Ren'Py - Big Brother: Ren'Py - Remake Story [v1.07] [PornGodNoob]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Better than the legendary original. This is for people looking for pornography, not roleplayers. If you consider Alice your girlfriend in real life, you will be depressed by this story.

    You basically get to see all the girls from big brother doing all the sexual stuff you wanted in the first game.

    Eric takes on the role of an accomplice, to basically provide the second penis for group sex encounters
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Lacking alot of in depth scenes and is basically using the original as a stepping stone for themselves. This wouldn't be a big deal if all parts of the game were getting attention, but the dev is focusing on only a few things even though they are keeping the things their not focusing on in game. Either make you own game with the content you want or do the original material justice.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 is for the base game but the developer deserves 5/5 for the port.

    This game is an excelent port of a terrible game. Honestly I'd recommend it only for those who played original Big Brother but for everyone else it's better to check CG and move along. Anyone who played BB already knows what they are getting into, so there isn't much to tell except that the work was done very well. I honestly consider it a better experience compared to the original game but still comparable as painful to play.

    Now if you don't have any idea what is BB then here are my biggest concerns:
    - A lot of events can be done at very specific times like twice a week. Just this alone makes forces you waste minutes just to trigger specific event. It's like clicking several different skip buttons just to proceed from one step of a quest to another.
    - This issue is amplified by multiple tasks that require you to wait a few days. For example when a character needs time to decide something.
    - "Realistic" schedule when characters appear only on specific times during the week. That changes for worse when you suddenly get a task to interact with them. For example there was a quest to massage a girl that usually gets a tan at the pool daily but once you need to do this she suddenly appears there only once in a week!
    - Proceeding from one sex scene to another one can take ten, twenty or more minutes despite it being in the same quest chain with no other events blocking your progress. Which is the next point.
    - You can't naturally progress this game because every few steps you get roadblocked by another quest that needs to be progressed first. This becomes so convoluted very quickly that hint button becomes your second used button after "skip".

    Big Brother is a prime example of the worst mechanics of the worst sandbox games. If you ever wish to see why this genre is so much hated then this is a good example why. In the past ten years it was among the most painful sandbox games I played.

    BB probably has only one major upside which is a very good CG but personally I find each scene to be too short to bother. This would be an amazing 3D comic but in a game format you pretty much forcefully squeeze one scene after another with one droplet at time.

    But I don't want to criticize the author of the port. It was nearly nearly flawless and they have done an amazing job by remaking it from scratch on a different engine.

    I'm not sure about their NTR mod since I found it too bothersome to explore. By the time I got to choosing NTR path in the middle of fhe game I already was so much annoyed by all the roadblocks so I spent like half an our trying it out and then just quickloaded to the previous save since it seemed to be the same "squeeze events out of the game" and I wasn't willing to invest any more of my time into this option.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, the worst flaw of the original game was that the whole game concept centered around the wait button, and unfortunately every big brother remake seems to make the same mistake over and over again.
    When I take a look at my current quest log for example, it looks like this:

    Sacrifice --> Go through the event "Control"
    Control --> Go through the event "Blog"
    Blog --> Go through the event "Party girl"
    Party girl --> Go through the event "Cigarette smoke"
    Cigarette smoke --> wait for 6 days

    I mean, what the fuck? All the quests are chained linearly with nothing new happening for days. If the dev envisions a linear story, then the whole sandbox style doesn't fit into it at all.

    Either use a VN style where you can integrate time jumps without the player having to spend many boring hours just hitting the wait button, or make things happen in parallel so that there's always something new to discover for the players. But in its current state, the game just feels exhausting as fuck and like a huge waste of life time.

    That's really a shame because I think this could've been a great game if the dev would get rid of the exhaustive grind.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v1.02

    This particular version of Big Brother focuses on expanding the Eric NTR path, particularly the one where you befriend him and work with him to have relations with the rest of the family. If you're into NTR and enjoyed the Eric scenes from the original BB the most, then this is hands down the version for you.

    The new content rendered and written by PornGodNoob is 5* territory if you're into NTR. I cannot stress that enough, it is incredibly hot.

    The problem with BB, as it has always been, is the grindy sandbox loop required to advance the story. Seriously there are in game weeks where I'm clicking "Skip, Skip, Skip, Sleep" because I need to talk to someone at a particular time during a particular day. If this game were ever remade again, I would hope it simply cuts the sandbox element entirely.

