Ren'Py - Camp Mourning Wood [v0.0.15.2] [Exiscoming]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the characters, story, and art, but there are a lot of technical glitches and grammatical issues that hold it back, as well as some needed polish. For example, I think we should be able to see the camera charge and friendship level of the characters, as it's pretty useful to know about it. Another issue is that it's a bit slow, as character progression often take a whole day to complete one part, which can be a bit much. Still, I quite like it and how it gets polished to something better than before.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It could probably stand to have a faster start, but once this gets going it's a fun sandbox: decent comedy writing paired with porn/plot/porn as plot.

    I can get why somebody would bounce off of the first 30 minutes or so, since you have to spend about an in-game week with a character before anything really fun happens, and several of them are obnoxious until you hit a deeper conversation at rank 4 or so. Get over that hump and there's plenty to do and see.

    If anything, it could stand to get weirder: more monster-on-girl action, more monster-girl scenes/love interests, more variety in the repeatable scenes.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    - good artstyle, honestly even very good, H scenes not animated tho
    - very boring gameplay, i didnt focus too much on this game but overall you end up clicking and moving around camp trying to find anything new to do, usually you have to click each girl few times to progress story, dunno, it just could be more interesting or anything, instead its just click till you progress gameplay with some story that isnt exactly interesting either
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6471677

    It's not bad, the scenes are acceptable and abundant. It still some how drags cause it does that "only one thing a day" style of gameplay that I hate. Like just move some storylines to the night so i can grind two girls at once. To be honest i didn't get very far since i only really found a few girls attractive.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    It had some potential since i thought it was a fun idea with MC being kicked out of hes home with hes sister and forced into a reform camp with all girls, sounds kinda promissing right?

    The camp is hunted by deamons or something and MC has to fight them by using a camara that runs out of energy all the time and can be charged by sexual favors from girls and in some other ways as well.

    The girls personalities dident really do much for me, they feel to easy and more like whores that will sell nudes or do shit with MC for tokens you earn in camp doing work or they simply just trow them selfs at MC.
    Also to much lesbian shit

    But its pretty much just a mindless fuckfest game even though you can say no to some girls? or atleast i think you can, but alot will be forced on you like the goblin and Hazel or any other monster girl i guess.

    Girls 4/5
    The girls them selfs looks good and its well made art that arent the normal stuff you see all the time so thats refreshing.

    Animations 1/5
    Animations though? it has the tag but ive seen no animated sex scenes at best its picture to picture stuff and alot is not even that, so thats a bit of a let down and really shouldent have tag as animated.

    Sandbox 2/5
    The sandbox is a bit meh, you do alot of quests but rewards are pretty pointless most of the times you just get a photo of some kind, not really fun in any way.

    Having a hard time understand how it got this high ratings, animations alone should lower it quite a bit, and having forced LIs and a main story that is at best meh, i guess im just not seeing what others are.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    massive improvements from the devs previous games in every aspect aside from the most important one- the porn

    every character, including the mc is stupid af. all of the scenes are filled with porn logic. the art is good but its completely held back by the writing. you literally break into your camp counselors room at night and she goes "oh no you broke into my room and found a naked picture of me that i keep hidden in my dresser. i better fuck you so nobody finds out" like come on man wtf is that

    i dont even mind the grind that other people are complaining about. but at least make the scenes hot with decent writing
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    To start off: the version title "" and the disclaimer upon starting that the game is a "demo" are massively underselling the amount there is to do in the game. There are H-games being sold as "early access" on Steam and Itch that have less content than this game already has.

    Exiscoming has already firmly established himself as a great H-game dev with Orange Trainer and Paprika Trainer, and if you like those games, I think you'll like this one. In some aspects, it's obviously a departure from his tried-and-true formula—original characters instead of a parody, dating sim instead of a trainer, fantasy instead of sci-fi—but all of those elements work, and Exiscoming's talent for writing likable characters, designing interesting game systems, and drawing H-scenes hasn't gone anywhere.

    With all of that said, I do have a few gripes, which don't really detract from my overall enjoyment but are worth noting.

    The first is something of a carryover from Exiscoming's previous games: both Orange Trainer and Paprika Trainer had a habit of having a massive amount of game systems tucked away very obscurely and communicated very opaquely, such that you can beat the game and come away feeling like you missed entire facets of it. I'm already seeing some hints of that in CMW, but not to the same extent, and I think adding a better-functioning quest journal will help quite a bit, as it's still a bit buggy.

    The second thing is the main character's writing. Like, the protagonists in previous Exiscoming games were weirdos too, don't get me wrong, but I don't get the whole "El Presidente" thing. Like, I'm not Hispanic, but it doesn't strike me as offensive, just a weird choice that doesn't really have anything to do with the rest of the game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: [v0.0.4.3]
    20 minutes of beautiful content hiding behind hours of awful gameplay.

