Unreal Engine - Breeders of the Nephelym [v0.761.59A] [DerelictHelmsman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I am looking forward to what the update will be. This game is very fresh, with interesting gameplay and great graphics~~~~~*I love Big Wolf and FUTA!!!*
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very great work! Iam just at the beginning but it makes a lot of fun and the graphic is very beautiful. I hope you continue your work!
    Maybe sme have some tips to get a keystone ?
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the mechanics of the game, hope to see other species in the game like the centaur race because there's only the one I've encountered, more mermaids, and hopefully rabbit races. Other than that, it's a good game to play.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most ambitious projects I've seen on this site. And it is already amazing overall. A very in-depth character creator, beautiful models and landscapes, and pretty interesting gameplay.
    The only fault this game has is the somewhat limited amount of r-rated stuff to do, which starts to feel repetitive after a while. The game does get frequent updates though. The furry stuff can be scaled satisfyingly low, so it should not hinder anyone from trying the game out.
    Overall score: huge tits/5!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    somewhat my fav game so far XD,
    it has about almost everything for everyone, costomizable in almost every way, and semi gud story in itself too, i actualy probs would donate to the creator, for its still being fined tuned, but i still love it as it is

    but yeah, theres still alot of bugs to the game to be improved on, but for a 3d sandbox exploration game as well~ its pretty dope, and dont mind the bugs
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    it's super fun to play with! worth to be supported. Beautifully crafted, hope got more interaction with the NPC, and different colors for the monster. best breeding game out there so far! thank you developers
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    You can have giant monmusu themed waifus via 3D gfx. I would enjoy it a bit more if there was a wider range of sizes for each type, maybe a cheat code to enable that (maybe a double/ 1.5x size cheat for nephelym would be cool imo and/or the ability to add/remove traits with cheat mode on).

    Plot isn't fleshed out despite the starting area kind of implying there should be, but really if they go a bit more sanbox breeder sim with it that's way better than so many monster breeder games that dead end trying to make a story that gets sidetracked by patrons and content creep. The core is there, and its pretty good.

    I hope they integrate the shops to being more relevant and useful though or cue the player into them being useful, because I never felt the need to tbh, lol.
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 223118

    Almost every female is fat. The "jiggle physics" make females that shouldn't look fat - have fat level of jiggles. Just seems like a fat fetish game and bad figures all.

    trait breeding is mediocre compared to the predecessor of breeding seasons.

    Not my style of game. Really shallow. Bad performance. I don't understand the draw for this game unless you really like the figures of the girls. But anyone who has any desire for fitness, tomboy aesthetic, petite, or etc will need to look elsewhere.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So to start I follow this game since version 0.3 and now we are at version 0.753. I will start by saying that the game has been greatly improved since those beginnings, we can see that the developer is passionate about the creation of his game.

    Positive points:
    -The game is constantly improving
    -Graphics are good enough for UE4
    -I really like the colors of the game
    -A wide variety of species and personalization
    -The Open World is big
    -Progress is rapid

    Negative points:
    -Barns are too small for some species (Sylvan)
    -Somewhat repetitive once the world is fully discovered
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    The epic-ness, expanse and visuals of the game! I love watching the run across Climax Peak and across Cove of Rapture, running alongside the aqueduct ruins into Amorous Hallows, and even the cave underneath in Homestead! love the grand landscape, I think the Petra scene blew me away. I love the animations and polish, the Creator Editor, and variety and the depth of details in everything... the whole concept is so wholesome and I have agreed 100% with the tastes here. I will keep supporting!!!!! Fantastic game. Well designed developed. No bugs or crashes. Very smooth and most polished game out there. Incredibly rich detail and simple to follow. Cool animations and lots of animations from the get go, without need for any tutorial. Most important of all, it's FUN.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I had been wanting to play this game for quite some time. It reminded me of an older browser game that I use to play. Not sure how much correlation there really is between the two. But never the less I needed to see it for myself.

    And I can honestly say that I love this game. Five stars says enough. And all I can say is, Mega Slime I am so so sorry... I was going to be your new friend, but I feel horrible for what I have done to you.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    So i had 3 A4 worth of pages written on this game but misclicked outside the submit rating button and now i've lost the entire review. So I'm gonna summarize my thoughts quickly

    The game has no respect for player time. Huge empty spaces and distances per location with fast travel not unlocked until way late in the game, a slow movement speed, shops that cant hand any more than a fraction of the output you can reach within 30 mins of playing the game. Subpar animations, no music.