    4* because of the sandbox
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    My penis wants to rate 5/5, but my dignity rates it 4/5 due to the lazy grind loop. There is a lot of content recycling just to keep you playing the same shit over and over hoping to see a new scene.

    Do try it, the scenes and dialogue make a spicy game overall, but don't forget cheat mod or you will go limp several times per session...
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't bother - it seems you can only do some quests by paying the developer - some quests are impossible to do without in game money . You cannot buy the swimsuite and party outfit before Eric as you cannot raise enough money before the deadline
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    More like this.

    Its nice to see new content put into this classic. I feel like a lot of games have ripped this off in the past, this attempts to put more content into it. While also making the grind of the original easier. Getting money is way easier in this one.

    I think a lot of people are turned off by the NTR aspect of this game, like they are with others. Which is fine, I can appreciate that. But its clearly marked, and as long as you're aware its there and you still want to play, I think you'll appreciate this game.

    Happy to see new content in this game. Where the developer says he is taking the game seems very promising.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game and great potential. High quality renders. Pictures and animations are great. Maybe a bit slow but at least steady upgrades. Bigger upgrades than the other BB ripoffs. Finally an NTR focused one BB game
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    An interesting remake and maybe, maybe will be the only one that could be completed, maybe.
    Looks like the story is well implemented to the original, I saw the images and looks like there is a good amount of content (NTR) and thats good.
    Now the bad part, I didn't saw much or the new content because I tried to play the NTR path and Im stuck, some quest don't start, maybe because before I have to finish other or maybe is a bug, and the only clue the walkthrough gives me is "you have to do this other quest", but the walkthrough doesn't tell me what you have to do to unlock that quest, I saw PGN's comments saying that people don't read the walkthrough, I read it all and I followed every step and I couldn't see any scene between Eric and Alice.
    The grind in this remake is a pain in the ass like in the original, PGD say that he lowered the grind a little, but obviously he didn't played or tried the game because it's maddening how many hours you have to waste/play to get some money. The grinding is not only there, to keep a good relationship with the family you have to help them or gift them things almost everyday because it takes a lot of time to raise it and because if you are playing with NTR enabled looks like that stat goes down everyday, and is not really helpful that you don't have a way to know how good is you relationship, if is good or is bad you will only see this "-", what is the meaning of that?? The only moment when you see a word or something clear is when the relationship is really bad. The "solution" for both problems would be use cheats, cheats the developer don't let us use, because he disabled the console and you have to use mods to cheat.
    I don't know what he was thinking when he added a hacker that steal the website and don't let you see the cameras, so when you start the war with Eric he tell you that you can't spy when he is fucking Alice, so you can't spy him from outside the room neither with the cameras.
    Some scenes play in a weird order too, I got Alice punished for first time when Eric was in home, I told that she don't need to do it, and she responded that "Eric punishments don't hurt", that was the first time that she was punished at all, how she knew that his punishments don't hurt?
    If you make Alice smoke topless and then ask her to get dressed again, she would never get dressed again, so you can't ask her to not use panties or whatever.
    The developer answering questions here but stupid questions like "why the game is in russian" when clearly there is a fix, when he could reply those comments asking for a better walkthrough, or asking the option to cheat inside the game so we don't have to use mods or lessen up the grind an 80%.
    I want to like this game but the grind, the walkthrough that don't guide you, the bugs, the weird development decisions, all that makes this game more like homework than a game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Of all the BBs, this is the best. The original is/was good; this has the potential to be great. I really hope PGN will see this thru. It is true to the original game and adds to the story very nicely. The characters, the renders, the tasks and of course the story are all great. Plenty of tease, plenty of action afterwards. The best NTR experience I’ve had in a game.
    I will say the two walkthroughs systems is confusing and the grind is quite cumbersome. I would love to see some version or option/cheat where I don’t have to catch spiders ad nauseum. about a dozen times would be plenty. Spending 3 days to learn to massage a foot. 3 more to massage hands, missing achievements, etc. I don’t mind a play through where I miss some stuff but I’d like to be able to have an option for a linear one where I can hit all of them. If there is a hand holding walkthrough to hit them all I’d pay for it.

    with all of this said, I am going to patronize PGN and will be the only one that I do without giving 4 stars. I’ll cross my fingers and toes that he finishes this one. I’ll even use the money mom gave me to buy groceries online. When it finishes I’ll update to 5 stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The excellent plot would love to see more of it.
    Great characters more stories between males can be added would enhance the plot. Like blackmailing for more benefits with girls.
    It needs more story more development, it should be continued.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v1.0 - Fix 10

    I get sad when new other clones appear and people saying that this game has a curse, or that it is an old or bad game. No one has been able to move forward with this game, not even continuing where they left off, they simply create a clone without any innovation and then it is soon abandoned. It's what happens with all Big Brother, the devs who are going to create their own versions look like they've never played the game or tried to understand the story, plot and characters. And then it ends up taking everything the original dev created and copying it to another engine as if that game was recent.

