.
Original had more dialogs, info, backstory and basic logic why mc relations was as it was with his family which atleast somehow explained things. But here dev just throw it out of the window and just copypasted relationships, events and behavior without second thoughts. They were space crew and after joining alien union they already ex-crew, but Ann still treats mc like she have some actual athority on him, or like she his mother like it was in original and etc to all other original charachters, events and situations. Because of lack of story and writing skill, all dev innovations as space setting nothing more than cosplay party in sci-fy decorations.
If we consider your crew as LI's then who am I need to symphatise and honestly like? Porn star? Whore who forgot her husband after week? E-thot who despice mc? Only Lisa nice and decent human being but here and there she can get personal too. About avoidable ntr, if your LI or girl that you pursue gets fucked somewhere behind the scenes doesnt mean that it didnt happened, its as simple as that.
You can make game with all girls to be whores for all I care, but then make proper setting with baddass mc who have balls and treats them accordinly without this simping and concentrated humiliating bs, where mc on one foot with others and just have great time. But here game needs tag "humiliation" for what I saw in this game.
As i writed before objectively the worst things of original dev left as they was. Meaningles empy sandbox, events repetition to go further, clicking here and there hunderds of times etc.
I think thats all for now, would be glad to hear your honest opinion)