    I'm gonna keep this one short - the art is really really nice, like REALLY nice.
    The story is... well... It's there and its interesting enough, you arrive at camp and a bunch of supernatural evil things are happening, you need to figure out what the hell is going on and try to save the camp.
    The different characters and LIs are fine, not very deep or interesting but the dialogues are serviceable, pretty average overall.

    The 'gameplay' is absolutely miserable.
    It's another sandbox (yay!) that is somewhat annoying to navigate, the quests are alright to 'what the fuck' (Maybe I can find a key? means get that random key hanging from the neck of a random character in a limited event that happens once a month), you spam dialogue options to recharge energy and recycle junk you randomly pick up to afford recharging your energy.
    Oh also find random things and hidden arrows to click on in the background to progress some stuff.
    The quest log is unhelpful usually, the inventory is unintuitive and in general the UX feels really bad.

    The worst part is you spend so long navigating the camp, clicking on random things, spamming energy recharge and trying to figure out random quests for so little payoff, the time and effort to reward ratio is quite bad.
    For me at least, it ain't it. which is a real shame because the art truly is great.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    Randomness in video games is both essential and fake. If you're an aspiring game developer, porn or other wise take this to heart, virtually no video game ever has true randomness, it is almost always stacked in the players favor, or is stackable.

    Now then camp morning wood. CMW is a standard ren'py adventure game where you're the only male in the world and you just NEED to fuck every female with in the surrounding area in order to save the world from evil monsters and whatnot.

    The scene art is very good, depicts a more realistic display of the female form, nothing wrong with that. The world art is more akin to some cal arts shit which isn't nearly as appealing but it could easily be worse.

    The gameplay seems standard for a while, go to place, interact with girl improve relationship, bang!! That's all well and good but then that randomness comes into play. There are a lot of specific quirks to this game I don't feel are worth explaining here but one that sticks out is exploring. for quite a few different reasons you need to explore the forest to obtain new things be they words be they mushrooms doesn't matter. What does matter is this action takes the entire day, there are 4 time instances morning, noon, evening, and night, most of what you need to do can only be done during the morning or noon, almost nothing in the game only uses one time instance so what ends up happening is you need to pick between advancing each girls individual story or exploring the woods, being able to advance a girls story with one instance and explore with the other would solve that problem but no it's one or the other and since one leads to sex scenes, otherwise known as "the only fucking reasons anyone plays these games" and the other doesn't the choice becomes obvious. However the game assumes you're going to explore a lot, for some reason and ties the main story to it, But the developer of the game doesn't know that randomness in games isn't real and so for the first couple of hours of me playing I believed the forest was bugged and didn't actually have the things I needed to progress the main story. It was only after reading the walkthrough that I found out it wasn't and I just needed to explore more. So I spent 15 days exploring the forest, doing nothing else because you can only do one thing a day and finally I found ONE of the THREE things I needed to progress the story. Later it took me 30 to find the one thing I needed to progress.

    This shit was a fucking chore, especially if you do what everyone on the planet will inevitably do which is advance the girls stories then explore. I assume based off context that the plan will be to give the player the ability to explore more efficiently but right now it fucking sucks and is way to important to the story.

    If you find the art to be appealing and you want to invest a little time feel free, otherwise steer clear for now, hopfully my main gripe will get resolved and I can change my rating, because besides that one problem the game is pretty good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.0.4.3

    Overview: Save the camp, save the world, get the girls

    Story: Strap in because this is like 4 different games stuffed into a blender and put on puree. You are the son of the dictator of a country that is being deposed or something. Along with your "personal assistant" (actually sister) you are sent to a former all girls summer camp (the fact that you are a man is apparently not a problem) that has been turned into the whitest collar prison in the world. The place is in shambles from a lack of care, and maybe because it is situated in the middle of haunted monster woods. On the day you arrive all hell breaks loose, but then it's a month before you arrive and you have 30 days to corrupt the three main love interests and fix up the camp so you can somehow escape before the monsters arrive.

    Except that at the end of those 30 days the clock just resets and you continue on as normal. You don't even lose corruption progress until the one time where you do. This is the kind of prison camp where there are basically no guards, no set schedule, and a wall on only one side. You are free to wander through the woods anytime you like, but most of your days are spent working with one girl at a time to fix up her part of the camp (pool, cafeteria, and stage) while getting slightly closer each time, all the way to the point where you're sticking them with your big meatstick. There are a handful of sidequests as well, some of which you can fail and miss content.

    Gameplay: Pure sandbox. Most of the grind is just fixing up bits of the camp and grinding money. The money grind is pretty important because charging your magical anti-monster camera requires quite a lot of cash, with the two easy to acquire upgrades a full charge requires 100 coins and repeating sex scenes 10 times. It's kinda tedious. There is a sidequest where you can earn monster eggs by playing a minigame that drains your battery, but the monster egg rewards are mediocre won't even pay for the camera energy they need so it's kind of a waste.

