I'm glad you liked the game, I'll take a look at that bug you told me about.Man, what a great game. Contrats, Heisenbergo!
-Sorry if someone already reported that: I found a bug after you exit the train tunnel 1st time (while the lights are failing). If you exit the room while the lights are darkening, the next room become dark as well, and even the room above after you climb the hope (i fixed getting back to the train room and waitint the lights get brighter, then exiting again)
-About the eletric system minigame, its a little anoying but its not so hard. But if you thinking about redoing it, i sugest making it simple but giving damage on fails, so its more on a "survival horror" game tone. So doing it right its better, but people can simple "brute force it"
-I played without sound, so i cant complay about the moans,but the tits animation dont sound repetitive to me.
-As a personal note: Oh, please, dont add pregnancy. There are to many games over there with monsters and pregnancy (ok, maybe on a bad ending) but not on game. I also against monsters, but in a Resident Evil based game, i think i cant argument against it, at least on the classic iconic monsters (like hunters and dogs).
-On gameplay aspect (game doing great), but maybe the save rooms could be reworked a little. Im really a fan of some dificult on a hentai game, and less save options goes great with survival horror, but on a hentai game that can be a little frustrating. As a example, that part where you run off the slime in the vents, got a little away of the last save, and i lose it to find if you got a game over scene,and have to re-done it. Maybe a "continue" option to some parts? (instant dead ones) You can work on a score system to the end, where continues give you a bad end (will work well to add replay value, since most pleople will use it on first run).
-On story side, all thumbs up. You doing a great work buildind the pace of the story and on the sex.
Thanks for the awesome game so far
regarding the save points, I've been doing some testings to change it, I don't promise to change it for now but what I will do is to put save points more in a row.
lastly, I'm still thinking about adding pregnancies, anyway if I add them it will be in far future updates.
I wish you a good day