Wolf RPG - Completed - Blazing Aries [Final] [Kurotozakka]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Finallly very epic action RPG !! Love it, in general i love with fast pacing game and able to execute cool combos.

    + Good story
    + Good CG art
    + Good gameplay mechanics
    + Good BMG
    + Good MC
    + Good scene
    + Good OST

    I would give 5/5
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    almost 5 stars, but...

    Blazing Aries is possibly one of the best eroge-rpg this year, however it has those little details that may annoy some.

    The combat is addictive to no end, I've easily spent more than 10 hours playing it for that reason. The H part... is very loose.

    I don't know if the game was really meant to be an eroge, or if it was just a last minute decision to sell more. Because the moments of eroge gameplay, they are limited exclusively by each chapter.

    And the end of the game is not affected at all by the level of lewdeness you have at the end.

    I don't see this at all bad, because even the story is written to make sense no matter what decision you make.

    Still, due to these details, I can say that it is an excellent game, but not an eroge (there is even the option to remove the H, that says a lot)

    For that part where it only leaves me with a penis harder than a metapod, but it still gave me a good time. At least if it takes its 4 stars without problems.

    Hopefully his next game will have more H content, because in any case it would be in the big leagues.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Extremely well made combat gameplay. I feel like playing as Vergil from Devil may cry lmao, makes me motivated in combat
    Really good jokes and an interesting story
    Variety of different mechanics like fishing and such

    Underwhelming H-Scenes for a game that good, which is the reason I've started playing this game.
    Rushed story which has a lot of potential. You could look at the paying off the debt of belk. It was supposed to be connected to the main story but got ditched. And I was honestly expecting returning to the first areas and such being able to progress on the lewd scenes since I got my lewdness prostitution and such to max. But no, there was literally nothing. Missed opportunity to add a lot more hentai scenes to the game. Even in the ending i didnt get anything particular to the lewdness/prostitution levels I had. It was a normal ending.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so damn good, i almost want to play it again just for the gameplay, scenes are decent and a lot as well, there is also battle scenes which really add to the game.

    Story is pretty good, adventurer girl goes out seeking adventure, theres a lot to do in this game, theres 3 chapters and I feel like chapter 2 and chapter 3 are like sandbox games, a lot to do a lot to explore. Also just to mention again, the gamplay and combat is amazing.

    Highly recommend anyone to play this game, it will take you around 8 hours to finish if you do the normal difficulty and don't be an idiot like me and try to clear all the guild tasks which you don't really have to do.

    Story Good
    Gameplay Good
    Scenes Good
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    i'll divide my review on two parts of the game, the "Game" part and the "H" part of the game.

    Game: just a smol sidenote, it was very late in the game before i learned i can use food in combat and i just went on and finished my 1st playthrough without using food(just on severe tho) so my perspective/experience is a bit different in the combat part.

    - very good combat mechanic, combos are "loose" if u know what i mean
    - boss fights are satisfying to do, it's true that most if not all of them are just run around+poke+combo when break/safe or stun but bosses have variety and some are a bit harsh/fast and adapting to them is a pleasant experience. (ye i felt like i'm playing a budget souls game coz i played with no recovery and one mistake is severely punished)
    - maps are a bit bigger than the usual h-game maps
    - there's enemy variety
    - some normal mobs are very annoying (ye this is a pro for me)
    - likeable characters (i rarely like male chars, but i like several of them here)
    - some characters are very hateable (i also rarely hate male chars on h-games since i'm not particular on looks/behavior but some chars in the game are very hateable)
    - nice fishing mechanic
    - very pleasant bgm/se placement
    - story is decent if ur not lazy to read, has many gud parts even if there are generic parts.

    - i dunno what to call it, but i'll just call them "clutter" u know those random rocks and plant decor on maps that u can't jump over for some reason.
    - diagonal tracking
    - i mentioned boss variety on the pros, but there's an exception to that, ch3 where bosses felt the same(dragon, slumboss1, memory kagura, slumboss2), the "variety" just kicks in again on the 2nd to the last boss and the last boss. Dunno maybe i just got used to it by ch3 so it felt the same.
    - ng+ is not so exciting

    if i'll rate the game part then it's 7/5, this feels more of a game than many rpg/adventure titles on steam, not to mention some mmos that don't feel like games at all.

    now the H-part:
    - Aries is cute, other sub females characters are cute too, very pleasant when they're lewd
    - a lot of "touchy" scenes, like stuff that has a lot of skinship like holding hands, boob grasps, breast sucking, sex while hugging, etc. I feel those details are neglected by many other h-games that just has a lot of outright plain penetration.
    - costumes are hot

    - Aries' very thin waist line (that is for some reason not that thin on scenes, but looks very thin on menu =_=)
    - some h-scenes are tedious(ye dat dem dance scene, coz em bad wen the letters come)
    - no freedom on h-scenes (a lot of it is locked until u progress story)
    - underutilized sub girl characters, like seriously i feel like i got scammed coz there's no non-futa yuri scene
    - no naked public exposure
    - limited uses of those hot costumes

    tbh i think the H part of the game is a bit underwhelming, even tho i still get aroused by it(ye i still get aroused even if there's only one preg cg :sadcatnoises). This game is not for the very common hungry-for-H peeps. The amount of "play" just to get the "H" is quite a lot.

    i'll give the h-part of the game a generous rating of 3/5 (i should give a lower number here but i'll not be biased just coz the fetishes i expect/prefer were not available)

    so if i combine the two ratings then it's still a perfect 5/5 for me.

    Thank you for reading and have a nice day~
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4611460

    I have to say, the plot is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Never before have I played a DLsite game at this price point with such bland, pointless, and LENGTHY dialogue.

    Fighting is meh, I'm honestly amazed people seem to like it so much. Even on severe; you fight one enemy you've fought 'em all. The same rinse and repeat formula of dodging and making combos. The fights also take way too fuckin long and make the game drag out, only to reach more boring dialogue.

    This was a huge disappointment and I truly do not understand the hype.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    EDIT: This review was written based on the DLsite version, it seems that the Steam version has rebalanced Normal difficulty to make it more accessible to players. Anyone who finds Normal to be too much of a 0-strategy beat-em-up, do give Severe a shot which maintains the DLsite difficulty.

    This is an absurdly good and incredibly fun action game first and foremost. The H content is fine but secondary to the experience as it doesn't particularly weave into gameplay and story. Special mention that it is also a finalist in the DLsite 2021 awards and has over 11k purchases there.


    The game is fairly challenging and engaging, rewarding fast parry reactions and careful combos and punishing overextending as enemies can and will blow off chunks of your HP if you fuck up even on normal difficulty. If that's too much for you, there's also a reduced difficulty mode that lets you feel like a god, smoothly comboing enemies with little fear. If that's not enough for you, there are 2 difficulties harder than normal to really bring out the gamer in you.

    In terms of sex content, some enemies and bosses can inflict status conditions then try to overwhelm her in a QTE, and scenes are sparsely laid around until around midgame where the brothel opens and you can fuck to your desire. By the way, the original JP version has a built-in "no R18 content" toggle, so you can kinda discern how important it is to the whole game.

    But once again I reiterate that it is a really good action game and is absolutely still worth playing even unpatched or in R15 mode.