
Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
I never really get this take, since at the same time I could just tell you to go watch porn then. Maybe because the sex content is a bit unique in comparison? But even then I'm sure you can find videos of the scenes if you look. Idk, I think the fun part about lewd games is that they can be both good in dialogue/gameplay AND lewd content.
Thank you for verbalizing my subconscious thoughts. Really, sites like rule34.xxx actually do have tags for hentai games that show in-game content and fan art, and a few additional tags will mostly ensure it's just the hentai parts of those games. So yes, for many hentai games out there you can truly skip the gameplay and find the video for just the hentai scene.

Yet the point of the game is the adventure. Lewd games are not so much a venue of porn as much as they are a flavor of game. For example, I went through the latest posted version of Carnal Instinct recently and experienced the gem of dialogue in the tutorial area that gave me the most ironic, heartful version of "go fuck yourself" I will ever witness in my entire life. The meaning in that context transformed the phrase beyond belief. If you want to find this scene yourself, find the frustrated cursed one and select the choice to keep the... "trinket".

That and the Romeo and Juliet style role-swapped lovers in town are some moments that can really only be experience in hentai games.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
ah yes genius take, play through the most jank bland rpg imaginable to get H-scenes. only a philistine couldnt want that
Then go to a different game. Or wait until this one isn't early in development anymore, if you can comprehend the difference between work in progress and finished product. Really, you can do both. Nothing is chaining you to one game while it's being developed.


Sep 29, 2017
I never really get this take, since at the same time I could just tell you to go watch porn then. Maybe because the sex content is a bit unique in comparison? But even then I'm sure you can find videos of the scenes if you look. Idk, I think the fun part about lewd games is that they can be both good in dialogue/gameplay AND lewd content.
"Just porn" isn't interactive. That is the main pull of porn games. Interactive sex. Combat gameplay is only ever just window dressing IMO.
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Active Member
Jun 27, 2017
"Just porn" isn't interactive. That is the main pull of porn games. Interactive sex. Combat gameplay is only ever just window dressing IMO.
Think we are just going to disagree on a fundamental level in what we look for in porn games. I do agree the interactiveness is part of the draw, but I'm not rushing through everything to get to those scenes. It's the whole experience together I enjoy, as janky as it may be sometimes. And that's not even getting into things like VNs.


Feb 4, 2024
Played this for like 2 hours.
60% of running around the big, boring map (but hey, at least it has nice UE5 graphics that didn't burn my mobile 1650 on silent mode somehow)
25% of talking to the generic NPCs and completing their generic boring quests (most of them were nicely voiced tho, it sounded REALLY GOOD for such game)
14.5% of fighting dumb AI enemies with the same combo over and over again
0.5% of actual H content

God I wish this game was actually unique and not the most generic RPG you can imagine with very little H content that is not even the part of the gameplay but just a scene after you choose certain dialogue option... Even tho the only H scene I've seen after playing for 2 hours was good, I didn't even get a boner because it took me so long to see it and I was very bored. Maybe I'd get to it a bit faster if I wasn't completing random quests along the way. I've been completing them because I thought I'll get some items/currency or at least H scenes as a reward but I'm not even sure if I got anything after completing them (at least I didn't see anything appear in my inventory). Honestly it was even more boring than latest AC games, which means IT'S VERY BORING. Idk if it's even worth playing tbh, if all H content it has atm are these 3 intimate encounters marked on the map. If so, then it's really sad that devs have put so much effort into nothing. This game does a bad job on everything except models and voicing (I'm not sure about H content because as I said, I've seen only 1 scene which is not enough to make a conclusion yet)
Correction: (ERPG) Now... Generic? When was the last time you saw an Egyptian aesthetic game of this quality... and for that matter... what were you expecting from an incomplete game?

I don't. I hate most mainstream AAA games. You thought like that because of the comparison with AC? Modern AC games are some of the most boring AAA RPG games out there, that's why I've compared them, that doesn't mean that I expect Carnal Instinct to be as big and match their quality. I've simply said that this game is the most boring RPG in it's current state and it's not unique in any way when it comes to gameplay (well, again, I was talking about UE5 version, I didn't try UE4 version because I had no idea they were so different, thread creator should've mentioned this near the download links)
And like you said yourself, Incomplete; this isn't even valid criticism... This is a biased opinion that completely overshadows the game's state of development and, furthermore, subverts your expectations of the completed product.

Also, you shouldn't "Expect" them to make this game anything like a AAA or even what your envisioned ideal of what it should be.


Feb 4, 2024
This is a porn game ffs, if I wanted interesting gameplay and soulful dialogue I'd play Witcher or something.
And like in my reply to another post.