    The abandoned original Breeding season was both more finished and more of an actual game than this is. Avoid until maybe 1.2 of completed official release. So check back in 10 years.

    Heres some very quick fixes to improve gameplay QoL:
    Make sprint speed into default, then double that and use that as new sprint speed.
    Have the unit descriptors on the breeding menu turned on by default. Allow players to minimize if they want to (or even better, remember what the last used setting was) but just use "Show traits" as the new default.
    Put fast travel earlier in the game.
    Double merchant money stock.
    Reduce the time surprise sex and blowjobs take. Let players stay in the animation if they want to but You shouldnt need to wait 2 minutes for a blowjob to finish before you can start actally playing the game again.

    Edit: I just felt like saying that i really wanted to enjoy this game. I dont think theres a single management game on f95 in this style i haven't tested and this is by far the most drainingly dull one so far. Theres worse ones by gameplay but you can actually play their mechanics uninterupted instead of having to do a 5 minute walk between new interactions.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    Breeders of the Nephelym is an enjoyable, interactive openworld 3D game... This is gonna be a long review... Now, where do i start?

    Well, first things first, even though furry stuff isn't even close to any of my kinks, no offense to anyone who loves that, I managed to like this and played it through the end and most of the stuff didn't even bothered me. Why i started playing, is the tag of incest, which i love as a pornographic concept. The original state of the game doesn't include incest. Not anymore that is. It used to have that as a mechanic and you didn't have to mod incest in it back in the day, but it changed because of the bullshit decisions of patreon. Thanks to an awesome person called Poplan, who restored incest into game so you can enjoy it to it's full potential. Seriously, world needs more awesome people like Poplan. Good job bud.

    Ok, let's continue with gameplay. It's pretty straight forward. Controls are fine and responsive. You can run, sprint and jump. Walk & run animation for male character looks horrible, feels weird and screams at you that it is copied from female character. Kind of a downer but game redeems itself by it's other great animaitons.

    You have a lust meter that fills when you rest or interract and satisfy the creatures you find on the map. You have another meter that unlocks after a certain event and it morphs you into a creature you captured or brood, but i have never used it after seeing what it is so i can't tell you more.

    There is a mouse-click quicktime event when you are engaging with creatures, if you fail, you'll lose your lust and the chance of capturing the creature. Make sure to find the NPC that builds the correct housing for the creature you want to capture. You can't keep them otherwise. Don't forget that you can be forcefully used by creatures like you do to them. For some positions, you have no control over the outcome. So watch out, no quicktime event for some animations. And if you lack the lust and get attacked, you'll go down under. There aren't any dangers on the map. If you fall to you death or get snoo snoo'ed to death, you are resurrected by a mysterious figure and have to pay a toll. I'll let you figure out what's the toll.

    Once you capture a creature, you can keep it or walk away. If you capture it, you can use it in your homebase to create creatures with simliar traits or sell it to a certain NPC to gain some sort of currency. You can use that currency to learn new positions from an NPC but you'll get to that NPC in very late game. This is a poor decision on developer's part and needs to change immediately to prevent burnouts in my opinion. You keep doing the same thing over and over again up until that point of meeting her. There are different size of creatures and not all positions work with all of them. You'd think at least some animations would work based on the size and animations of some other creatures that corresponds to other creatures, but it doesn't. Also, some animations you are using isn't available at your home base but it is while you are capturing the creature, which is a bummer. But developer is working on to add more or make some animations compatible with other creatures.

    Game's main currency is very important. There are several ways to earn them like milking your creatures and selling the product to a certain NPCs. Or you can try to breed a certain kind of creatures for some anonymous requests that are sent to you via a quest board. You can use this currency to build houses for different creatures or to increase your stats. In all forms, trade system works great. I don't know what the developer did different but i didn't feel like i was running a chore once, no matter how many times i did the same thing. Normally stuff like this feels tedious, but not in this game. Just awesome.

    Your objective is to open up all the gates on the map. You need keystones to open up those gates. To acquire most of them, you have to do favors to several NPC's around the map. But there is a catch. Keystones need precise know how and there are no hints on how to proceed in game. Certain NPC's are at certain places on the map, and they give their keystones for you to open gates in condition of gettin specific creatures with specific traits. And not all creatures are at the same part of the map. You reach to them by opening gates, and there is a high chance you will lock your progress in one wrong move if you open a gate prematurely and waste your keystone. I was extremely lucky to save my progress to a different slot each time. My suggestion is that if you don't wanna use a walkthrough, save your game to a different slot before opening a gate. About the story of the game, having it is a plus in games like these. Although it is extremely ridicilous, isn't even consistent in itself, you have a story. You don't play games like these for the story anyway.