    The RNG is really annoying in this game. At one point you need to find a particular wall in the forest 3 times, and the game was just refusing to show it to me. Day after day after day. The game was held up for weeks just trying to get that third view of the wall. Then afterward I got it another 4 times without even trying.

    Bugs: I ran into a couple of bugs in my playthrough. On one of the monster invasion nights you can use your camera to discover stuff, like a key to a chest in one of the girl's cabins and a set of lockpicks. I got both, but neither appeared in my inventory and I wasn't able to interact with the locked chest. I also installed a gem viewing table and was told that it was a nonfunctional work in progress, even though I already had a gem for it. Later I got a second gem and suddenly it was working.

    Art: I like the art. It's just the right level of detail and very sexy. I have a soft spot (and hard spot) for hand drawn games.

    Conclusion: I love the story in this game. It's totally bonkers but so imaginitive and engaging. It's so much fun and yet the sex scenes are so hot. Everything you could ask for in a pornogame.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Lot of potential, needs QoL updates to make traversing and exploration more fluid and interesting. Main character needs to stop talking in the 3rd person. Seriously it makes any and all dialogue annoying when he's saying shit like "El Presidente Jr. will look into this!" Have him talk like a normal ass person.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game came out of nowhere. New to the scene, so there's still lots of content coming. It loses points for how short it plays, but don't let that stop you from enjoying what we've had. The concept is original in itself, which makes the story fun and engaging. There are a few missteps in the writing here and there, but generally speaking, it's well-polished. It's the touch of humour where CMW shines. You'll find yourself laughing and smiling in delight during many of the player interactions. The stories are light but adventurous. The characters are all different and interesting. The art is impeccable but doesn't remain consistent during h-scene animations. Honestly, these are more nit-picks than anything, and CMW sets itself up to become an excellent sandbox AVN as each update releases.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Version played v0.,0,3,1|:

    Story wise, silly but enjoyable and really that is all that matters, the plot doesn't have to be realistic for porn to work.

    Sandbox: It is still quite barren, a decent amount of areas have been added with little content at the moment and other areas being quite closed off, that being said it's no pixel hunting maze and it is relatively straightforward with not that much grind for the main content (just don't try to complete all the quests, the pixel hunty side quests will not really give you much anyway)

    Visually I find it quite attractive, there are enough scenes and the girls are pretty good.
    Considering the time since the first release the pace is quite good. However it is unclear if this continues to be the case into future or if things get diluted or abandoned.

    I would generally recommend playing this, with the expectation of future content. If this were to be abandoned in it's current state it would not really be worth it, just to put tings into perspective.

    Now enough rambling, time to press the submit rating button and never look back.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play. Great art, unique mechanics, decent UI.

    Story is somewhat silly, but the execution is done very well. Find myself wanting more. Im invested.

    Wish the creator used SubscribeStar for support, but sadly only Patreon.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is just great. it has comedy, it's not complicated and has a good pacing and no stressful grinding.
    the art is good and the only thing I think that's actually missing would be animations to make it even better.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this, and not just from a "I wanna fap" perspective. I liked the story and the characters. It was grindy, but not overtly so. Though there doesn't seem to be any benefit or penalty in keeping up one of the mechanics. I don't really want to give anything away and its possible that will change in the future. All in all though, I look foreword to seeing where this goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    i love it great art good story. hoping for sleep fun and noncon scenes, but these are good sluts. looking forward to more updates. rated 5 stars, enjoyed it a lot. need 200 characters to post review. dont know how many im at but im all out of things to say.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    tl;dr : game good, play game, support dev.

    Still early so not too much content, but everything there is excellent.

    Sandbox is done right, which is quite rare : critical path stuff is easy to find, yet there's room for hidden goodies ("pixel hunt") here and there.

    Writing is pleasant to read, girls are each very unique, this is a game that will make you want to actually read (and enjoy) what's going on instead of fast-forwarding everything.
    Surprisingly, the main story itself is engaging and not a mere prelude to see boobs.

    Then there's the graphics. Oh, my, the art... As far as I'm concerned, it's absolutely top-notch. Shapes are clear and concise, girls are.. I mean, look at the screenshots : hot, exciting, gorgeous. Better still, they're not all identical and the fantasy setting + 2D hand-drawn allows for quite a few exotic stuff (doe hazel <3)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Had quite a bit of fun with this one. Early project but very engaging and already give you a few fun hours of gameplay. I mean it is already very entertaining. Loved the characters and art. Very promising project. I hope to see more fantasy creatures and I hope the dev won't forget to have anal options for all characters.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Controls: All clicking. Either clicking through dialogue or an accuracy minigame.
    Interface: Ren’py interface for dialogue, with occasional choices.
    Plot: Entertaining and unique. Imagine if Camp Pinewood wasn’t terrible.
    Characters: Good, with different motivations.
    Typos: Don’t remember any.
    Models: Models are well made.
    Animations: N/A.
    Background: Well drawn, with changes based on progress.
    Music: N/A.
    Effects: Lots of well used effects.
    Voices: N/A.