    - The game is in the Ren'py version
    - You can skip dialogs
    - There is not that boring RNG
    - Gameplay a little faster than the original

    - The same story and the same paths
    - Impossible to be able to use some cheat money
    - You can't buy Alice's Dress and Lisa's Swimsuit at the beginning of the game
    - Added only NTR - sharing scenes from Eric to the game

    Why I did gave 2 star?
    Most people have played Big Brother, so today the game has become an old game. I confess that Big Brother has a good plot and great renders, but nobody wants to play the same game more than twice. This version is better than the original dev version (Unity) but why not improve the story? It's not that difficult to create a story, plot and script for the characters, just understand the story, know how to program in ren'py, create renders similar to the game and start building your game. Is it easy to do this? it's not, but could at least have routes you could return to. For example, Lisa's events, you have to choose whether to be Lisa's boyfriend or Olivia's boyfriend. If you choose to be Olivia's boyfriend, those Friday night events will always be the same repetitive events and there will be nothing different. So, would I have to start the game over again just to get more scenes with Lisa? After I spent almost 4 hours of gameplay? So tell me, what's new for me to play Big Brother another clone again?
    Congratulations on creating a ren'py version, but, do you really want the game to continue? study the game and start to get a sense of what it is like. I know this game you want to put more content from Eric, but Eric's script in this game isn't cool, you'd have to build several scenes so that everything fits perfectly. What about the other characters? After all, it's a waste of time, if this game doesn't have a proper sequel it's better to give up.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome port to renpy. Had no major issues here. Dont worry about money, you might cant solve certain quests in early game in time but this does not affect game play. Ingame WT is working, just keep on doing the things the WT telling you again and again. Hope the dev is doing a port of the current game as well as renpy is the better choice. great job! Best Big Brother version out there
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Lemmon Sweat

    One of the better remakes that tries to faithfully reproduce the story and images of the original.
    I hope PornGodNoob is able to complete this remake to the end of Dark Silver's iconic work, and beyond.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 724036

    I think that's the weakest BB remake yet. It literraly has the same images as original game, lmao. Same story telling, same start, same dialogues, same Max, same characters, same EVERYTHING. Maybe you'll say that something changes later on but I have no interest replaying same old bullshit for some "abstract new". I liked previous remake by this developer more, despite it was abandoned.
    Stop it. Get some help.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    A google/deepL translated ren'py port of Big Brother with a focus on NTR.

    No improvement over the original, same sandbox, no gallery, no cheat mode.
    If you like broken english and painful sandbox mechanics I guess you'll have fun replaying the same story from years ago.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, it's great! I'd love to and I'm curious to see a sequel to Eric's story, and the advancement of the guest appearances with Ann and Eric overnight which for me is one of the best parts of this specific sequel.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, this is the best version of Big Brother. For the most part, it retells the original Big Brother story but uses Ren'Py instead of Unity, which I consider a bonus.

    However, if you absolutely hate NTR, you won't like this, so you should probably play another version.

    This version contains some much-needed time-saving features, such as the ability to skip 2 and 4 hours, instead of just 1. The detailed walkthrough is very helpful, telling you exactly what you need to do next. The income from the cameras also seems to be higher, so money is gained quicker. There is also much less grinding and RNG, this alone would be enough to make me say it's the best version, but the added Eric storyline is where this version shines.

    In every other version, the goal is to get rid of Eric ASAP. This version is different. You can actually work with Eric to corrupt Ann and there are some very erotic scenes involving Eric-Ann and Max-Ann. There are also some great scenes involving Eric, Kira, and Max. These scenes are animated and are fantastic.

    In the next update, the developer plans to finish the original storyline. Following updates will continue the Eric storyline and we are told the first of these will include Eric and Alice. I can't wait.

    TLDR, don't play if you hate NTR. Play if you want a BB with less grinding and more Eric.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Fulfilling all my fantasies about big brother and especially mom's depravity. I can't get enough of Eric's arrogance and Creampie to mom. The interaction between entering the room and watching a porn movie in the living room is even better. Thank you so much!!!!