    This game made me wanna wish it was longer even though it kept me busy for a couple of days. While i played, I thought it would be good to have some options like fps mode while engaging and to have two protagonist as male and female to try different stuff. Also, would be great to see some other action like combat, with all those creatures going and lumbering around. Like you have to beat the alpha male creature to get your way with the ladies but oh well. It is not necessary i guess. This is a pretty casual game that doesn't wanna test and stress you out. All the things i wrote would need fine tuning the challange and what not. So, i guess it's tough luck.

    With all that's said, Breeders of the Nephelym is a unique and fun game to play. Give it a try even if you are not into furries. It is better looking and balanced than most of the 3D games out there. If you do, you'll have options once you start playing depening on your preference. Like it was so nice of the developer to turn off futa for people like me. But the downside is that it's necessary if you want to see every single combination of creatures you can create, because there are no male counterparts for most of the creatures. I only had access to limited number of hybrid creatures but i don't feel like i've missed so much.

    And that's it, that's all i can say about this awesome game. It has it's quirks but good parts redeems all the bad ones. My rating is 4/5, I strongly believe that it can be made and engineered to perfection.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an ok game, though I praise the graphics mainly. Though, little to no story exists, but the game can be treated as a sandbox/Adventure type game. It's a good game if you have nothing else to do.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    idk when they addet the "quests" and the "keys" but these ruined the game for me tbh.

    while the current animations are limited and kinda lame (for example cowgirl, yeah it looks like it, its a 2 second loop but thats it. speeding it up doesnt change anything in the way they moan, they all moan the same etc so its kinda boring) i always enjoyed the game for playing with many different races and being able to fuck them.

    i loved the "hybrid" race etc.

    but the quests and keys really ruined this game for me. i always cheated because the grinding was waaaaaay too much so i cant really judge it but you could just go in, go wheverever and get whatever race you want.

    now you have to breed them to finish quests and get keys to unlock new areas. turning this into an even grind heavier game its absolutely terrible. for me this really ruined it.

    i hope we get a "free play" mode where we just have access to every race thats all i want.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v 0.751.4 Alpha]

    I love this game, but it makes me wanna tear hair out sometimes. Be it mine or the dev's or the community's.

    Art's the reason I play it; tits jiggle and the faces aren't TOO potato-y. Fappalicious.

    Writing is both as token as it should be in a sandbox breeding game, and simultaneously in the way. More on this later. Voice is as good as one should expect, characters are good enough, blahblahblah get out of my way I'm here for tits.

    Porn is fine. Poses and tits are good. Animation's a bit unpolished and the poses aren't terribly fluid but it's all done well enough that somebody unexpectedly walking through your door will make you embarrassed rather than wanting to shout "Hay come over here and catcall this with me." Always a good sign.

    Gameplay has its ups and downs. I like breeding games; a lot. The character stats don't seem to affect much beyond completionism and the inheritance of physical features needs worked on a bit. The worst bit for me is the feeling that everytime something is added it's got a 50/50 shot of being annoying rather than cool. I don't need fall damage in a porn game, or long roads with fuckall on them or gated-off sections. Add more species, or quit removing ones I like.

    TLDR: I bitch, therefore I care.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the the way that devs is changing gameplay isnt gonna make it. It was WAY better when it was easier to get to the "adult" part, because in the latest versions you probably have to use walkthrough to progress.
    But the "adult" part is great, could only wish for more variations of poses for "breeding".
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are into the art .. play this!!! Its grindy and you cant stop ^^. alot of customization and different 'breeds' . have fun guys its excellent. pls continue to develop ! it has so much potential to even be more !!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2786345

    Ok the start sucks, no tutorial had to play with cheats. But its in alpha. This game though blew what i was expecting standards wise out of the water. Grade A job man, this is so much more than i was expecting. I will definitely stay posted on this and when i can ill donate some cash to this soon to be masterpiece.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I love content with chubby Girls with Big boobies and bouncy ass if you like it too this title is must have for you
    Have some bugs but still exelent game best of this tipe for me have next gen graphic and good phisics
    I can’t waiting for more!