This is planning on being a ERPG, not a fapbox. Play Wild Life or something of the like if you want to get straight to the sex.
Discussions are for clear understanding, review, and editorial advice from players... not a battleground of what the game should be, or how you are mad you couldn't fap within two seconds of opening the game.

And keyword here "Advice" as in, advising the devs of what they should do next... not telling them what to do; this knowledge would be apparent had any of you actually looked into the game's state of development, direction, and planning, rather than seeing good graphics, futanari lizard women, and immediately downloading without a second thought.

"Just porn" isn't interactive. That is the main pull of porn games. Interactive sex. Combat gameplay is only ever just window dressing IMO.
And like you said yourself, interactive media portraying NSFW content... how the gameplay is, and how the content earned is not strict. That is up to the vision of the developers; meaning that in your case... you'd be better off playing Skyrim with 500 adult mods or... Wild Life.

Anyway... These are my two-cents on you horny bastards, I will now go watch a T.V series about mechanical construction vehicles shaped like dinosaurs and chill.


Nov 25, 2017
for a sole reason that the game has either a poor autosave or none is a minus for me
loosing a lot of progress just because npcs attacked you while in inventory just ruins it for me
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Jun 30, 2021
So for the people who have been watching this game longer, the spring update for this game is usually in April right? or would it be May?


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
baldur's gate 4 looking great
Nice that you like the game but really it's more Skyrim by design. If you want another "Baldur's Gate 3" experience, rewind back a few years to play Larian's DOS:2. Otherwise if you want a BG1/2 style experience, try Planescape Torment.

Now on to my playtest notes for the latest build.

I speedran the latest build this weekend and there's definitely more sex in both proper scenes and NPC world animations. That said I didn't get to see all the sex animations because I'm here to do all the quests and take inventory of sex content later.

My short notes: Rejoice, the highest dialogue check in-game now only needs 10 presence instead of 20, that's 2/3 points of a single levelup instead of all 3 points of 4 levelups each. The new climbing system is useful, there's much more essence to collect in the world than before for unlocking physical forms, and the shipwrecked anubites quest extends into an optional dungeon quest with a proper though stereotype stealth section and boss battle that unlocks a sex scene and extra quest later. This team knows plenty about good scene choreography but residual bugs around the anubites proves they're not up to spec with quest programming yet - once again I had to revert to an earlier save because the anubites suddenly vanished and made turning their quest in impossible.

Pro tips for the shipwrecked anubites quest: avoid touching the fishing boats up north at all cost. You may as well skip the anubites' weapon recovery too, because killing the kravenrook is a better option. Your possible results in this quest are: a) evacuate them for the weak-but-okay end that saves theier lives but nothing else, b) give them their weapons for the worst ending that kills them all, or c) beat the kravenrook and give its decapitated head to the captain after informing the priestess so you save them and unlock a sex scene and follow-up quest with the priestess. The follow up quest currently does not exist yet but dialogue is set for it.

Past that, Pleasure Island is busier now.
Knowing the sex game community, it was probably due to their frequent criticism that the game needs more sex animations. The sex game community tends to derail gameplay development for sex so credit where due, the game got a healthy addition of both this update. I'm not sure if the bad pregnancy-related bugs got fixed (I didn't spare time to test), but odd item-spawning bugs and Damaris' lines did get fixed.

Nifty though unimportant fluff and factoids in my run: a few NPCs wear non-encounterable clothing variations, like red bandages and blue civilian clothes. There appears to be no white anubite armor collar without the helmet, but that's a very easy fix. There's giant humanoid skeletal remains in the abandoned ruins up North-West so lore may talk about giants and even give us one as a boss. Along with the 2-handed sword I also finally found the axe weapon (attacked wagon's corpse lets you loot it) and it's an easy to miss though an often weak choice due to lack of bleed possibility on common and important enemies - stone and bone. I wish lootable weapons glowed, because the fact that weapons can be unlootable decoration static meshes in the world makes jaded players miss out on cool unlocks.

TL;DR for lazies: Pleasure Island has significantly more sex to see and have now. You can save the anubites by killing the beast that was stalking them in a dungeon and unlock an additional sex scene. Starting area is more fun. No new equipment or forms yet. World showing more locations that will be used later.

What I'm waiting for: either a statement about the starting area finally being finished, or a debug-mode kind of placeholder in which we can keep our old saves and go back to the start area every update to see what has changed. It would significantly speed up playtesting to only come back for newly added content instead of restarting fresh every time. Granted, this game bugs out often so I'm not sure they could manage that without adding more bugs.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2021
Ok, where exactly can I find her? I have version UE4 from this site
"Liquid gold" quest (Nappona Estate location).
If you kill the slaver, you can free the centaur..it's not the one you need to complete the quest, but the female is good too...for a bit of fun.;)
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