More than expected tbh.
It wasn't quite enough of any particular thing for my tastes.
What I mean is the characters weren't quite interesting enough, storylines weren't quite interesting enough, and the sex wasn't quite enough. It did have a good sprinkling of many things that kept me playing though.
I think it suffers from the choice of having it be sandbox. Really the story is quite linear with sandbox functionality that just eats time and patience.
However, if the full fledged game has enough rewarding content for each sandbox area then I could see it being a good model.
Currently there is a decent amount of content to see what the game is like and the idea intended. I hope I am correct in saying it is about 1/6 of the way to a complete game. Or less,. If it's closer to say, half the future content... eh. Would be unfortunate.
Art: 5/5
I really like the art style and it is pretty good.
Characters: 3/5
They're somewhat unique but not much depth.
Story: 4/5
I like the story but it has very little explanation or reason for caring beyond disaster otherwise.
Grind: 3/5
It is somewhat grindy, but tbh I ignored the grind and it didn't get in the way much. I expect it will in the future though? Hopefully not. But I see the system for it and wouldn't be surprised.
imo, needs better rewards or repeatable sex etc for the grind.
Sex: 2/5
Not very much. Mostly nudity.
A hell of a lot less peeping than i was expecting for a camp setting.
Enjoyment: 3.5/5
It held my attention until I ran out of content. So ya. I'd say I enjoyed it. It wasn't super rewarding otherwise though.
I don't remember or care about the characters. The sex was forgettable, for what little there was. And I've mostly already forgotten the nudity I have seen. *shrug*
More than expected tbh.
It wasn't quite enough of any particular thing for my tastes.
What I mean is the characters weren't quite interesting enough, storylines weren't quite interesting enough, and the sex wasn't quite enough. It did have a good sprinkling of many things that kept me playing though.
I think it suffers from the choice of having it be sandbox. Really the story is quite linear with sandbox functionality that just eats time and patience.
However, if the full fledged game has enough rewarding content for each sandbox area then I could see it being a good model.
Currently there is a decent amount of content to see what the game is like and the idea intended. I hope I am correct in saying it is about 1/6 of the way to a complete game. Or less,. If it's closer to say, half the future content... eh. Would be unfortunate.
Art: 5/5
I really like the art style and it is pretty good.
Characters: 3/5
They're somewhat unique but not much depth.
Story: 4/5
I like the story but it has very little explanation or reason for caring beyond disaster otherwise.
Grind: 3/5
It is somewhat grindy, but tbh I ignored the grind and it didn't get in the way much. I expect it will in the future though? Hopefully not. But I see the system for it and wouldn't be surprised.
imo, needs better rewards or repeatable sex etc for the grind.
Sex: 2/5
Not very much. Mostly nudity.
A hell of a lot less peeping than i was expecting for a camp setting.
Enjoyment: 3.5/5
It held my attention until I ran out of content. So ya. I'd say I enjoyed it. It wasn't super rewarding otherwise though.
I don't remember or care about the characters. The sex was forgettable, for what little there was. And I've mostly already forgotten the nudity I have seen. *shrug*